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Driving Ed Online offers DMV approved Drivers Education, Graduated Driver Licensing and Driver Training courses which meet all the state DMV requirements for teens who want to get their learners permit & Driver's License through Virtual Driving Online. Topic Covers Safe driving behavior, Creating safe drivers on Road. How to drive defensively, traffic signals, rules and regulations, types of parking, traffic infraction points and fines. Vehicle speed limits, car repair, car Insurance Coverage, Car Maintenance, performance.

★ AAA Driver's Ed How to Drive Chapter 11 Test Answers

AAA How To Drive: Intersections and freeway driving, Sharing the Road with Other Users

A gap in traffic is the:
A.) Time that vehicles take to stop or move at intersections
B.) Distance or time between the back of one vehicle and your front bumper
C.) Distance on either side of your vehicle and vehicles in parallel lanes
D.) Distance or time between the back of a vehicle and the front of the next vehicle in line

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Distance or time between the back of a vehicle and the front of the next vehicle in line

The distance between moving vehicles on a road is called a/an ____.
A.) Space
B.) Gap
C.) Opening
D.) Area

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As you approach an intersection you should look for:
A.) Vehicles
B.) Pedestrians
C.) Traffic Control Devices
D.) All are correct

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All are correct

Letting others go before you is called:
A.) Nice
B.) Right of way
C.) Yielding
D.) Stopping

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An intersection where signs or signals assign the ROW is called a:
A.) Uncontrolled intersection
B.) Unregistered intersection
C.) Registered intersection
D.) Controlled intersection

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Controlled intersection

A light that has just turned from red to green is called a _____.
A.) Fresh green light
B.) Bright green light
C.) Stale green light
D.) Delayed green light

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Fresh green light

A traffic light that has been green for some time is:
A.) Fresh green light
B.) New green light
C.) Old green light
D.) Stale green light

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Stale green light

A light allowing traffic from one side time to turn or go straight before the light for oncoming traffic turns green is known as a _____
A.) Fresh green light
B.) Bright green light
C.) Stale green light
D.) Delayed green light

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Delayed green light

A light that has been green for some time is a ______
A.) Fresh green light
B.) Bright green light
C.) Stale green light
D.) Delayed green light

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Stale green light

An intersection where there are no signs or signals is called_____
A.) Uncontrolled intersection
B.) Unregistered intersection
C.) Registered intersection
D.) Controlled intersection

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Uncontrolled intersection

When you can no longer stop safely without entering an intersection.
A.) Point of no return
B.) Point of no going back
C.) Point of recovery
D.) Point of decision

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Point of no return

When you can no longer stop safely without entering the intersection, you have reached the _____
A.) Point of no stopping
B.) Point of no return
C.) Point of danger
D.) Point of decision

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Point of no return

Treat an uncontrolled intersection as if it has a _______ sign.
A.) Stop
B.) Warning
C.) Yield
D.) Guide

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TRUE OR FALSE. A green light is always an indication to go because it is clear to do so.

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TRUE OR FALSE. Vehicles leaving a parking space must yield to all vehicles and pedestrians.

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TRUE OR FALSE. Vehicles turning left at uncontrolled intersections must yield to all oncoming vehicles.

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You should have your headlights on when you drive during the daylight hours because it is easier:
A.) for others to see your vehicle
B.) to see the edge of the road
C.) for you to see the road ahead
D.) for you to see others

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for others to see your vehicle

When driving, a "closing-probability" is:
A "closing probability", when driving is:
A closing probability when driving is:
A.) the chance that another vehicle will be in the same place you plan to be at the same time
B.) the chance that you will have a crash
C.) the chance that the oncoming vehicle on a two-lane roadway will veer into your lane
D.) the chance that a vehicle and another object will move closer together as they move along a projected path of travel

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the chance that a vehicle and another object will move closer together as they move along a projected path of travel

Which of the following is not a vision error that could increase risk?
A.) Failing to check your rear view mirror,
B.) failing to check your blind areas,
C.) dialing your cell phone,
D.) searching 20 to 30 seconds ahead for your vehicle for possible conflicts

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Searching 20 to 30 seconds ahead for your vehicle for possible conflicts

Communicating should be thought of as:
A.) sending information
B.) receiving a message
C.) exchanging information
D.) providing feedback

