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Driving Ed Online offers DMV approved Drivers Education, Graduated Driver Licensing and Driver Training courses which meet all the state DMV requirements for teens who want to get their learners permit & Driver's License through Virtual Driving Online. Topic Covers Safe driving behavior, Creating safe drivers on Road. How to drive defensively, traffic signals, rules and regulations, types of parking, traffic infraction points and fines. Vehicle speed limits, car repair, car Insurance Coverage, Car Maintenance, performance.

★2024 Drivers Ed Course Level 7 Chapter 1, 2 Test Answers

Aceable Level 7, Chapter 1: I Was Distracted

What is a form of distraction?
A.) Manual (using hands to text)
B.) Cognitive (daydreaming)
C.) Visual (looking at phone)
D.) All choices are correct

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All choices are correct

Why does the risk of a crash increase with the number of passengers in a vehicle?
ANSWER: There are more distractions.

Texting while driving is perfectly safe as long as you keep your eyes on the road. True or false?

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Texting while driving takes your mind off the road.

Which is the biggest distraction for drivers involved in collisions?
ANSWER: Cell phones

The safest precaution that you can take regarding the use of cellular phones and driving is:
A.) Use hands-free devices so you can keep both hands on the steering wheel
B.) Keep your phone within easy reach so you won't need to take your eyes off the road
C.) Review the number before answering a call
D.) Do not use a cellular phone while driving

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Do not use a cellular phone while driving

Riley is driving when his father, who is out of state, calls him on his cell phone. What should he do?
ANSWER: Pull over when it's safe and take the call.

You are _____ more likely to crash if texting while driving.
A.) 2 times.
B.) Not.
C.) 32 times.
D.) 23 times.

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23 times

Using a cell phone delays a driver's reactions as much as ___.
A.) someone who spins around a bat 3x
B.) a blood alcohol concentration of .08
C.) sister Irene after communion
D.) a blood alcohol concentration of .02

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ANSWER: A blood alcohol concentration of .08.
EXPLANATION: Research has shown that while driving using a cell phone delays a driver’s reactions as much as having a blood alcohol concentration at the legal limit of .08 percent.

Focusing on _______ will reduce your risk of being distracted while driving.
A.) The following interval
B.) Line of sight
C.) Managing vehicle operating space.
D.) All choices are correct

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All choices are correct

Refrain from driving with _______ to reduce distractions and the risk of a serious collision.
ANSWER: Friends

You should drive in complex risk situations as soon as you can to gain experience. True or false?

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You should avoid driving in complex risk situations until you gain experience.

How can you best limit cell phone distractions while driving?
ANSWER: Putting your phone away and on mute.

What is a good strategy for distraction-free driving?
Which of the following is a good strategy for distraction-free driving?
ANSWER: Picking out music before you drive.

All of the following practices are dangerous to do while driving. Which of these is also illegal?
A.) Listening to music through headphones that cover both ears
B.) Transporting an unrestrained animal inside the vehicle
C.) Adjusting your outside mirrors

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Listening to music through headphones that cover both ears

It is perfectly safe to let your pet look out the passenger window while driving. True or false?

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Pets should always be kept in a carrier while driving.

If you approach a horse on the road while driving, you should NOT:
A.) Drive slowly.
B.) Follow any orders given by the animal's owner.
C.) Avoid making sudden movements.
D.) Honk your horn so it will get out of the way.

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Honk your horn so it will get out of the way.

A dog is allowed to ride in the bed of a truck as long as:
A.) It is accompanied by someone over over the age of 16
B.) Another passenger called "shotgun" first
C.) It is properly secured
D.) The trip is less than 5 miles

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It is properly secured

A dog must be properly secured

When driving, keep dogs in ____.
A.) The passenger seat
B.) The back seat
C.) Their carriers
D.) The doghouse

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Their carriers

Aceable Level 7, Chapter 2: A Task I Can't Take Back

It is possible to do two different tasks well at the same time. True or false?

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You cannot do two things at once without a drop in performance.

Attempting to do several things at once is called ____.
ANSWER: Multitasking

What type of collision resulted in 1,315 deaths in 2012?
ANSWER: Run-off-the-road crashes.

What is the first thing you must do to regain control of a vehicle that's veered off the highway?
ANSWER: Remain calm.

To recover from driving off the road, steer back onto the road, and then ____.
ANSWER: Counter steer to straighten your vehicle.

If your right tire comes off the highway, what's the first action you should take?
ANSWER: Take your foot off the accelerator pedal.

To limit and manage multitask performances, you must ____.
A.) Prepare yourself
B.) Hide distractions
C.) Focus on driving
D.) All choices are correct

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All choices are correct

No matter what, avoid hitting animals on the road.

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Avoiding a collision with an animal by swerving or hitting the brakes can be even more dangerous than hitting an animal.
Avoiding a collision with an animal by swerving or hitting the brakes can be even more dangerous than hitting the animal.

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2024 Drivers Ed Course Level 6 Chapter 1, 2 Test Answers

Aceable Level 6, Chapter 1: Know Their Character

What is NOT one of the main three types of driving environments?
Which of the following is NOT one of the main three types of driving environments?
A.) freeway
B.) rural
C.) city
D.) A parking lot

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A parking lot

Which of the following is NOT one of the three main types of driving environments?
A.) freeway
B.) rural
C.) city
D.) Suburban

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Why do you need to continuously slow down and stop in a city environment?
ANSWER: Because of drastic changes in traffic flow and numerous traffic lights.

If you see someone driving the wrong way on a one-way street, you should first ______.
ANSWER: Flash your lights and honk.

What do you need to watch out for when driving in rural areas?
ANSWER: Farm equipment and wandering animals on roads.

Highways and freeways are usually ____ of traffic going in one direction.
How many lanes of traffic going in one direction do highways and freeways usually consist of?
ANSWER: 2-4 lanes

An example of a non-traditional intersection is ___.
ANSWER: An intersection of a traffic circle and a railroad crossing.

Who has the right-of-way in a traffic circle?
ANSWER: Drivers already in the traffic circle.

Who is responsible for yielding at traffic circle?
ANSWER: A driver entering a traffic circle, sometimes called a rotary, is responsible for yielding the right-of-way to pedestrians and drivers already in the traffic circle/roundabout.

In a traffic circle/roundabout, yield the right of way to ____.
ANSWER: Vehicles already in the traffic circle/roundabout.

Which device/sign can be used to warn you a train is coming?
A.) A ringing bell.
B.) Flashing red lights.
C.) A lowering gate.
D.) All choices are correct

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All choices are correct

In which type of environment will you most likely have the smallest operating space, line of sight, and path of travel?
ANSWER: A city environment.

How is traffic flow and volume controlled on highways and freeways?
A.) Deceleration Lanes
B.) Acceleration Lanes
C.) Entrance Ramps
D.) Exit Ramps

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Entrance ramps.

The acceleration lane on expressways is used for __
The acceleration lane on freeways is used for ________.
A.) Leaving the freeway
B.) Pulling over
C.) Passing other vehicles
D.) Entering the freeway

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Entering the freeway

What should you do before merging onto the highway?
A.) Look over your shoulder
B.) Use your turn signal
C.) Check your side mirrors
D.) All choices are correct

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All choices are correct

Stella is driving on a 2lane road when she sees |: \. What is it warning her of?
ANSWER: merging

Driving much slower than the speed limit on the highway is ____.
ANSWER: dangerous

Kevin is driving below the speed limit on the freeway. What should Kevin do?
A.) Stay in the left lane
B.) Stay in the right lane
C.) Drive slowly in any lane
D.) Stay out of the way in the middle lane

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Stay in the right lane

What separates the street from pedestrians in cities?

