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Driving Ed Online offers DMV approved Drivers Education, Graduated Driver Licensing and Driver Training courses which meet all the state DMV requirements for teens who want to get their learners permit & Driver's License through Virtual Driving Online. Topic Covers Safe driving behavior, Creating safe drivers on Road. How to drive defensively, traffic signals, rules and regulations, types of parking, traffic infraction points and fines. Vehicle speed limits, car repair, car Insurance Coverage, Car Maintenance, performance.

2024 Before You Drive on a Long Trip; Fatigue, Stress, Taking Breaks | Defensive Driving, Traffic School, Drivers Ed Test Answers

If you have to drive on a long trip, wearing your seatbelt prevents your _______ from tiring so quickly.
A.) muscles
B.) brain
C.) feet
D.) fingers

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On long trips, you should take a break from driving every two hours.

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When taking a long road trip, plan rest stops before you leave - at least once every __________
A.) hour or 50 miles.
B.) two hours or 100 miles.
C.) four hours or 200 miles.

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two hours or 100 miles.

EXPLANATION: On long trips, take a break every 100 miles or 2 hours.

The daily driving limit for time spent behind the wheel should be no more than
A.) Two hours
B.) Two to four hours
C.) Six to eight hours
D.) A maximum of 12 hours

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Six to eight hours

You should take a break from driving when you become emotionally disturbed.

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In order to reduce stress when traveling, you should avoid ___________.
A.) Police officers
B.) Family members
C.) Rush-hour traffic
D.) Average travel speeds

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Rush-hour traffic

A map's ___________ explains its markings and symbols.
A.) legend
B.) border
C.) topography
D.) large print

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Using a map for trip planning can make driving
A.) slower.
B.) less stressful.
C.) more stressful.
D.) fuel efficient.

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less stressful.

Trip planning helps reduce
A.) driving distance.
B.) stress.
C.) insurance costs.
D.) both Choice A and Choice B.

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both Choice A and Choice B.

Before you leave for a trip, you should check your
A.) Tire condition
B.) Vehicle lights
C.) Fuel gauge
D.) All of the above

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All of the above

Before leaving for a trip, drivers should check
A.) road conditions.
B.) weather conditions.
C.) possible road construction work.
D.) all of the above.

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all of the above.

A pre-trip inspection will help you ____________.
A.) find problems that could cause a collision or breakdown
B.) avoid a post-trip inspection
C.) know how far you must travel
D.) save money on fuel

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find problems that could cause a collision or breakdown

To prevent fatigue from affecting your driving, you should take regularly scheduled breaks every two hours or every 100 miles.

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You can help prevent fatigue by __________
A.) getting as much rest as possible the night before driving.
B.) taking frequent rest stops.
C.) all of the above

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all of the above

EXPLANATION: You can help prevent fatigue by taking frequent rest stops and getting as much rest as possible the night before driving.

True or False: Fatigue is considered an impairment.

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EXPLANATION: Fatigue affects our reaction time, decreasing awareness and impairing judgment. Fatigue affects your ability to drive, just as alcohol or drugs affects it. Fatigue is an impairment.

Fatigue affects your body but not your mind.

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Fatigue is not considered an impairment.

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EXPLANATION: Fatigue affects our reaction time, decreasing awareness and impairing judgment. Fatigue affects your ability to drive, just as alcohol or drugs affects it. Fatigue is an impairment.

Can fatigue seriously impair one's driving ability.
A.) No
B.) Yes

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Talking to a passenger is one way to avoid fatigue while driving.

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To prevent fatigue affects your drive, you must bring un______.
A.) map
B.) hotel reservations
C.) a passenger to help with handling.

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a passenger to help with handling.

The onset of fatigue frequently coincides with the onset of_______.
A.) dayligt
B.) mid-day
C.) darkness

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EXPLANATION: Attack of fatigue often coincides with the attack of the dark. The onset of fatigue frequently coincides with the onset of darkness.

Attack of fatigue often coincides with the attack of____.
A.) Daylight
B.) half-day
C.) the dark

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the dark

EXPLANATION: Attack of fatigue often coincides with the attack of the dark. The onset of fatigue frequently coincides with the onset of darkness.

Allowing time for rest stops is one way to avoid fatigue while driving.

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Fatigue can be both ________________.
A.) Mental and physical
B.) Positive and negative
C.) Unexpected and fast
D.) Healthy and dangerous

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Mental and physical

To prevent fatigue from affecting your driving, you should bring a_______.
A.) map
B.) hotel reservations
C.) a passenger to help drive.

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a passenger to help drive.

Stress, emotions and fatigue will _____ affect one's ability to drive.
A.) always
B.) never
C.) sometimes
D.) usually

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Bringing a ______________ along with you on long road trips can help prevent fatigue from affecting your driving.
A.) Passenger to help drive
B.) pack of cigar
C.) bottle of beer
D.) loaded gun

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Passenger to help drive

Also find When Driving in the City, Urban; Traffic Jam - Defensive Driving, Traffic School, Drivers Ed Test Answers

2024 Dealing with Stress, Fatigue, Emotions While Driving on Road - Traffic School, Defensive Driving, Drivers Ed Test Answers

One way to reduce the effects of stress on driving is to:
A.) drink some hot coffee.
B.) allow for more driving time.
C.) pull over in a well-lit, safe area and take a nap.
D.) turn your radio up to keep you focused and awake.
E.) speed up and get to your destination.