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exchanging information

Which of the following is not a reason to communicate with other drivers?
A.) express your frustration at their actions
B.) tell them where you are
C.) tell them what you plan to do
D.) warn them of a danger

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express your frustration at their actions

All of the following are common messages communicated by drivers to reduce risk except:
A.) Frustrations
B.) Warning
C.) Presence
D.) Intentions

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The driver ahead of you is having a lively conversation with passengers in the vehicle. You can expect that driver to:
A.) drive too fast for conditions
B.) turn too wide
C.) stop suddenly
D.) all of the above are correct

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all of the above are correct

Which of the following is an indication that the driver you observe has poor spatial judgement?
A.) the driver is tailgating another vehicle
B.) the driver is giving an incorrect signal
C.) the driver did not stop at the stop sign
D.) the driver did not remove the snow from the rear window of his car

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the driver is tailgating another vehicle

A vehicle ahead of you can increase your risk by:
A.) suddenly stopping,
B.) swerving into your lane,
C.) both A and B,
D.) neither A nor B

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Both A and B

It could take pedestrians as much as ten seconds to cross a two-lane street. Which pedestrian should you expect to take the longest to cross the street?
A.) an elderly person
B.) a child with a bike
C.) an adult with a stereo headset on
D.) all will take about the same amount of time

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an elderly person

As a driver you have a responsibility to pedestrians that is:
A.) Legal
B.) Moral
C.) Both A and B
D.) Neither A nor B

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Both A and B

You are driving on a two lane roadway and you encounter a fire truck coming towards you with sirens and emergency lights on, you should:
A.) Maintain your speed and lane position.
B.) Signal your intention, then move off the roadway, but slowly enough to maintain control of your vehicle
C.) Signal your intention, then move off the roadway and stop until the fire truck passes you
D.) Slow, but continue in your lane since the truck has the other lane available to drive in.

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Signal your intention, then move off the roadway and stop until the fire truck passes you

Freeway speed-change (weave) lanes are:
A.) Used only for acceleration when merging.
B.) Only used for deceleration.
C.) Never used for both acceleration and deceleration.
D.) Used for both acceleration and deceleration.

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Used for both acceleration and deceleration

You are driving on a two-lane roadway and you encounter a fire truck coming toward you with sirens and emergency lights on, you should:
A.) slow, but continue in your lane since the truck has the other land available to drive in
B.) move off the roadway, but slow only enough to maintain control of the vehicle
C.) maintain your speed and land position
D.) pull over as far as possible to the right and stop until the fire truck passes you

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pull over as far as possible to the right and stop until the fire truck passes you

While driving on a two-lane road, you encounter a fire truck coming toward you with its siren and emergency lights on. You should:
A.) Slow, but continue in your lane since the truck has the other lane available to drive in.
B.) Maintain your speed and lane position.
C.) Move as far to the right of the roadway as you can, but slow only enough to maintain control of your vehicle.
D.) Move as far to the right of the road as you can and stop until the fire Truck passes you.

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Move as far to the right of the road as you can and stop until the fire Truck passes you.

You should avoid driving for extended period of time beside a large truck because:
You should avoid driving for an extended periods of time beside a large truck because:
A.) The air currents created by large trucks will force you off the road.
B.) The dirt, dust, and smoke from a large truck will create visibility problems for you.
C.) Large trucks have large blind areas and the truck driver may not realize you are there.
D.) None of the above is correct.

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Large trucks have large blind areas and the truck driver may not realize you are there

True/False: You should tailgate the vehicle in front of you just before you pass the vehicle so your time to pass is shortened.
A.) true
B.) false

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Which of the following conditions will likely cause a bicyclist to make an unexpected maneuver?
A.) Signs indicating there is a bicycle route ahead
B.) Storm grates on the side of the road where the bicyclist is riding
C.) Both A and B
D.) Neither A nor B

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Both A and B

You should avoid passing another vehicle __________________
A.) When the sun is setting.
B.) As you approach a hill crest.
C.) When a police officer is present.
D.) None of the above is correct.

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As you approach a hill crest

When you pass a motorcycle, you should:
A.) give the motorcycle as much room as you would any other vehicle you pass
B.) honk your horn sharply just as the front of your vehicle comes even with the motorcycle
C.) need not make a full lane change since the motorcycle is smaller
D.) none of the above

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give the motorcycle as much room as you would any other vehicle you pass

Animals are especially dangerous when you see them near the roadway because:
A.) Their actions are erratic and unpredictable.
B.) They have a basic fear of vehicles and will always run from them.
C.) They are generally too small to cause any damage to your vehicle if you hit them.
D.) They are attracted by vehicle exhaust fumes.