When should you slow down on the highway?
ANSWER: pass a crash scene, come upon heavy traffic, and at night.

What is one of the greatest dangers in rural driving environments?
ANSWER: drivers getting too relaxed in open spaces and speeding.

Aceable Level 6, Chapter 2: Know Their Risks

What do you need to use when identifying, analyzing, and minimizing risk?
A.) Traffic laws
B.) Driver preparation
C.) Vehicle movements
D.) All choices are correct

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All choices are correct

Cover braking is _____.
ANSWER: Keeping your foot over the brake without actually braking.

When traffic gets heavier, dealing with risk is easier because the amount of space around your car gets smaller. True or false?
A.) True
B.) False

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EXPLANATION: Dealing with risk in heavy traffic is more complicated because there is less safe space around your car.

What is a common risk for drivers on country roads?
A.) Poorly maintained roads
B.) Hard to see cross streets
C.) Narrower lanes
D.) All choices are correct

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All choices are correct

What's an example of risk while driving in the city?
ANSWER: Delivery trucks

Risks involved with driving on the highway/freeway include ___.
A.) Highway Hypnosis
B.) Limited fields of vision
C.) Longer braking distances
D.) All choices are correct

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All choices are correct

Most fatal crashes that involve speeding happen on the freeway.

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When driving at a fast pace, your target should be ______ ahead of you to compensate for the speed.
ANSWER: 20-30 seconds

If another driver is tailgating you, it's safer to stay in your lane and let him or her go to the next. True or false?
A.) True
B.) False

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Explanation: If another driver is tailgating you, it's safer to change lanes and let him or her pass.

What should you do if another driver is tailgating you
ANSWER: Move over and let them pass

What risk won't you face on a crowded city street?
Name which risk you won't face on a crowded street?
ANSWER: Lots of sudden curves in roads.

In order to avoid accidents, good defensive drivers steer clear of _____.
A.) Highways.
B.) Driving altogether.
C.) Acceleration lanes.
D.) Other driver's blind spots.

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Other driver's blind spots.

Stay right except when:
Passing someone on a two-lane or three-lane street.
Driving on a one-way street.
The right side of the road is closed or blocked.

Entering the Freeway Tips: First, give the right of way to drivers already on the highway.
Get in the acceleration lane, stay to the right, signal left, and when it's clear, speed up to merge with the flow of traffic.
Sometimes the entrance ramp is on the left side, meaning you are entering quicker traffic.
Conflict is increased, so be aware of fast vehicles when you merge.

★ 2024 Drivers Ed Course Level 8 Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Test Answers

Aceable Level 8, Chapter 1: It's The Law

Seth is 16 years old and has a blood alcohol level of .02%. Can he legally drive?
ANSWER: No. There is zero tolerance for minors and alcohol.

The difference between DUI and DWI is __________.
ANSWER: Minors can be charged with a DUI for any detectable amount of alcohol while anyone can be charged for a DWI with a BAC of .08 or higher.

First-time minor DWI offenders face:
A.) A driver license suspension of 90 to 365 days.
B.) 72 hours to 180 days in jail.
C.) A $0 - $2,000 fine
D.) All choices

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All choices

A single DWI conviction can cost a driver up to ____.
A single dwi conviction can cost a driver up to how much money in texas aceable
A.) $800
B.) $10,000
C.) $5,000
D.) $3,000

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The State of Texas has a ______ policy for minors driving under the influence.
ANSWER: Zero Tolerance

A minor can be charged with driving while intoxicated (DWI) if he or she has a BAC of ____.
ANSWER: .08% or higher

Chris is charged with drinking and driving. His 13-year-old nephew was in the car with him. Chris may also be charged with ________.
ANSWER: DWI With a Passenger Under 15.

Which of these is sth a person convicted of DWI might have to pay for?
ANSWER: car impounding, laywer and court fees, probation and monitoring fees

What is Intoxication Manslaughter?
ANSWER: A drunk driver ends someone's life in a collision.

What does the Open Container law state?
ANSWER: It's illegal to have an open alcohol container in your car, parked or moving.

What is the name of the crime for having an open container of alcohol in a vehicle?
Which law states that you may not have an open container of alcohol in your vehicle?
A.) Minor in Possession
B.) Open Container
C.) Intoxication Assault
D.) Public Intoxication

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Open Container

EXPLANATION: The Open Container law states that you may not have any open container of alcohol in your vehicle.

What is a consequence of refusing a law enforcement officer's request to take a breathalyzer or blood test?
A.) Your drivers license is automatically suspended.
B.) You will receive a warning from the police officer.
C.) Nothing happens if it's a first time offense.
D.) You'll receive a citation for a moving violation.

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Your drivers license is automatically suspended.

If you don't agree to a breath alcohol test, you are guilty of ____.
ANS: An Implied Consent infraction.

Kathy had been drinking too much before getting pulled over by a police officer during a "No Refusal" period. What is a likely outcome?
ANSWER: She'll be obligated to take a breathalyzer test or risk being forced to take a blood alcohol test.

It is not a criminal offense to give a fake ID or name to a police officer that has lawfully arrested or detained you.

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If an underage person purchases, attempts to purchase, or uses a fake ID to purchase alcohol, he or she is guilty of .
ANSWER: Minor in Possession

It is a criminal offense to provide false identification to a police officer that has lawfully arrested or detained you.

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Consequences of having your driver's license suspended include ____.
A.) Possible job loss
B.) Having to rely on public transportation.
C.) A misdemeanor or felony on your record.
D.) All choices are correct

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All choices are correct

If you are convicted of possessing a _____, your license may be suspended.
A.) Fake ID.
B.) Hunting knife.
C.) Baseball bat.
D.) A non-Aceable driving course.

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Fake ID.

If you fail to _____, your license may be suspended.
A.) Pay child support.
B.) Call mom on Sundays.
C.) Wash your car.
D.) Change your oil regularly.

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Pay child support.

What is the only way to "sober up"?
A.) Waiting
B.) Exercising
C.) Drinking coffee
D.) Showering

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Which of the following is a good strategy for avoiding fatigue?
A.) Making the car nice and warm
B.) Sitting up straight
C.) Turning off the radio
D.) Texting

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Sitting up straight

Which of the following is NOT considered a driving distraction?
A.) Warning lights.
B.) Friends.
C.) Texts.
D.) Phones.

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Warning lights.

When the students in the study tried to do a task with text distractions, how much did their performance drop?

The time period when drivers are most at risk of driving while drowsy is _____.
A.) 12 AM - 6 AM
B.) 6 PM - 12 AM
C.) 12 PM - 6 PM
D.) 6 AM - 12 PM

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12 AM - 6 AM

EXPLANATION: The time period when drivers are most at risk of driving while drowsy is between midnight and 6:00 am

When is the best time during a drive to adjust your radio station?
ANSWER: When you're stopped at a red light

What is highway hypnosis?
A.) When drivers zone out due to fatigue or boredom
B.) When snake charmers work on I-35
C.) When drivers take breaks to rest
D.) When drivers are super focused on their driving task

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A.) When drivers zone out due to fatigue or boredom

Which of the following is NOT a good way to prevent highway hypnosis?
ANSWER: keep your eyes focused on a single point

You should do the following when a breakdown happens EXCEPT:
A.) Place reflective triangles behind your car
B.) Move your car off the paved road
C.) Turn on your emergency lights
D.) Stand as close to the road as possible to let people see you

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Stand as close to the road as possible to let people see you

Inability to focus, yawning, and drifting between lanes are signs of _____.
Inability to focus, yawning, and drifting between lanes are all signs of ______________
A.) Defensive driving.
B.) Aceable driving.
C.) Aggressive driving.
D.) Drowsy driving.