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pull over in a well-lit, safe area and take a nap.

If you are upset or stressed while driving a good relaxation technique is to:
A.) Take 5 deep breaths
B.) Listen to talk radio
C.) Listen to music with a fast beat.

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Take 5 deep breaths

The physical reaction to stress is a survival trait known as _______
A.) Run and hide
B.) Moan and groan
C.) Fight or flight
D.) Fear or panic

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Fight or flight

The "flight or fight" response causes our bodies to be filled with adrenaline and other stress causing chemicals.

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________________________ are often displayed by the way people drive.
A.) Stress and aggression
B.) Tardiness and anxiety
C.) Happiness and comfort
D.) Fear and paranoia

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Stress and aggression

True or False: Cleaning your room or mowing the lawn is an example of a negative way of dealing with stress.

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HINT: In fact, Its one of the positive ways to deal with stress.

Stress causes physical and mental fatigue.

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Stress does not cause physical and mental fatigue.

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Stress can occur when good things as well as bad things occur.

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Stress is the reaction of our bodies and minds to anything that upsets the regular balance.

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EXPLANATION: Stress is the reaction of our bodies and minds to anything that upsets the regular balance. Stress can occur when bad things, as well as good things occur.

Which of the following is a positive way of dealing with stress?
A.) Getting some exercise
B.) Driving to the mall
C.) Trying to forget the stress
D.) Avoiding people you know

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Getting some exercise

The heartbeat increases in reaction to emotional stress.

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The heartbeat slows in reaction to emotional stress.

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One way to reduce stress is to:
ANSWER: Take some time to relax.

To reduce stress, _____________
A.) take out your aggressions on the road.
B.) take time to relax.
C.) refuse to adapt to change.
D.) all of the above

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all of the above

Do we need stress in our life?
A.) no
B.) yes

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True or False: Stress can effectively be relieved through physical activity, getting enough rest and sleep, and relaxation techniques.

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Stress is the reaction of our bodies and mds to anythg that upsets the regular balance.

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If you are upset or stressed, a good relaxation technique is to:
A.) Take 5 deep breaths
B.) Listen to talk radio
C.) Listen to music with a fast beat.

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Take 5 deep breaths

Knowing a condition exists is the first step toward controlling the effects of stress while driving.

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Too much stress in our life can seriously affect your physical and mental well-being.

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Stressful conditions involving your business and personal life will not affect driving.

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Stressful conditions involving one's personal or business life will affect safe driving and should be recognized as negative influences on driving habits.

The positive aspects of stress are_______.
The positive aspects of stress are:
A.) flavor
B.) challenge
C.) opportunity
D.) all of the above

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all of the above

The human body response to stress by going through how many stages?
A.) three stages
B.) two stages
C.) five stages

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three stages

EXPLANATION: the body response to stress by going through three stages: The alarm stage, the resistance stage, and the exhaustion stage.

The three stages of stress are Alarm, Resistance, and:
A.) Exhaustion.
B.) Tension.
C.) Anxiety.
D.) Strain.

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The driver with the wandering mind caused by stress, emotions or fatigue has ____ knowledge of the road.
A.) little
B.) much
C.) the same

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The driver with the wandering mind caused by stress, emotions or fatigue has a_______awareness of the road.
A.) decreased
B.) increased
C.) about the same

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The ability to anticipate and determine upcoming driving hazards and conditions are adversely affected by stress.
The ability to anticipate and determine upcoming driving hazards and conditions is adversely affected by stress.

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Having an appropriate attitude about driving would include which of the following?
A.) Using a hands free cell phone
B.) Driving a few miles home after consuming a beer or two
C.) Not driving if suffering from stress, fatigue and/or emotional upset
D.) All of the above

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Not driving if suffering from stress, fatigue and/or emotional upset

To reduce the negative impact of emotions on driving safety, a person should:
A.) Reduce emotional stress by getting angry with other drivers for their mistakes
B.) Know which situations in life upset you
C.) Drive as getting behind the wheel can be relaxing
D.) All of the above

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Know which situations in life upset you

Reactions to stressful events in your life can distract your attention from the important task of driving. Which of the following are examples of reactions to stress that a person might experience?
A.) Increased blood pressure and shortness of breath
B.) Upset stomach, headaches, fatigue
C.) Inability to concentrate and think clearly, and poor performance on tasks
D.) All of the above

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All of the above

Which of the following strategies might be helpful in coping with stress?
A.) Change the environment or situation that is causing the stress
B.) Change the behavior that may be causing the stress
C.) Remain optimistic and have high self-esteem
D.) All of the above

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All of the above

Which of the following are useful strategies in coping with stress?
A.) Change the environment or situation that is causing the stress
B.) Lose control
C.) Stay by yourself; do not stress family or friends with your problems
D.) Give up, as trying to deal with stress only makes it worse

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Change the environment or situation that is causing the stress

Also find How Alcohol, Fatigue, Stress Affects Your Vehicle Driving Ability - Traffic School, Defensive Driving, Drivers Ed Test

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DMV Practice Permit Test Study Guide

You can find everything you need to pass your Learner's Permit or Driver's License test that includes more than driving test 500+ questions. Free and unlimited practice tests questions and answers. This Learners Permit Study Guide helps you to get ready for your Learners Permit (driving permit). Learners permit practice test prep includes traffic signs and signals questions almost identical to the real test. Get ready for your permit test today!

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