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Their actions are erratic and unpredictable

Roundabouts and raised crosswalks are:
A.) traffic altering techniques
B.) traffic calming techniques
C.) traffic diverting techniques
D.) traffic halting techniques

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Traffic calming techniques

True/False: At staggered stops, the left stop bar is positioned a bit more forward than the right stop.

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By design, intersections are risky because:
A.) Traffic signals might not always work.
B.) Drivers pay close attention to other road users.
C.) Vehicle's cross one another's paths of travel at various angles.
D.) Pedestrians typically cross roads and streets quickly

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Vehicle's cross one another's paths of travel at various angles.

By design, intersections are risky because it is where the most accidents happen.

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Left hand turns are dangerous because vehicles cross one another's paths of travel at ____
ANSWER: various angles

Intersection types include:
A.) Open and closed
B.) Warning and regulatory
C.) Line of sight and path of travel
D.) Controlled and uncontrolled

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Controlled and uncontrolled

Successfully navigating intersections involves:
A.) Identifying intersections well in advance of reaching them
B.) Managing speed appropriately
C.) Adjusting positions as necessary
D.) All the above

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All the above

An important difference between expressways and freeways is that expressways feature intersections, whereas freeways use:
A.) Interchanges
B.) Medians
C.) Rumble strips
D.) Green guide signs

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Three main parts of freeway driving are:
A.) Signaling, turning, stopping
B.) Distraction, fatigue, emotion
C.) Getting on, driving on, getting off
D.) Shifting, backing, idling

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getting on, driving on, getting off

Restricted lane pavement markings or signs appear on heavily traveled streets and expressways.
A.) True
B.) False

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EXPLANATION: Restricted-lane pavement markings or signs appear on heavily traveled city streets and expressways. During certain hours of the day traffic in some lanes may be restricted to buses, turning vehicles or high-occupancy vehicles (HOVs — passenger vehicles containing two or more people). HOV signs indicate the minimum number of occupants required to use the restricted lanes, and the times during which the lanes are restricted. Restricted lane pavement markings and signs are designated by a diamond-shaped symbol.

When passing a motorcycle or scooter, ________________
A.) Give the rider the left side of the lane
B.) Give the rider the entire lane
C.) Speed up so you can get around them quickly.
D.) Give the rider the right side of the lane
E.) Do not pass them

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Give the rider the whole lane.

Areas where pedestrian traffic is high include:
Areas where pedestrian traffic is heavy include:
A.) Bus Stops
B.) School zones
C.) Parking lots
D.) All of the above are correct

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All of the above are correct

Parking lots, Bust stops, School zones, Parks, Playgrounds, college campuses, intersections, and mid-block crossings

___________ is a coming together or blending of vehicles to maintain a smooth, uninterrupted traffic flow
A.) combining
B.) merging
C.) weaving
D.) yielding

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Single vehicle crashes account for more than ____________ percent of all motor vehicle fatalities.
Single-vehicle crashes account for more than ____ % of all motor vehicle fatalities.
A.) 20
B.) 35
C.) 50
D.) 75

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Identify five common traffic conflict situations.
1. Oncoming vehicles- may cross center line or move into your lane. They may pull into your path while turning or passing another vehicle
2. Merging and exiting vehicles- entering, exiting, and merging vehicles typically close in on your travel path at an angle from the side
3. Cars ahead of you- vehicles ahead of you traveling in the same direction can suddenly increase your risk in two ways: either the driver of your vehicle may stop suddenly or swerve, or the driver of a vehicle in an adjacent land may suddenly swerve into your lane.
4. Vehicles behind you- vehicles following too closely could crash into the rear of your vehicle if you stop suddenly
5. Intersecting vehicles and pedestrians- intersecting traffic can be a serious threat

Explain the procedures for safely approaching an intersection.
Safeway to approach an intersection.
1. Search for traffic control devices, other cars and people who may enter your path
2. Be in the correct positions and in the proper lane.
3. As you approach an intersection, adjust your speed to allow more time to search the area and smoothly stop if necessary.
4. Also remember that other drivers can see you more easily when you drive with your low beam headlights on during the daytime.