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Drowsy driving.

Drowsy driving often results in:
ANSWER: drifting between lanes

The cost of car insurance _______ for those convicted of drunk driving.
ANSWER: Increases

The state of Texas has a zero-tolerance policy for _______ driving under the influence.
ANSWER: Anyone under the age of 21.

Which is a consequence for the offense called Minor in Possession?
A.) Facing a year of jail time.
B.) A fine up to $4,000.
C.) Suspension of your driver's license for a minimum of 30 days.
D.) All choices are correct

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All choices are correct

What does the Zero Tolerance law mean for drivers under 21?
ANSWER: They can not have a trace of alcohol.

Aceable Level 8, Chapter 2: What Can Happen

Thirty-one percent of all fatal traffic collisions in 2011 involved ________.
ANSWER: An impaired driver.

Pedestrians and bicyclists are the most vulnerable to choices made by impaired drivers. True or false?

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EXPLANATION: Pedestrians and bicyclists have no protection from impaired drivers.

Drunk drivers do NOT have a significant impact on children. True or false?

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EXPLANATION: Drunk drivers are responsible for 20% of child fatalities.

Young drivers aged 16-20 are _____ to die in a crash when they have a BAC of .08% than when not drinking.
ANSWER: 17 times more likely.

The 15-20 year old age group can't legally drink, but is _________ in impaired driving-related crashes in Texas.
ANSWER: Over-involved.

What is the number one cause of death for teenagers?
A.) Cancer
B.) Traffic collisions
C.) Homicide
D.) Horrible pop music

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Traffic collisions

21- to 24-year-olds in the US have the lowest percentage of drivers in fatal crashes with BAC levels of .08% or higher. True or false?

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How many lives has the 21 age limit for drinking saved?
ANSWER: Over 27,000 lives have been saved since the 21 and up limit implementation.

Which factor can influence underage drinking?
A.) Advertising
B.) Peer pressure
C.) Curiosity
D.) All choices are correct

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All choices are correct

Why is predicting alcohol's effect on an individual so difficult?
A.) A person's emotional state factors into alcohol's effect.
B.) Medication affects the influence of alcohol.
C.) What a person has eaten is a variable.
D.) All choices are correct

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All choices are correct

Your friend wants to go home after drinking at a party. What's the safest course of action?
ANSWER: Designate a sober driver to take your friend home.

Aceable Level 8, Chapter 3: Physiological Effects

What does BAC measure?
A.) Your percentage of alcohol per volume of blood in your body.
B.) Your walking ability.
C.) Your percentage of blood per volume of alcohol in your body.
D.) Your resting heartbeat.

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Your percentage of alcohol per volume of blood in your body.

What is NOT a factor that affects Blood Alcohol Concentration?
Which of the following is NOT a factor that affects Blood Alcohol Level?
A.) The color of the alcohol
B.) The amount of alcohol consumed
C.) Body size
D.) Gender

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The color of the alcohol

Your BAC level will be _______ if you drink quickly.
Your blood alcohol level will be __ if you drink quickly
A.) Lower
B.) Cooler
C.) The same
D.) Higher

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What alcohol content would a bottle of 80 proof vodka have?
A.) 80% alcohol content
B.) 40% alcohol content
C.) 8 oz. alcohol content
D.) not enough

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40% alcohol content.

Which tool does the state use to determine the presence of alcohol in an individual's body?
A.) The drunkfactor.
B.) Hypnosis.
C.) A breathalyzer
D.) A drunk driving detector.

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A breathalyzer.

Women who drink might have a higher chance of developing breast cancer. True or false?

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How does drinking affect a teenager's education?
A.) It might make that individual too physically sick to attend school.
B.) It might cause a teenager to become depressed and stop caring about grades.
C.) It might cause legal problems that end up in records that affect what schools that individual is accepted to.
D.) All choices are correct

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All choices are correct

Why is drinking especially damaging to an underage individual?
A.) It isn't. Drinking hurts everybody the same
B.) It damages a still-developing brain
C.) It leaves less time for sitcoms
D.) It actually hurts adults more than minors

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It damages a still-developing brain

In order to remove alcohol from your system, your liver has to work 2 hours _______.
A) in total.
B) for 3 beers.
C) for every drink you have.
D) for every 2 shots.

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For every drink you have.

Why does drinking increase your chances of getting a cold or the flu?
A.) Alcohol makes it easier to forget putting a coat on at night.
B.) Alcohol weakens your immune system.
C.) Teenagers often share drinks, therefore spread their germs around.
D.) Alcohol does not increase your chances of getting a cold or the flu.

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Alcohol weakens your immune system.

Drinking heavily can lead to infertility and impotence in men. True or false?

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Heavily drinking alcohol lowers testosterone levels.

How does alcohol affect your ability to drive?
A.) Depth perception is off
B.) Peripherals are harder to see
C.) Your vision is blurred
D.) All choices are correct

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All choices are correct

What is NOT a physiological effect of alcohol that impairs your driving abilities?
ANSWER: Alcohol lowers your body temperature.

Aceable Level 8, Chapter 4: Psychological Effects Alcohol affects individuals _______.
A.) Mentally
B.) Emotionally
C.) Physically
D.) All choices are correct

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All choices are correct

Alcohol is a _______.
A.) Narcotic
B.) Depressant
C.) Stimulant
D.) None of these are correct

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Alcohol can cause anxiety. True or false?

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EXPLANATION: Alcohol in large amounts might make problems seem much worse.

You might fail to recall what happened after drinking alcohol because _______.
A.) It affects your concentration
B.) You probably didn't do anything memorable
C.) It affects your ability to store and retain information
D.) All choices are incorrect

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It affects your ability to store and retain information

Texas' Zero Tolerance policy applies to ____.
ANSWER: Minors

Alcohol is often a factor in crimes because it decreases judgment. True or false?

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Intoxicated drivers ignore practices such as ____.
A.) Staying calm
B.) Space management systems
C.) Respecting other drivers' lanes
D.) All choices are correct

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All choices are correct

What are safe alternatives if you do decide to drink EXCEPT _____.
All of the following are safe alternatives if you do decide to drink EXCEPT __
A.) Taking a taxi home
B.) Drinking a bottle of water to sober up before driving
C.) Having somebody give you a ride home
D.) Staying at a friend's house

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Drinking a bottle of water to sober up before driving

Aceable Level 8, Chapter 5: Alcohol is a Drug

Both illegal and prescription/over-the-counter drugs can have negative effects on your ability to drive. True or false?

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EXPLANATION: No matter if legal or illegal, drugs can impair your ability to drive.

Which of these drugs cannot affect your driving skills?
A.) Marijuana
B.) stimulants
C.) over-the-counter medicine
D.) All choices can affect your driving

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All choices can affect your driving

EXPLANATION: Marijuana, stimulants, and even over-the-counter medicine can have a negative effect on your driving skills.

What is the most common drug (besides alcohol) found in crashes involving impaired drivers?
A.) Marijuana.
B.) Heroin.
C.) Prescription drugs.
D.) Cocaine.

