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★ AAA Driver's Ed How to Drive Chapter 4 Test Answers

AAA How To Drive: Starting, Steering, and Stopping the Vehicle

Anti-lock braking system (ABS):
A.) allow shorter following distances
B.) result in shorter stopping distances
C.) allow higher traveling speeds
D.) help drivers maintain steering ability under hard braking

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help drivers maintain steering ability under hard braking

When you shift to reverse you should:
A.) Press the brake pedal
B.) Press the accelerator pedal to the floor
C.) Keep the steering wheel in line, ensuring the vehicle goes straight back
D.) Only shift to reverse from the "Parked" position

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Press the brake pedal

When starting the engine, you should release the key:
When starting the engine, you should release the key or start button
A.) as soon as the engine starts
B.) after you check over your left shoulder
C.) when you release the parking brake
D.) when you hear a grinding sound

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as soon as the engine starts

As you start the engine, you should:
A.) Turn on the low beam headlights
B.) Check the instrument panel for warning lights
C.) Drive at a moderate speed for the first few minutes
D.) All of the above

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All of the above

When you shift into drive you should:
A.) Before you shift your vehicle into drive, you should:
B.) check that all gauges are working
C.) let the engine idle for 15 to 20 seconds
D.) turn on your low beam headlights if the vehicle does not have DRLs
all of the above are correct

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all of the above are correct

In the event of an emergency, if you are driving a vehicle equipped with an anti-lock braking system (ABS), apply maximum pressure to the brake pedal to activate the system.

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You must press hard on the accelerator as you start the engine. True or false?

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You should press the brake when starting the engine.

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When driving, it is best to place:
A.) Your foot in front of the brake and pivot to the accelerator
B.) Your foot in front of the accelerator and pivot to the brake
C.) Both A and B are correct
D.) Neither A nor B is correct

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Your foot in front of the brake and pivot to the accelerator

When steering using the hand-to-hand method:
A.) one hand must be briefly off the steering wheel
B.) fine steering input will be done only with your right hand
C.) your hands will cross over the 12 o'clock position when turning
D.) both hands will always maintain contact with the steering wheel

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both hands will always maintain contact with the steering wheel

To steer a vehicle smoothly and precisely you need:
A.) a steering wheel incorporating rubberized texture for a better grip
B.) a small steering wheel
C.) a visual target to use as a reference point
D.) all of the above are correct

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a visual target to use as a reference point

With hand to hand steering:
A.) The left hand does not touch the steering wheel
B.) The right hand does not touch the steering wheel
C.) The left hand works the left side of the steering wheel
D.) Neither hand crosses an imaginary line running to left to right

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The left hand works the left side of the steering wheel

HINT: Hand to hand steering is sometimes called feed steering.

Hand-to-hand steering:
A.) positions both hands on the left side of the steering wheel
B.) is sometimes called feed steering
C.) alternates hands touching the steering wheel so that only one of touching it at any moment
D.) maintains the 10-2 hand position o the steering wheel, except when turning

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maintains the 10-2 hand position o the steering wheel, except when turning

True or false: You generally steer where you look.

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Hand over hand steering allows you to pull the steering wheel as you turn.
Hand over hand allows you to pull the steering wheel as you turn.

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The driver should look:
A.) 20-30 seconds ahead on an open road
B.) 5-7 seconds ahead when driving in the city
C.) At the yellow line in the center of the road
D.) At the middle of the front edge of the hood

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20-30 seconds ahead on an open road

Prior to starting the engine, always place your foot on the:
A.) brake pedal
B.) accelerator pedal
C.) floor
D.) parking brake

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brake pedal

When backing:
When backing up, you must:
A.) brace your right arm over the back of the front passenger seat
B.) grip the steering wheel at the 12 o'clock position with your left hand
C.) move the wheel left or right in the direction you want the rear of the vehicle to go
D.) all of the above are correct

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all of the above are correct

When Backing Straight or to the right:
A.) Position your right hand on the back of the passenger seat
B.) Grip the steering wheel at the 12 o'clock position with your left hand
C.) Move the top of the wheel left or right in the direction you want the rear of the vehicle to go
D.) All of the above

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All of the above

The first step to ensure the path behind the vehicle is clear prior to backing is:
A.) look over your right shoulder
B.) use the inside rearview mirror
C.) use the outside mirrors
D.) if possible, check behind your vehicle before entering the vehicle

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if possible, check behind your vehicle before entering the vehicle

You are driving between two parked vehicles, with a minimum amount of space available, you should position your vehicle:
You are driving between two parked vehicles, position your car
A.) closer to the left vehicle
B.) closer to the right vehicle
C.) evenly between both vehicles
D.) It does not matter which vehicle you are close to as long as you do not hit either of them

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closer to the right vehicle

You have stopped to park a vehicle equipped with an automatic transmission. the next step is to keep your foot on the brake pedal and:
A.) set the parking brake
B.) put the shift lever in park
C.) turn the ignition to off
D.) put the shift lever in neutral