Explain the steps you should take when approached by an emergency vehicle.
* Give room to emergency vehicles such as ambulances, fire trucks, and police cars.
* These vehicles often travel at high speeds and could swerve suddenly.
* Any time you hear a siren or see a flashing red or blue light behind you, pull over to the right as far as possible and stop, even when you are on a divided highway.
* Move out of an intersection before pulling over.
* An emergency vehicle sometimes drives on the wrong side of the road when its path becomes blocked.

Describe the basic rules to help determine when it is safe to cross a railroad intersection
1. Slow down when approaching a highway-rail grade crossing. If gates are down and warning lights are flashing wait until they go up. Stop do not go; wait until they no longer appear.
2. Stop no closer than 15 feet from a railroad crossing when train is approaching
3. If railroad crossing does not have gates and is not equipped with flashing lights, use extra caution
4. Always wait for vehicle ahead of you to clear the tracks before you do
5. After train has passed, check both directions to see that no trains are coming
6. Always wait for cars ahead of you to completely cross and then cross quickly and safely

Describe the three steps in preparing to pass another vehicle
1. Prepare to Pass: position yourself approx. 3 seconds behind the vehicle you want to pass. check mirrors and oncoming traffic. check ahead for a safe passing distance
2. Pass the vehicle Ahead: signal your intention and accelerate into passing lane. accelerate to a faster speed 20 or 30 mph faster than the vehicle passing, concentrate on the path ahead
3. Return to your lane: check your rear view mirror for front of vehicle you are passing, signal your intention to move. change lanes and maintain speed. cancel signal and check speedometer and adjust you speed if necessary

Explain how to lawfully and safely turn right at a red traffic signal.
* Approach slowly. Come to a Complete Stop. Whenever you approach a red light, you should always come to a full and complete stop.
* Yield to Oncoming Traffic. While you are stopped, look and see who has the green light.
* Watch for Pedestrians. Yield for pedestrians. Stop and turn when safe

Describe at least four advantages of roundabouts over traditional intersections.
1. Safer
2. Faster
3. Eco friendly
4. Cheaper

Explain the steps to properly merge onto a freeway.
1. Search for a safe gap
2. Maintain same safe space around vehicles
3. Signal and accelerate
4. Adjust speed

Describe "velocitation" and "highway hypnosis."
* Velocitation: Is becoming used to higher driver speed/ driving fast.
* Highway hypnosis: When driving for extended periods of time. Driving for long periods of time and going into hypnosis from looking at the road for so long. Drivers can exhibit trance like states

★ AAA Driver's Ed How to Drive Chapter 10 Test Answers

AAA How To Drive: Manual Shift Vehicles, Sharing the road

When shifting gears with a manual transmission, the clutch must be:
A.) Pushed to the friction point
B.) Always be pushed all the way to the floor
C.) Pushed past the friction point
D.) None of the above is correct

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Always be pushed all the way to the floor

On a vehicle with a manual transmission, the point at which the engine begins to move the car as the clutch is released is called the __________________.
A.) Friction point
B.) Blending point
C.) Matching point
D.) Friction cuff

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Friction point
EXPLANATION: What is the friction point of a clutch - On a vehicle with a manual transmission, the point at which the engine begins to move the car as the clutch is released is called the friction point of a clutch

The friction point of the clutch is the point at which the clutch pedal is:
A.) Pushed all the way to the floor
B.) Let all the way up from the floor
C.) Let up part way to a point where the gears grind
D.) Let up part way to a point where the engine starts to move the vehicle

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Let up part way to a point where the engine starts to move the vehicle

On a vehicle with a manual transmission, when shifting gears, you should press the clutch:
On a vehicle with a manual transmission how far should you press the clutch pedal
When shifting gears you should press the clutch
A.) About half-way down.
B.) Down about an inch.
C.) Not at all.
D.) All the way to the floor.

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All the way to the floor

When shifting gears, you should:
A.) Look at your pedals to make sure the clutch pedal is all the way to the floor
B.) Keep your left foot on the brake
C.) Look at your shift lever to ensure you are in the proper gear
D.) Be able to shift without looking at the pedals or shift lever

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be able to shift without looking at the pedals or shift lever.