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What are the two major drug categories?
A.) Stimulants and prescription drugs
B.) Depressants and prescription drugs
C.) Stimulants and depressants
D.) Stimulants and over-the-counter drugs

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Stimulants and depressants

Alcohol is a _____ drug that affects your coordination, judgement, perception, and emotional state.
Alcohol is a ______ drug that affects your coordination, judgment, perception, and emotional state.
A.) Prescription.
B.) Depressant.
C.) Upper.
D.) Street.

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Which is NOT a physiological effect of stimulants?
A.) Pupil dilation
B.) Increase in body temperature
C.) Muscle spams
D.) Muscle relaxation

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Muscle relaxation.

Which of the following is an effect of using cocaine?
What is an effect of using cocaine?
A.) It can damage the inside of the nose.
B.) It can transmit STD's.
C.) It can cause heart problems.
D.) All choices are correct

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All choices are correct

The use of bath salts can cause chest pains, high blood pressure, and a rapid heartbeat. True or false?

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EXPLANATION: Bath salts cause cardiac health problems.

What is an example of a depressant drug?
Which of the following is an example of a depressant drug?
A.) Morphine
B.) Heroine
C.) Opium
D.) All choices are correct

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All choices are correct

_______ drugs distort the way the user processes reality.
A.) Depressant
B.) Stimulant
C.) Hallucinogenic
D.) Carcinogenic

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Research has found that _______ of marijuana could be more dangerous than the drug itself.
A.) medical versions
B.) withdrawal
C.) low amounts
D.) synthetic versions

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Synthetic versions

The use of _____ is the #1 preventable cause of death in the US, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
ANSWER: Tobacco

Legal drugs that can be abused include ______.
A.) Pain relievers
B.) Cough syrups
C.) Decongestants
D.) All choices are correct

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All choices are correct

Only ILLEGAL drug use can negatively alter your vision and cause a crash. True or false?

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All drug use can negatively alter your vision and cause a crash.

Why is driving after mixing two drugs more dangerous than driving under the influence of one drug?
ANSWER: It's hard to predict how you'll react to the combination.

Aceable Level 8, Chapter 6: Just Be Responsible

One of Pete's friends has started drinking every weekend and pushes Pete to join in. What should Pete do?
ANSWER: Pete should hang out with friends who aren't drinking.

Decide _______ you are offered drugs or alcohol.
ANSWER: To say no before

Stella wants to go to a party with her best friend who will be drinking. What's the best course of action?
A.) She should make sure to return with her so her friend will drive safely
B.) She should wait and see if her best friend changes her mind about drinking
C.) She should test her friend to see how much the alcohol has affected her
D.) She should ask a sober friend before the party to take her home

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She should ask a sober friend before the party to take her home

To assume personal responsibility and avoid alcohol-related and drug-related risks, you should ____.
A.) Pick your friends carefully.
B.) Plan ahead.
C.) Pursue your goals.
D.) All choices are correct

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All choices are correct

★ 2024 Drivers Ed Course Level 9 Chapter 1, 2, 3 Test Answers

Aceable Level 9, Chapter 1: Weather Or Not

Why should you give more space to bicyclists, pedestrians, and motorcyclists in bad weather?
A.) They are more likely to ignore bad weather
B.) Bad weather is even more difficult for them
C.) Bad weather doesn't affect them
D.) They always take risks

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Bad weather is even more difficult for them

EXPLANATION: You should give more space to bicyclists, pedestrians, and motorcyclists in bad weather because bad weather is even more difficult for them.

Why is there an increased risk of hydroplaning on pavement during rainy weather?
A.) Rainwater mixes with road oils
B.) Rainwater mixes with road grease
C.) Rainwater mixes with dirt on the road
D.) All choices are correct

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All choices are correct

To recover from hydroplaning, ease off the accelerator, ____, and gently steer in the desired direction.
A.) apply gradual pressure to brakes
B.) put up the hand brake
C.) turn on your hazard lights
D.) apply instant pressure to brakes

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apply gradual pressure to brakes

To countersteer against wind gusts, do not: ____.
ANSWER: Drive faster

In addition to being caused by heavy winds, strong gusts may also strike you when:
ANSWER: as you pass large trucks, leave forests, ridges, or plateaus, or exit from an underpass or tunnel.
EXPLANATION: Strong winds can push a vehicle out of its lane—or off the road. Your vehicle will be less stable, and you'll have less control over it. Vehicles that are light, long, or tall are particularly vulnerable to strong winds. Some effects of strong winds may not less obvious at first. Wind can blow leaves and other objects through the air, reducing visibility, and can blow objects onto the road, causing hazards. It may even be difficult to hear over strong winds. Gusts of wind may strike suddenly as you pass large trucks, leave forests, ridges, or plateaus, or exit from an underpass or tunnel.

Wet pavement contributes to over ________ collisions each year.
ANSWER: 1 million

For recovery from hydroplaning, apply _____ pressure to brakes.
A.) Sudden.
B.) All-of-the.
C.) Gradual.
D.) Abrupt.

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To recover from hydroplaning is off the Accelerator _____ and gently steered in the desired direction
ANSWER: Apply gradual pressure to the brakes

Roadways are the most slippery:
A.) After it has been raining for awhile
B.) When it first rains after a dry spell
C.) During a heavy downpour

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When it first rains after a dry spell

________ contributes to over 1 million collisions each year.
ANSWER: Wet pavement

Roads are slippery after it first starts to rain. When the road is slippery you should:
A.) Test your tires' traction while going uphill
B.) Decrease the distance you look ahead of your vehicle
C.) Avoid making fast turns and fast stops

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Avoid making fast turns and fast stops

If your vehicle starts to hydroplane, you should:
A.) Drive at a constant speed to gain better traction
B.) Apply the brakes firmly to prevent your vehicle from sliding
C.) Slow down gradually and don't apply the brakes

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Slow down gradually and don't apply the brakes

What should you do if a hurricane is approaching?
ANSWER: Move inland and avoid low areas.

If driving in fog, you should ______.
A.) Use your defroster
B.) Use your wipers
C.) Use your low-beam headlights
D.) All choices are correct

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All choices are correct

What is a good thing to have if living in an area with frequent winter storms?
A.) Snow tires
B.) Chains
C.) All-weather tires
D.) All the choices are correct

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All the choices are correct

Driving on an icy road will affect your ____.
A.) tire alignment
B.) vision
C.) stopping distance
D.) headlights

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Stopping distance.

EXPLANATION: The distance required to stop in ice may be double the stopping distance in normal weather conditions.

Which of the following is NOT a good tool to use when driving in fog?
A.) Your low-beam headlights
B.) Your wipers
C.) Your defroster
D.) Your high-beam headlights

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Your high-beam headlights

In winter weather, you should brake and accelerate ____.
ANSWER: slowly

What will be affected when you drive on icy roads?
A.) Your ability to shift.
B.) Your sanity.
C.) Your ability to use headlights.
D.) Your stopping distance.

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Your stopping distance.

What should an emergency kit for the winter contain?
ANSWER: a flashlight, a cellphone, booster cables, bottles of water, and an energy bar

____ inches will float most cars.

____ feet of water will carry off pick-up trucks, SUVs, and most other vehicles.

____ inches will carry off pickup trucks, SUVs, and most other vehicles

If your engine quits while you're driving, which of these could you lose?
ANSWER: power steering and power brakes

If your vehicle overheats, how long should you wait before opening the hood?
ANSWER: 20 minutes
EXPLANATION: If your vehicle overheats, you should wait at least 20 minutes for your engine to cool before opening the hood

_____ should never beleft in vehicles on anyday over 70 degrees
ANSWER: dogs and kids

What does vapor lock cause?
ANSWER: It causes the engine to run roughly or stall.