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set the parking brake

While securing your vehicle in a parking lot, you should:
When securing your vehicle in a parking lot, you should:
A.) turn the ignition to off then roll up windows and turn off your headlights
B.) unfasten your safety belt then turn off all accessories and lights
C.) turn off all accessories and lights then turn off the ignition
D.) turn off the ignition then shift the gear selector lever to park

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turn off all accessories and lights then turn off the ignition

When driving in a parking lot, drivers should use _____ acceleration
A.) Idle
B.) Light
C.) Progressive
D.) Thrust

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Which of the following are maneuvers for reversing direction?
A.) 2 and 3 point turns
B.) U-turns
C.) Traveling around the block
D.) All of the above

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All of the above

Parking at a right angle to the Curb.
A.) Parallel Parking
B.) Angle parking
C.) Perpendicular Parking
D.) Hill Parking

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Perpendicular Parking

Parking backing in between cars along a curb.
A.) Parallel parking
B.) Angle parking
C.) Perpendicular parking
D.) Hill parking

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Parallel parking

Parking Diagonally to a curb.
A.) Parallel parking
B.) Angle parking
C.) Perpendicular parking
D.) Hill parking

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Angle parking

When leaving any parking space:
A.) You have the right of way
B.) You must yield to all other traffic
C.) you can choose to yield to other traffic
D.) You must first count three seconds

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You must yield to all other traffic

True/False: Releasing pressure from the brake pedal allows your vehicle to move forward slowly, provided your vehicle is equipped with an automatic transmission.

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True/False: The majority of drivers use their right foot for braking.

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True/False: The physical health of the driver can affect stopping time of the vehicle.

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Which of these acceleration levels is used for moving in higher speed traffic?
A.) Idling acceleration,
B.) light acceleration,
C.) progressive acceleration,
D.) thrust acceleration

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Thrust acceleration

You have placed your vehicle in Drive and are preparing to move forward:
A.) you should keep your parking brake set
B.) you do not need to check your mirrors since you are moving forward
C.) you should accelerate then check your mirrors and blind areas for other vehicles
D.) you should check your mirrors and blind areas before pivoting your foot from the brake to the accelerator

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you should check your mirrors and blind areas before pivoting your foot from the brake to the accelerator

Total stopping time is made up of:
A.) reaction time
B.) braking time
C.) perception time
D.) all of the above are correct

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all of the above are correct

Total stopping distance is made up of:
A.) Reaction distance
B.) braking distance
C.) perception distance
D.) All of the above

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All the above

You have just parked your vehicle on a quiet neighborhood street and are preparing to open your door to exit the vehicle, you should
You have parked your vehicle on a quiet neighborhood street and are preparing to open your door to exit the vehicle. You should:
A.) already have your keys in your pocket
B.) check mirrors and blind areas of traffic
C.) lock your doors
D.) all of the above are correct

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check mirrors and blind areas of traffic

If an error has been committed and you are approaching an object at high speed, the quickness of steering input needed to make a 10- to 12-foot lane change:
If an error has been committed and you are approaching an object at a high speed, the quickness of steering input needed to make a 10- to 12-foot lane change:
A.) remains the same as low-speed
B.) increases, compared to low-speed
C.) decreases, compared to low speed
D.) none of the above is correct

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increases, compared to low-speed

________________ acceleration is used to maintain slow forward motion or allowing speed to increase gradually with minimum weight shift
_________ acceleration is used to maintain slow forward motion or allow speed to increase gradually with minimum weight shift.
A.) idle
B.) light
C.) threshold
D.) squeeze

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_______ braking is used to smoothly and gradually reduce brake pedal pressure at the end of a braking maneuver, helping avoid abrupt weight transfer when turning at an intersection or into a curve.
A.) Trail
B.) Threshold
C.) Squeeze
D.) Cover

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Generally speaking, drivers should use ___ braking when slowing the vehicle while preventing abrupt weight transfer.
Drivers should use _____ braking when slowing the vehicle to prevent abrupt weight transfer.
A.) Controlled/Squeeze
B.) Threshold
C.) Trail
D.) None of the above

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True/False: Sudden steering input, coupled with a high speed can generate enough weight transfer to overcome the tires' traction and result in a skid.

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List and explain the four levels of acceleration
* First level of acceleration: Idling acceleration - releasing pressure from the brake pedal which results in slow forward movement
* Second level of acceleration: Light acceleration- to maintain slow forward motion or allowing speed to increase gradually with minimum weight shift
* Third level of acceleration: Progressive acceleration- firm pressure on the Accelerator to increase speed
* Fourth level of acceleration: Thrust acceleration - firm push or thrust of accelerator for increased acceleration, shift more weight to the rear wheels
List and explain for levels of deceleration
* First level of the deceleration: Releasing accelerator stops the vehicles forward propulsion. Vehicle will continue to move forward but it will be coasting forward rather than being propelled by the engine.
* Second level of the deceleration: Controlled/squeeze breaking is done with sufficient pressure to slow the vehicle while avoiding abrupt weight transfer
* Third level of the deceleration: Threshold braking - application of brake pressure to a point just short of locking up the brakes
* Fourth level of the deceleration: Trail braking - used to smoothly and gradually reduce brake pedal pressure at the end of a breaking maneuver