When shifting from first to second, the correct procedure is:
A.) Clutch pedal down, accelerator pedal up, shift
B.) Clutch pedal down, shift, accelerator pedal up
C.) Accelerator pedal up, clutch pedal down, shift
D.) Accelerator pedal up, shift, clutch pedal down

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clutch pedal down, shift, accelerator pedal up

First gear in a vehicle with a manual transmission should be used for speeds up to approximately:
A.) 5 mph
B.) 10 mph
C.) 15 mph
D.) 20 mph

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15 mph

On a vehicle with a manual transmission, fourth and fifth gears are generally engaged at speeds over:
A.) 15 to 25 mph.
B.) 25 to 35 mph.
C.) 40 to 50 mph.
D.) None of the above is correct

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40 to 50 mph

When you park and leave a manual shift vehicle, it is best to set the parking brake and shift to:
A.) First Gear
B.) Neutral
C.) Reverse
D.) Both First Gear and Reverse

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Both first gear and reverse

On a vehicle with a manual transmission, when shifting gears, you should look:
A.) At the dash gauges.
B.) At the gear lever.
C.) At the side of the highway.
D.) Along your intended path of travel.

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Along your intended path of travel

On a vehicle with a manual transmission, a frequent mistake is:
A.) Shifting into a higher gear at too high a speed.
B.) Shifting into a higher gear at too low a speed.
C.) Shifting into a lower gear at too low a speed.
D.) Shifting into a lower gear at too high a speed.

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Shifting into a higher gear at too low a speed

On a vehicle with a manual transmission, "riding the clutch" will:
A.) Rapidly wear the clutch's surface.
B.) Create a "drag" on your vehicle speed.
C.) Increase your gas mileage.
D.) All of the above are correct.

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Rapidly wear the clutch's surface

On a vehicle with a manual transmission, if you do not operate the clutch pedal properly you could:
A.) Stall your engine.
B.) Experience bumpy jerks when slowing.
C.) Have the vehicle jerk forward when you attempt to accelerate.
D.) All of the above

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All of the above

You are driving a manual-shift vehicle in third gear at 30 mph and you plan to turn right at the next intersection. The street has a slight uphill grade. It is best to:
A.) Downshift to second gear and slow before the turn
B.) Slow down with the brake and downshift after the turn
C.) Brake some before the turn and accelerate after the turn
D.) Brake before the turn, push the clutch pedal down during the turn, and downshift after the turn, if needed.

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Downshift to second gear and slow before the turn

The primary challenge of driving a vehicle with a manual transmission is learning to:
The primary challenge in driving a manual transmission vehicle is learning to:
A.) Release the clutch smoothly to move forward
B.) Press the accelerator to increase engine speed appropriately
C.) Depress the clutch when coming to a stop
D.) Downshift before entering a turn

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Release the clutch smoothly to move forward

Which of the following are considered to be vulnerable road users?
Who are considered to be the most vulnerable roadway users?
A.) Pedestrians
B.) Motorcyclists
C.) Bicyclists
D.) All of the above

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All of the above

In crashes involving a passenger vehicle and a motorcycle, the motorcyclist is usually at fault
In crashes involving a car and a motorcycle, the motorcyclists is usually at fault
A.) True
B.) False

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In crashes involving a passenger vehicle turning left and a motorcycle, the _______ ______ is usually at fault.
ANSWER: passenger vehicle

Which of the following statements is true regarding sharing the road with large trucks?
A.) Large trucks stop in less distance than other vehicles.
B.) Large trucks have multiple mirror blind zones, called no zones, around them.
C.) Drivers of large trucks typically are unmotivated to drive safely.
D.) Large trucks can make tight right and left turns.

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Large trucks have multiple mirror blind zones, called no zones, around them.

Which of the following statements is true regarding sharing the road with large trucks?
A.) Large trucks stop in less distance than other vehicles.
B.) Large trucks have multiple mirror blind zones around them.
C.) Drivers of large trucks typically are unmotivated to reach their destinations safely.
D.) Large trucks can turn left and right tightly using little space.

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Large trucks have multiple mirror blind zones around them.