If you can't see the truck driver in their side mirror, they can't see you either. A.) FALSE.

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Ryan is driving his truck in the rain when he approaches a road that seems to be quickly flooding. What should he do?
ANSWER: He should turn around and head for higher ground.

When approaching a flooded area, what is the correct response?
A.) Drive slowly the standing water
B.) Accelerate to gain momentum
C.) Turn on the wipers
D.) Turn around and drive in the opposite direction

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Turn around and drive in the opposite direction

Aceable Level 9, Chapter 2: At a Loss of Traction

Your vehicle's ____ and ____ have the greatest impact on traction.
A.) tires; steering wheel condition
B.) height; brake fluid levels
C.) brake fluid levels; length
D.) weight; tires

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weight; tires

What could cause you to lose traction on the road?
A.) Ice
B.) Leaves
C.) Snow
D.) All the choices are correct

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All the choices are correct

Losing traction can cause your vehicle to ______.
A.) Pitch
B.) Yaw
C.) Roll
D.) All choices are correct

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All choices are correct

Braking or accelerating can cause too much of the weight of your vehicle to shift and rollover. True or false?
A.) True
B.) False

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EXPLANATION: Speed and sharp steering can cause a rollover.

Stephanie is driving on the highway. What should she do when approaching curves?
ANSWER: She should brake before turning and then take her foot off the brake while on the curve.

Stella is driving in rush hour traffic under heavy rain. Which of the following is a safe action to take?
A.) Slow down
B.) She should increase her following distance.
C.) She should watch out for vulnerable roadway users.
D.) All the choices are correct

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All the choices are correct

When driving up a steep incline, you should ____ to maintain a constant speed.
A.) gently apply the brake
B.) increase pressure on the accelerator pedal
C.) decrease pressure on the accelerator pedal
D.) maintain a firm hold on the steering wheel

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increase pressure on the accelerator pedal.

You should _____ to reduce the risk of a serious balance shift around a sharp curve.
A.) Take the outside lane
B.) Take your foot off the accelerator
C.) Take the inner lane
D.) Take your foot off the brake

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Take the outside lane

Front tire traction loss occurs when you oversteer on a slick surface around a turn or curve. True or false?
A.) True
B.) False

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EXPLANATION: Front tire traction loss occurs when you understeer on a slick surface around a turn or curve.

If your front tires lose traction and skid, you should ____.
A.) use the emergency brake
B.) turn sharply in the opposite direction
C.) steer in the direction you want to go
D.) jam your brakes

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steer in the direction you want to go

What should you NOT do if your vehicle starts skidding?
What should you NOT do if our vehicle starts skidding?
A.) Steer in the direction you want to go
B.) Take your foot off the accelerator
C.) Keep your eyes on the road
D.) Slam on the brakes

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Slam on the brakes

To avoid skidding, which of the following should be done before you enter a curve?
ANSWER: Reduce speed by applying the brakes

If you suddenly go into a skid, you should
ANSWER: ease your foot off the gas pedal

To steer out of a skid, you must ______.
ANSWER: Steer towards your planned path of travel.

What is ESP?
ANSWER: Electronic Stability Program

Aceable Level 9, Chapter 3: It's An Emergency

You have been involved in a minor traffic collision with a parked vehicle and you can't find the owner. You must:
A.) Leave a note on the vehicle with your contact info
B.) Report the accident AND leave your contact info
C.) Report the accident to the city police or the CHP

Get the CORRECT Answer

Report the accident AND leave your contact info

Collisions can happen more often when:
A.) One lane of traffic is traveling faster than the other lanes
B.) All vehicles are traveling about the same speed
C.) One vehicle is traveling faster or slower than the flow of traffic

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One vehicle is traveling faster or slower than the flow of traffic

Head-on collisions are deadly at high speeds. True or false?
A.) True
B.) False

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EXPLANATION: The front of one vehicle collides with the front of another and is the most dangerous.

Drifting off the pavement will cause ______.
ANSWER: An uneven shift in balance.

Where do broadside collisions most commonly occur?
A.) At intersections
B.) On highways
C.) On rural roads
D.) On one-way streets

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At intersections

Sideswipe collisions are the most damaging type of collision. True or false?
A.) True
B.) False

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EXPLANATION: Sideswipe collisions are usually the least damaging type. Still, try to avoid them.

After steering out of the way of something, you may have to ___ to regain control.
ANSWER: Counter-steer

What type of collision could you avoid by speeding up?
ANSWER: A rear-end or broadside collision.

What is a way to avoid the consequences of an impending crash?
Which of the following is a way to avoid the consequences of an impending crash?
A.) Try to hit something stationary instead of something moving.
B.) Avoid head-on collisions.
C.) Try to hit something soft instead of something hard.
D.) All the choices are correct

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All the choices are correct

To avoid single vehicle crashes, use your brake systems and steering. True or false?
A.) True
B.) False

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EXPLANATION: Using your brake systems and steering can help you avoid single vehicle crashes.

Why is it important to look out for potholes?
ANSWER: They might damage your tires.

What do you not have to do after crashing?
ANSWER: Turn in your license.

The only reason you wouldn't keep the cars at the scene of a crash is if _______.
ANSWER: It happened in a major lane.

You are not liable for damage to property next to a street or highway if in a collision. True or false?

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EXPLANATION: If you are in a collision that damages any property, you must find out who the owner is and give them your information.

You can never be held liable for trying to help someone. True or false?

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EXPLANATION: You can be held liable if you are expecting payment or your negligence caused the crash.

What is something you must do when aiding the injured in a crash?
A.) You should refrain from lifting or moving the victim unless you have to.
B.) You should call an ambulance.
C.) You should stop serious bleeding with thick cloths.
D.) All the choices are correct

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All the choices are correct

You must do all of the following when aiding the injured in a crash EXCEPT:
A.) You should refrain from lifting or moving the victim unless you have to.
B.) You should stop serious bleeding with thick cloths.
C.) You should call an ambulance.
D.) You should move the victim.

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You should move the victim.

★ Drivers Ed Course Level 10 Chapter 1, 2, 3 Test Answers

Aceable Level 10, Chapter 1: The Occasional Malfunction

The display that counts the number of miles a vehicle has driven over its lifetime is called the _____. A.) Tachometer.
B.) Milometer.
C.) Usage report.
D.) Odometer.

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If your vehicle overheats, you should do all of the following, EXCEPT:
A.) Turn off the AC.
B.) Turn on the heater.
C.) Remove the radiator cap.
D.) Pull over.

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Remove the radiator cap.

Your engine might be flooded if you smell _____ while driving.
A.) A steamy, sweet smell.
B.) A burnt plastic smell.
C.) Freshly baked cookies.
D.) Gasoline.

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A car thief is more likely to steal an old car than a new car.

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If your engine stalls, what is the first thing you should do?
ANSWER: Shift the gear into Neutral (N).
EXPLANATION: If your engine stalls, the first thing you should do is shift the gear into Neutral (N).
If your engine stalls or is turned off, you will lose power steering and power brakes
If your engine stalls or stops while driving, you should both safely steer to the shoulder and be prepared for the steering wheel to be harder to turn

Why should you keep your foot off the brake during a steering failure?
ANSWER: It prevents your car from swerving.