List five habits you should develop when starting a vehicle engine.
List 5 good habits you should develop when starting vehicle
1. Put right foot on the brake pedal before starting the engine.
2. Check to ensure the parking brake is set
3. Check to ensure the gear selector lever is in park
4. Turn the key clockwise to start the engine/push to start button
5. As soon as your engine starts, release the key
6. Let the engine idle for 15 to 20 seconds before you start driving
7. After vehicle engine starts, check that all gauges are working normally
8. Drive at moderate speed for first few blocks

Explain how to perform the hand-to-hand, hand-over-hand, and steering while backing techniques.
# Hand-To-Hand: With this technique, both of your hands are always touching the wheel. However, neither hand crosses an imaginary vertical line that runs through the middle of the steering wheel. The left hand works the left side of the wheel, and the right hand works the right side of the wheel. While one hand pushes up or pulls down, the opposite hand slides up or down along the wheel to provide additional steering input or make sure that steering is smooth. "Unwinding" the steering wheel to return to a straight path simply involves making the same hand movements in reverse.
# Hand-Over-Hand: This technique involves grasping the steering wheel with your right hand between the 2 o'clock and 3 o'clock positions, and with your left hand between the 9 o'clock or 10 o'clock positions, turning right in this example. Use your left hand to push the steering wheel up and over the other hand past the 12 o'clock position, continuing downward toward 9 o'clock or 3 o'clock. At the same time, your bottom hand releases the steering wheel, and passes across your forearm to grip the wheel on the far side. That same hand, which is now on top, then pulls the wheel down.
# Steering BACK STRAIGHT OR TO THE RIGHT: When backing straight or to the right, grip the steering wheel with your left hand at the top, at the 12 o'clock position. Place your right hand on the back of the passenger seat. This position helps brace you and makes it easier for you to see out the rear window, over your right shoulder l. Before moving backward, you may need to shift your hip and seat position to improve your rearward view.
# Steering BACK TO THE LEFT: When backing to the left, grip the wheel with your right hand at the 12 o'clock position, and place your left hand along the driver door panel. Look over your left shoulder, and move backward very slowly. Be sure to also visually check to the front as you back to make sure the front of your vehicle doesn't swing out of line at r strike anything. Take your time, and always back slowly. Backing is not about speed-it's about precision.

List and explain the 4 levels of acceleration
1. Idle acceleration: simply releasing pressure from the brake pedal can cause the vehicle to move slowly, forward or backward.
2. Light acceleration: Used to maintain slow forward motion and also to gradually increase speed with minimum vehicle weight shift.
3. Progressive acceleration: With progressive acceleration, the driver uses firm pressure on the accelerator to increase speed.
4. Thrust acceleration: A firm push or thrust of the accelerator increases acceleration, shifts more weight to the rear tires for traction, and can be used to pass other vehicles in high-speed traffic

List and explain the 4 levels of deacceleration
1. Releasing the accelerator stops the vehicle's forward propulsion. Although the vehicle will continue moving forward, it will be coasting forward rather than being propelled by the engine.
2. Controlled braking is done with sufficient pressure to slow the vehicle while avoiding abrupt weight transfer that could lead to traction loss by the front or rear wheels
3. Threshold braking is the application of brake pressure to a point just short of locking up the brakes. Resulting in maximum braking capability, this tends to be used during emergency situations.
4. Trail braking is used to smoothly and gradually reduce brake pedal pressure at the end of a braking maneuver.

Describe how you might communicate to drivers behind you when you plan to slow or stop your vehicle.
1. Check for vehicles behind you
2. Lightly tap your brake pedal a few times before actually applying the brakes to slow the vehicle (Or hand signals)

Explain the benefits of braking in a straight line.
The benefit of braking in a straight line are maximizing the tire contact patches, resulting in the greatest possible traction during braking; (best traction). You can lose patch traction when turning left or right. It helps maintain balance, more tire traction and you do not have to correct as much maximizes traction.

Explain how to perform the three steering techniques
#1. Hand to hand steering: Happens when you were turning three slight curve - both hands grip the wheel using little to no hand/finger movements. One hand pushes up or pulls down, while the opposite hand slides up and down along the wheel to provide additional steering input or stabilized steering. Hands don't cross 6 or 12.
#2. Hand over hand steering: When the driver grasps the steering wheel with your right hand between two and 3 o'clock and your left hand between nine and 10 o'clock. One hand (left hand) pushes the steering wheel up and over the other hand past 12 o'clock and down toward nine or 3 o'clock. The bottom hand (right hand) releases the steering wheel, passing across your forearm to grip the steering wheel on the far side.
#3. One hand steering: Is not recommended, and should only be used when backing up in a straight line or to adjust dashboard controls. Keep both hands on wheel when you must turn while backing.

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