Driving courtesy is important as you share the road with:
A.) Drivers in funeral processions
B.) Vulnerable road users
C.) Farm machinery operators
D.) All of the above

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All of the above

Drivers of passenger vehicles are at significant risk of serious injury and death when colliding with
A.) Trains
B.) Bicyclists
C.) Domestic animals
D.) Skateboarders

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What should you not do when you see the flashing lights of a police officer behind you?
A.) Let the law enforcement officer know that you see them.
B.) Reduce your speed until you pull over.
C.) Pull over in a safe location.
D.) Reach for any object, or into the glovebox, console, under your seat or down to the floorboard.

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Reach for any object, or into the glovebox, console, under your seat or down to the floorboard.

Compared to a passenger sedan, how far back should you follow a motorcycle?
A.) Closer to the motorcycle.
B.) Farther back from the motorcycle.
C.) About the same distance.
D.) 6 motorcycle lengths

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Farther back from the motorcycle.

When being passed:
A.) Move to lane position 3 (the right side of lane)
B.) Move to lane position 2 (the left side of lane)
C.) Maintain speed and lane position
D.) Slow down and maintain lane position

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Maintain speed and lane position

The front brake supplies 70% of a motorcycles braking power.
A.) True
B.) False

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When a stopped school bus has its red lights flashing, vehicles going in both directions of a roadway are:
A.) Required to stop
B.) Not required to stop
C.) Required to stop only if in lanes going toward the rear of school bus
D.) Required to stop only if in lanes going toward the front of the school bus

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Required to stop

When a stopped school bus has its red lights flashing, vehicles going in both directions of a divided roadway are:
A.) Required to stop
B.) Not required to stop
C.) Required to stop only if in lanes going toward the rear of school bus
D.) Required to stop only if in lanes opposite the divider going toward the front of the school bus

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Required to stop only if in lanes going toward the rear of school bus

When you park or leave your vehicle:
ANSWER: Make sure it is low or reverse gear with parking brake set

Explain the purpose of the clutch.
To interrupt the connection between the engine and the transmission. The clutch disengages the connection between the engine and transmission to allow gear changes. To connect the rotating engine shaft to the gears in the transmission.

Explain the purpose of (a) the forward gears and (b) neutral gear.
Forward gears- used to match the vehicle's speed for optimum engine performance and to maximize fuel mileage. (Typically 5-6 forward gears). To provide range of power and speed.
Neutral gear- (Not in gear). The engine is not connected to the drive shaft. Is used when you start the engine or when the car is stopped with the engine running. A vehicle in neutral rolls easily

Explain why a driver should not leave his or her foot on the clutch pedal after having shifted gears when the vehicle is in motion.
Why should a driver never leave his/her foot on the clutch pedal after having shifted gears when the vehicle is in motion?
Such a habit, called "riding the clutch," rapidly wears the clutch surface and causes slippage. Rest your left foot on the "dead pedal" to the left of the clutch pedal until it is time to shift again.

Explain the process of securing a manual transmission vehicle.
* Come to a complete stop with wheels straight or turned away from curb
* Keep clutch pedal depressed
* Shift to first gear or reverse as appropriate
* Set parking brake
* Turn off all accessories and lights
* Make sure windows are closed
* Turn off ignition and remove the key
* Check mirrors/blind spots over your shoulder for traffic
* Exit with keys in your hands
* Lock your doors

Outline the basic procedure for stopping a vehicle that is going more than 30 mph
* Press brake pedal & when your speed safely matches the next lowest gears shifting point, downshift to gear
* Continue to brake and downshift until reach 2nd gear
* Full release of the clutch pedal after each shift is required to maintain control over acceleration.
* After you slowed to about 15 mph or less to avoid stalling
* Press the clutch down and brake the vehicle to stop

2024 ★ Driver's Ed - Licensing Requirements / Permitting Process: How do I get My License Answers

What is the minimum age you can go and get your permit at the DMV?
How old do you need to be to get your learners permit?
ANSWER: Learners permit age: 15 years and 6 months old
License age: 16 yrs and 3 months

What tests must you take? What 3 tests must you take to get your permit?
ANSWER: 1. Two Part General knowledge exam (written and road skills)
2. Sign test
3. Vision Test

What score do you need to get on the knowledge test?