Why shouldn't you turn off your car if the accelerator sticks?
A.) You won't be able to listen to the radio
B.) You won't be able to use your accelerator
C.) You won't be able to use your emergency brake
D.) You won't be able to use power steering

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You won't be able to use power steering

A.) Concentrate on steering and seeing the road
B.) Pump the accelerator and try to clear any obstruction
C.) Shift to neutral, brake and stop off of the road; turn on flashers
D.) All the choices are correct

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All the choices are correct

What can you do to build up brake fluid pressure (if you have regular brakes)?
ANSWER: Pump the brake pedal fast

If your brakes fail while driving a car with a manual transmission, what should you do?
ANSWER: downshift to a lower gear

If your brakes fail, what is the FIRST strategy you should try?
ANSWER: Pump your brakes to try to build up pressure to allow you to stop.

If your headlights go out, how can you safely get off the road?
A.) You should turn on your hazard lights.
B.) You should turn on your parking lights.
C.) You should turn on your signal lights.
D.) All the choices are correct

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All the choices are correct

If your engine is flooded with gasoline, you should push the ____ to the floor and hold for _____.
ANSWER: Accelerator, 5 seconds.

If you see fire or smoke coming from your vehicle's hood, you should pull over and get away from the vehicle as soon as possible. True or false?

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If you see fire or smoke coming from your vehicle's hood, get far away from it and call the Fire Department.

Stella is heading to town from her dad's farm on an unpacked road. What will she need to do once she reaches the highway?
ANSWER: yield for vehicles on the highway

Pete is going down a road when he sees a flashing red light ahead. The cars at the intersection don't have one. What should Pete do?
ANSWER: stop and drive when safe

Pete is late for school. The traffic light signal turns to yellow as he approaches. Pete _.
ANSWER: stops if safe

Emma is on the road when she sees a firetruck with its sirens flashing behind her. She stops in her tracks. Was this correct?
ANSWER: no, pull over

To test brakes after driving through high water, you should switch to a low gear and brake lightly every ____.
A.) 20 feet.
B.) 200 feet.
C.) 400 feet.
D.) Mile

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200 feet.

Why should you slow down as much as possible when moving your car off the roadway?
ANSWER: It's easy to lose control at higher speeds.

Aceable Level 10, Chapter 2: Pamper Them

What should you do if your accelerator sticks to the floor?
ANSWER: Shift into neutral, steer smoothly and brake gently to a stop off of the highway.

How often should you change the oil and oil filter in your vehicle?
A.) Every 3 months or 3,000 miles.
B.) Every 2 months or 2,000 miles.
C.) Every 3 months.
D.) Every 10,000 miles.

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Every 3 months or 3,000 miles.

To ensure your battery's longevity, you should keep the area where cables are connected to the positive and negative poles clean. True or false?

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Keeping the area around the positive and negative poles clean is proper battery maintenance.

Make sure your ______ gets checked when you go in for inspections.
ANSWER: Brake fluid.

What does it most likely mean if your brake fluid level is usually low?
ANSWER: There may be a leak.

What system might be damaged if the bottom of your car is scraped?
ANSWER: The Emission System

What are components of your vehicle's suspension system?
Which of the following are components of your vehicle's suspension system?
A.) Tires
B.) Springs
C.) Shocks
D.) All the choices are correct

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All the choices are correct

You can use a penny to check if your vehicle's tires need replacing. True or false?

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A penny can be used to measure the tread depth on your vehicle's tires.

Where do leaks in fuel occur?
A.) Fuel tank
B.) Fuel pump
C.) Fuel lines
D.) All the choices are correct

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All the choices are correct

How do you know when to replace the pads in your disc brakes?
A.) When your tires are worn.
B.) When you hear a squealing noise while braking.
C.) After 3,000 miles.
D.) When the warning light on your dashboard comes on.

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When you hear a squealing noise while braking.

Aceable Level 10, Chapter 3: Plan a Trip

Casey is planning on taking a road trip with her friends. What should she take care of before driving?
ANSWER: She should check her tires before driving.

What should you inspect on your vehicle before going on a road trip?
A.) You should check that your tires are properly inflated.
B.) You should check that your fluids are at the right level.
C.) You should check that your lights are working.
D.) All the choices are correct

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All the choices are correct

Unevenly distributed objects in a vehicle can make a rollover more likely. True or false?

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You should always ensure that the weight on your car is distributed evenly.

Cold weather can increase tire pressure, so you should always deflate them a bit before driving.

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Cold weather decreases tire pressure. Always make sure they are inflated properly.

Why should you be on the lookout for work zones, construction areas, and lane closures before and during your road trip?
ANSWER: You might need to find an alternate route or detour.

When you drive through a construction zone, you should:
A.) Hit the gas
B.) Pass the construction zone carefully without rubbernecking
C.) Slow down to watch the workers
D.) Decrease your following distance

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Pass the construction zone carefully without rubbernecking

★ Drivers Ed Course Level 11 Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4 Test Answers

Aceable Level 11, Chapter 1: Take Ownership

What is one of the drawbacks to buying a new car?
A.) It will take more time to get used to
B.) It needs a lot of maintenance at first
C.) The price of insurance is higher
D.) All choices are incorrect

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The price of insurance is higher

Car owners have to take on several financial responsibilities. Which of the following isn't one of them?
A.) Registration. B.) Insurance. C.) Gas. D.) Organ and tissue donations.

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Organ and tissue donations.

Pete is thinking of asking for his own car for his birthday. What is a financial responsibility that comes with vehicle ownership?
Pete is thinking of asking for his own car for his birthday. Which of the following is a financial responsibility that comes with vehicle ownership?
A.) Gas
B.) Insurance
C.) Registration
D.) All the choices are correct

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All the choices are correct

Compared with new cars, used cars __
A.) Have more affordable insurance
B.) Need less maintenance
C.) Usually come with warranties
D.) Have more risk of depreciation

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Have more affordable insurance

How do you check a vehicle's suspension during a pre-purchase/lease inspection?
ANSWER: By pressing down on each corner of the vehicle.

Buying a vehicle is a huge purchase and you should always bring ______ with you.
ANSWER: An expert

What is one important factor to take into account before agreeing to a financing deal?
ANSWER: How much you'll end up paying in the end.

Aceable Level 11, Chapter 2: An Insurance Policy

Pete is thinking of skipping car insurance for the first year while he gets adjusted to car payments. Why is this a bad decision?
A.) Pete would be driving illegally.
B.) Pete could have to pay the total for people's injury expenses in a crash.
C.) Pete could have to pay the total for any car crash repair costs.
D.) All the choices are correct

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All the choices are correct

If convicted of a major ______ violation, insurance companies may deem you as too high of a risk for causing a crash.
ANSWER: Moving

Not having car insurance is _____.
A.) Legal.
B.) Recommended.
C.) Illegal.
D.) Cost-effective.

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Liability insurance pays for the expenses of others in crashes caused by ________ under your policy.
A.) you and other drivers covered
B.) only you
C.) other drivers not covered
D.) you and your family covered

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you and other drivers covered

Medical Payments Coverage helps pay for medical, dental, and funeral expenses for people riding in your covered vehicle, regardless of who is at fault. True or false?

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Personal Injury Protection helps pay for eligible expenses such as medical, funeral, disability, and_________.
ANSWER: Lost income

If you have coverage under AAA or your car is under warranty, Towing and Labor insurance is necessary. True or false?

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Comprehensive and collision coverage covers _______ of the insured vehicle.
A.) the amount you still owe
B.) the purchase price
C.) half the cash value
D.) the actual cash value

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the actual cash value

In a collision, you should always check your vehicle for damage before anything else. True or false?

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You should check to see whether anyone involved in the crash is injured before anything else.

What is something you should NOT do in the case of a collision?
ANSWER: You should not say "I'm sorry" after a collision, as it could be used against you in court as an admission of guilt.