What score do you need to get on the signs test?
ANSWER: 100% (10/10)

What guide helps you and your parents with driving skills and tips?
ANSWER: 45-Hour Parent/Teen Driving Guide

How many total hours must you have driving with a parent/guardian?
How many total hours must you have driving with a parent or guardian?
ANSWER: 45 hours

How many hours must you have driving with a parent/guardian after sunset?
How many hours must you have driving with a parent or guardian after sunset?
ANSWER: 15 hours

After getting your 6-month TDL license, how do you extend your license period for multiple years?
ANSWER: renew license at DMV/court or online

Where do you log your driving hours?
Where do you "log" these hours?
ANSWER: log in the back of 45 hours Parent/Teen Driving Guide/Manual

How many passengers can you have in your vehicle?
How many passengers can you have in your vehicles with permit?
When you have your learner's permit how many passengers can you have in your vehicle?
A driver with a learner's permitis limited to how many passengers under the age of 21?
ANSWER: 1 non family member under 21 (no restrictions on family)

Who can you practice with?
ANSWER: A licensed driver (non-family member) at least 21 years or parent/guardian, or an immediate family member who is 18 or older

Can you use technology while driving? (Permit restrictions)

When can you use your phone?
When can you use a cell phone? (permit restrictions)
ANSWER: If you are stopped at a safe location, during an emergency or lawfully stopped/pulled over or legally parked

Can you use your cell phone?
ANSWER: Never when driving, never unless car is parked

What hours are you not allowed to drive? (permit restrictions)
What hours are you not allowed to drive during when you have your learner's permit?
What is the driving curfew under 18 years old?
ANSWER: Curfew from 12:00 A.M to 4:00 A.M

What is behind the wheel? (BTW)
ANSWER: Diving with an instructor, the practical portion in which you will demonstrate your driving skills and knowledge of the driving laws

How do you sign up for BTW?
ANSWER: Through commercial school or DMV if 18+

How many does BTW last?
How many days is BTW?
ANSWER: 7 days - 100 min of 14 sessions

How long will you be in your vehicle?
How long will you be in the vehicle for BTW?
ANSWER: 14 total hours or 2 hours per day/per session

What do you need before you can legally begin to take BTW?
What do you need before you can legally begin taking BTW?
ANSWER: Learner's permit for 9 months and drivers ed certificate, 20 hours driving with licensed adult, knowledge of the driving laws, pink card or letter, parent permission

When do you take your road test?
ANSWER: 7th day/last day of driving school/Final day of behind the wheel

Graduated Driver Licensing (GDL):
The process used in many states of U.S.A that provides new drivers with driving experience and skills gradually over time in many different environments is called Graduated Drivers Licensing

How long do you have to hold your learners permit before you are eligible to get your license?
How long do you have to hold your learner's permit before getting a temporary license (TDL-180)?
ANSWER: 6 months

What does TDL-180 stand for?
ANSWER: Temporary Drivers License valid for 180 days

What does PDL-180 stand for?
ANSWER: Provisional Drivers License (have it for 180 days)

When would you get your TDL-180?
When do you get your PDL-180?
ANSWER: After you successfully complete drivers ed, behind the wheel requirements (if eligible), and complete the drivers log and pass the test, held permit for 9 months (16 and 3 months),drove 45 hours (15 being after sunset)

What do you need to be eligible to get your TDL-180?
ANSWER: Be at least 16 years and 3 months old, and have held your permit for 9 months, Complete Drivers Education (classroom), Complete 45 hour driving log (15 at night), Complete Behind the Wheel, Received a DEC-district 8 card, Have all parent permission documents signed.

When do you need to be added to your family's car insurance?
When do you need to be placed on your parents/guardians insurance? ANSWER: when you get your TDL-180 and start driving by yourself

What restrictions do you have when you get TDL-180?
ANSWER: 1. No cell phone while you are driving, no technology use, even with bluetooth
2. Passenger restrictions: No more than 1 non-family member passenger under 21 for the first year
3. Always wear your seatbelt!
4. Can't drive: Curfew from 12.00 A.M to 4.00 A.M; If you are 16 or 17 years old and have your license for less than one year, you may only have one non-family members in the vehicle. After one year you can have three non-family members in the vehicle only under specific circumsances; like school activities, work, sponsored activities and/or emergencies.

Where do you go to get your permanent license?
How do you get your permanent license?
Where do you go to receive your hard copy of driver’s license if you are under the age of 18?
ANSWER: If you are under 18, you will recieve your permanent license from the juvenile licensing ceremony (CTC Hull Street) or domestic relations court/judges.