Which of the following documents will law enforcement NOT ask drivers to produce?
A.) Driver License
B.) Proof of Insurance
C.) Proof of Medical Insurance
D.) Vehicle Registration

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Proof of Medical Insurance

If your insurance agrees to pay your claim, they are legally required to send a check or draft ______.
ANSWER: Within five business days.

Male drivers under 25 are charged for insurance at a higher rate because they are _______ in a crash.
ANSWER: More likely to be involved.

Stella has never been cited for a driving violation or gotten into a crash. What kind of insurance discount might she be eligible for?
A.) A Driving Sober discount
B.) A Safe Driving Record discount
C.) A Loyalty Discount
D.) There is no discount for this

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A Safe Driving Record discount

Many insurance companies reward customers for ______ by reducing their premiums.
ANSWER: Staying with them.

You can likely obtain an insurance discount by taking a drivers education course. True or false?
You can likely obtain an insurance discount by taking a driver education course.

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Several insurance companies offer discounts for taking a driver education course.

What is a safe feature that insurance companies may offer reduced rates for?
A.) Airbags
B.) Automatic seatbelts
C.) Antilock breaks
D.) All the choices are correct

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All the choices are correct

What is a reason your insurance may be revoked?
A.) Lying on your insurance application.
B.) Failing to pay your insurance bill on time.
C.) Filing a false insurance claim.
D.) All the choices are correct

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All the choices are correct

Chapter 3Aceable Level 11, Chapter 3: Don't Mess

______ is the dumping of trash and waste on _______.
ANSWER: Littering, land and water.

What is a consequence for a first offense of throwing trash out your car window?
ANSWER: A fine of up to $500.

The Adopt-a-Highway program allows citizens to rent part of the highway for private events. True or false?

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The Adopt-a-Highway program allows groups to commit to cleaning up roadsides.

What is not an object you can throw in the trash?
ANSWER: Dead batteries

Where should you take dead car batteries?
ANSWER: Return car batteries to an authorized seller.

What should be recycled and kept out of the water supply?
Which of the following should be recycled and kept out of the water supply?
A.) Oil filters
B.) Antifreeze
C.) Used motor oil
D.) All the choices are correct

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All the choices are correct

Why shouldn't discarded tires be stockpiled?
ANSWER: They're a fire hazard and breeding ground for mosquitos and rodents.

Vehicles release ______ that cause air pollution.
ANSWER: Emissions and pollutants.

What is NOT an action that will minimize air pollution?
ANSWER: Placing filters on your vehicle's exhaust pipes.

Topping off when filling up your gasoline tank helps lower emissions. True or false?
ANSWER: False: Not topping off when filling up your gasoline tank helps lower emissions.

Aceable Level 11, Chapter 4: The Gift of Life

How many people are there in the U.S. on a waiting list for an organ transplant?
ANSWER: More than 120,000 people.

Before transplanting your organs, all doctors and medical personnel must first ____.
ANSWER: Make every effort to save your life.

What is NOT a medical factor that transplant patients are matched on?
ANSWER: Body weight

What percentage of the U.S. population has signed up to be an organ donor?

What does the heart symbol on a driver license signify?
ANSWER: Organ donor

Patients are matched to donated organs based on blood type, tissue type, critical need, time on the waiting list, and ____________.
A.) geographical location
B.) ability to pay for the transplant
C.) gender importance of the person

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geographical location

★ 2024 Drivers Ed Course Level 12 chapter 1 Test Answers

Aceable Level 12, Chapter 1: A License to Drive

What is not a pre-drive task?
Which of the following is not a pre-drive task?
ANSWER: Putting the car in park.

Where should you put your hands on the steering wheel?
A.) 9 o'clock and 3 o'clock.
B.) Midnight
C.) 6 o'clock and 3 o'clock.
D.) 10 o'clock and 2 o'clock.

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9 o'clock and 3 o'clock.

Some countermeasures for divided attention include....
ANSWER: Knowing where your turn signal lever is located in your vehicle.

Discarded batteries should be taken to _______.
ANSWER: An authorized dealer.

You are responsible for passengers under the age of _____ wearing seat belts.

To change gears from Park to Drive, you must first ______.
A.) Move the gearshift from Park to Drive
B.) Press the brake pedal with your right foot
C.) Turn the car off
D.) Put your right foot on the accelerator

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Press the brake pedal with your right foot

The first step you should take to decelerate is to _______.
A.) Use the emergency brake
B.) Hit the brake pedal
C.) Release pressure on the accelerator
D.) Put the car in neutral

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Release pressure on the accelerator

What do you NOT need to check for when locking the vehicle?
ANSWER: Lost bots

When adjusting your mirrors, how should you be sitting?
ANSWER: Sitting up in the driver's seat.

What is the vehicle operating space?
ANSWER: The space around the vehicle that cannot be seen from the driver's seat.

SEE iT is an example of a ______ system.
ANSWER: Space management

What is not a type of driving environment?
ANSWER: Railroad

The brake warning light means ______.
ANSWER: The brake system needs maintenance.

What is NOT a step required to obtain your Class C license?
ANSWER: You must have at least 1 year of driving experience.

What's the earliest you can complete the Impact Texas Teen Drivers course before your behind-the-wheel exam?
ANSWER: 90 days before

Once you obtain your Class C license at 16, you are free to drive your group of friends everywhere. True or false?
ANSWER: False: You cannot have more than one passenger under 21 who isn't a family member until you turn 18.

To turn off your vehicle, you need to put your vehicle in _______.

There are Driver Education courses that can get you a ________.
ANSWER: Discount on auto insurance.

All Aceable drivers make ____ and _____ decisions while driving.
ANSWER: Legal, responsible.

Checking your tires' air pressure will help prevent __
A.) All choices are correct
B.) Blowouts
C.) Skidding
D.) Flat tires

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All choices are correct

Where is the best place to change your flat tire?
ANSWER: a flat surface.

What should you keep in your vehicle in case of emergencies?
ANSWER: a wrench, spare tire, and jumper cables
EXPLANATION: Always store a wrench, spare tire, and jumper cables in your vehicle for emergency situations.

When changing a tire, turning the nuts ____ will loosen them.
ANSWER: counter-clockwise

Turning the nuts clockwise will ____ them.
ANSWER: tighten

What is the maximum distance you should drive on a spare tire?
ANSWER: 50 miles

If you can see the top of Lincoln's head, it's time to get new tires.
B.) False

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Over-inflated tires are more likely to have a blowout, and under-inflated tires wear the sides of the tire.
B.) False

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Check your battery terminals to make sure they are not ____.
ANSWER: loose

When using jumper cables, how should the "booster" vehicle be parked in relation to the "dead" vehicle?
ANSWER: facing each other

Most positive battery terminals are ______.

On the dead vehicle, where should you place the black jumper cable?
ANSWER: on an unpainted metal surface

If someone is tailgating you, you should:
ANSWER: move into another lane

You are driving on a highway where the posted speed limit is 70mph. The traffic around you is driving 75mph. How fast can you legally drive?

When passing a car, it's safe to return to your original driving lane when
ANSWER: headlights are in review mirror

When driving in fog, use your _
ANSWER: lower beam headlights

What kind of roadways freeze first when wet?
ANSWER: bridges

You may only drive in a biking lane _...
ANSWER: less than 200ft before making a right turn

You need to increase your following distance when:
A.) There is no traffic
B.) You are slowing down
C.) Your vision is clear
D.) You are being tailgated

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You are being tailgated

The suggested safe following distance for drivers is __ seconds
A.) 3
B.) 6
C.) 2
D.) 1

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Increase your following distance if you are following a :
A.) Passenger car
B.) Station wagon
C.) Motorcycle.

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ANSWER: motorcycle

Increase your following distance in ____.
A.) driving in poor/inclement weather
B.) being tailgated,
C.) following large trucks
D.) All choices are correct.

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All choices are correct.

you should increase your following distance when you are _____. aceable quizlet
A.) following a motorcycle.
B.) driving behind a large vehicle
C.) driving in bad weather
D.) All choices are correct.

Get the CORRECT Answer

All choices are correct.

Yellow pavement markings are used to separate :
ANSWER: traffic lanes on one way streets

When caring for an injured person, you should :
ANSWER: move them from fire, traffic, and apply pressure to wounds

Which of these is not a type of license?

What does it mean to "yield the right-of-way?"
ANSWER: allowing other vehicle(s) to proceed before you

If you hear sirens and see emergency lights behind you, what should you do?
ANSWER: Pull over to the right

If parking near a corner, you should stay at least ____ away from the crosswalk.
ANSWER: 20 feet

It is legal to turn right at a red traffic light if your path is clear and there are no signs prohibiting it
B.) False

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You're approaching a flashing red traffic light at an intersection. What should you do?
ANSWER: Stop completely, then drive ahead when the intersection is clear.

If a driver refuses to take a breath alcohol test requested by a police officer, the driver will
ANSWER: have their license suspended for violating the Implied Consent law

In which situation should you use high beams?
ANSWER: when you're alone on a poorly lit road

Areas around your vehicle which can't be seen in your mirrors are called .
ANSWER: blind spots

Broken lines painted on the pavement mean .
ANSWER: the line may be crossed

At a T-intersection, yield the right of way to drivers ____.
A.) On the through road
B.) On the private street
C.) On the street with fewer lanes
D.) On the left

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on the through road

If you must pass another vehicle, it's best to do so on the .
ANSWER: left

How far in advance of making a turn do you have to activate your turn signal?
How many feet in advance should you signal before turning?
ANSWER: 100 feet

Texas driving law has tougher standards for ____.
ANSWER: minors

The State of Texas has a policy for minors driving under the influence.
ANSWER: Zero Tolerance

If a police officer follows you with lights and sirens on, what should you do?
ANSWER: Pull over to the right of the road.

If you need to reach into your console or glovebox for your documentation, what should you do?
ANSWER: ask permission of the officer and do it slowly

Amedee Bollee created the first___.
Amedee Bollee invented the __________.
Arnedee Bollee invented the ___
A.) hybrid engine.
B.) steam-powered engine.
C.) solar vehicle.
D.) gasoline-fueled internal combustion engine.

Get the CORRECT Answer

steam-powered engine.

__ ____ and ___ ___ created the first gasoline-fueled internal combustion engine.
________________ invented the gasoline-fueled internal combustion engine.
__________ invented the gasoline-fueled internal combustion system
A.) William Durant
B.) Karl Benz and Gottlieb Daimler
C.) Arnedee Bollee
D.) Henry Ford

Get the CORRECT Answer

Karl Benz and Gottlieb Daimler

The Model T was created in expensively due to ___.
The Model T was created inexpensively due to ___.
A.) assembly-line procedures
B.) lots of car options
C.) poor quality materials
D.) cheap taxes

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assembly-line procedures

2024 Drivers Ed Course Level 5 Chapter 1, 2 Test Answers

Aceable Level 5, Chapter 1: Factors of Risk

What's an example of risk while driving?
ANSWER: A cyclist on your right.

Seeing things as potential risks will make you a ________ and __________ driver.
Seeing things as potential risks will make you what kind of driver?
ANSWER: safer, more alert

What kind of driving environment is an empty parking lot?
ANSWER: Controlled risk

Controlled Risk
ANSWER: When conditions can be controlled to minimize the chance of harm

At what speeds do moderate risks usually occur?
ANSWER: Under 50 mph.

Complex-risk situations are ___________.
complex-risk situations are:
Complex risk situations are: aceable
ANSWER: High traffic roads with speed limits near 70 mph

Pete is rushing to school again. He decides to speed on the highway to make it in time. Would an experienced driver do the same?
Annalena is rushing to school again. she decides to speed on the highway to make it in time. would an experienced driver do the same?

Factors that influence risk can be predicted, analyzed, and minimized by what?
Factors that influence risk can be predicted, analyzed, and minimized by the use of which of the following?
A.) Traffic laws
B.) Reduced-risk driving practices
C.) Driver preparation
D.) All the choices are correct

Get the CORRECT Answer

All the choices are correct

What is an example of a reduced-risk practice in a low-risk environment, such as neighborhood street?
A.) Look out for pets and children crossing the street.
B.) Watch out for objects blocking the road.
C.) Check for bicyclists.
D.) All the choices are correct

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All the choices are correct

Practicing reduced-risk driving will eliminate any potential risk on the road. True or false?

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Stella is using her phone to search for directions to her doctor's office while driving. What's the safest thing to do?
Zoja is using her phone to search for directions to her doctor's office while driving. what's the safest thing to do?
ANSWER: She should find somewhere to park and search for directions then.

Factors that contribute to crashes and deaths in Texas include speeding, ________, not controlling speed, and ___________.
Factors that contribute to crashes and deaths in Texas including speeding, ________, not controlling speed, and ___________.
ANSWER: driving under the influence, incorrect evasive actions

How much more likely are teens ages 16-19 to be involved in a fatal crash than drivers 20 or over?
ANSWER: Three times.

Why are teen drivers overrepresented in fatal crashes?
A.) Teens don't have as much experience as adult drivers.
B.) Teens don't assess risk the same way adult drivers do.
C.) Teens aren't as mature as adult drivers.
D.) All the choices are correct

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All the choices are correct

Aceable Level 5, Chapter 2: Now You See It

The last step in SEE is evaluating conditions that will help you maintain a safe space around your vehicle. True or false?

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EXPLANATION: The last step in SEE is taking actions ("Execute") that will help you maintain a safe space around your vehicle.

Which zone does your vehicle occupy?
A.) The 6th zone.
B.) The 1st zone.
C.) The spin zone.
D.) The 7th zone.

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The 7th zone

You should be vigilant of everything happening in the six zones surrounding your vehicle. True or false?

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What are two of your responsibilities as a driver?
ANSWER: Observe and manage the lanes around you.

What is the name of a good space management system to use while driving?
What is the name of a good space management system to use while driving aceable

What is SEE iT?
ANSWER: A space management system that stands for Search, Evaluate, and Execute in Texas.

For the safety acronym SEE iT, what does the S stand for?
ANSWER: Search the road for information.

You are on a busy road. What is the first thing you must do to better manage your space?
A.) You must take action to get out of harm's way.
B.) Search the roads for new information on road conditions and other drivers.
C.) You must slow down and move to the left.
D.) Check your cell phone for any weather warnings.

Get the CORRECT Answer

Search the roads for new information on road conditions and other drivers.

Analysts say drivers make _____ decisions every mile on the road.
Analysts say drivers make how many decisions per mile on the road?
ANSWER: 50-60

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DMV Practice Permit Test Study Guide

You can find everything you need to pass your Learner's Permit or Driver's License test that includes more than driving test 500+ questions. Free and unlimited practice tests questions and answers. This Learners Permit Study Guide helps you to get ready for your Learners Permit (driving permit). Learners permit practice test prep includes traffic signs and signals questions almost identical to the real test. Get ready for your permit test today!

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