Who gives your parents your permanent license?
Who gives your parents your permanent driver's license?
ANSWER: A judge

What does UMVF stand for and mean?
What does UMVF stand for?
ANSWER: Uninsured Motor Vehicle Fee, a fee for not carrying insurance

What does BGE stand for in driving
ANSWER: Blindzone Glare Elimination or Blind Spot and Glare Elimination

If a teen wants to obtain his/her driver license once they turn 18 the must have a certificate from what alcohol/drug program?
ANSWER: Alcohol and Drug Awareness Program (ADAP)

What is the difference between suspension and revocation?
What does CDL stand for?
What does a CDL allow you to do?
What does BAC stand for?
ANSWER: Blood Alcohol Content or Blood Alcohol Concentration

What range would your BAC be if you are under 21 and are convicted of driving after illegally consuming alcohol?
ANSWER: Zero Tolerance Law: drivers under 21 may lose their driving privilage if they have a BAC of .02 or higher

How many alcoholic drinks can affect your driving?

What is drowsy driving?
What is the earliest age you can be to get your license?
What is the ‘Move Over Law’?
Who is allowed to be in the front seat while you have your learners permit?
How many people (non-family members) can you drive with when you have your learners permit?
Where do you hold the steering wheel while driving?
What tests are needed in order for you to get your permit?
Do you need to pass one in order to take the other?
What percentage is needed to pass?
If you fail, how long do you have to wait before you can retake the permit test?
At what age is it legal to use a cell phone while driving?
What is the speed limit in school, business and residential zones?
How old can you be to operate a moped? How fast are you allowed to go (mph) before it is considered to be a motorcycle? Under State law, who is required to wear seat belts?

★ AAA Driver's Ed How to Drive Chapter 9 Test Answers

AAA How To Drive: Basic Maneuvers in a Low-Risk Environment, Chancing lanes, turning, and parking

When you intend to change lanes in heavy, rush-hour city traffic you should:
A.) use your turn signal
B.) not use your turn signal as it may alert other drivers of your intentions and he or she may close the gap
C.) flash your turn signal no more than two times so it will not distract other drivers
D.) use your turn signal for lane changes to the right only due to your reduced ability to see to the right of your vehicle

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use your turn signal

When you are a new driver and practicing turning right or left with good traction and normal conditions, your speed should not exceed:
A.) 45 to 50 mph
B.) less than 5 mph
C.) 5 to 15 mph
D.) 25 to 30 mph

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5 to 15 mph

When you are angle or perpendicular parking, you should:
A.) signal in the direction opposite your intended parking space so other driver's will not attempt to pass you,
B.) not signal since you are in a parking lot,
C.) use your emergency flashers,
D.) signal in the direction of your intended parking space since you are turning.

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Signal in the direction of your intended parking space since you are turning

Which of the following is the best procedure for making a lane change to the right?
A.) check all sides for a safe gap in traffic, signal right, re-check blind areas to the rear in the direction you plan to move, steer into the lane when safe, then cancel the signal
B.) check inside rearview mirror, signal right, check passenger's side outside mirror and look over your left shoulder for your blind area
C.) signal right, check driver's outside mirror and look over your left shoulder
D.) signal right, check driver's outside mirror, and look over your right shoulder before moving right

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check all sides for a safe gap in traffic, signal right, re-check blind areas to the rear in the direction you plan to move, steer into the lane when safe, then cancel the signal

You are changing lanes in traffic on a multiple-lane street. As you start to steer into the other lane, you should:
When changing lanes, you should:
A.) slow down slightly
B.) maintain the same speed
C.) increase your speed quickly
D.) increase your speed slightly

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maintain the same speed

When you curb-park facing uphill with a curb to your right, you should leave your front wheels:
When you curb-park facing up hill a curb to your right, you should leave your front wheels:
A.) turned toward the curb
B.) turned away from the curb
C.) pointed straight ahead
D.) none of the above

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turned away from the curb

When parking uphill with a curb, you should turn the front wheels:
When parking uphill next to a curb, you should turn your front wheels:
A.) toward the curb,
B.) away from the curb,
C.) straight,
D.) none of the above

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Away from the curb

Which way should your front wheels be turned when parking uphill next to a curb?
A.) Straight ahead
B.) Right, toward the curb
C.) left,away from the curb
D.) None of the above

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left,away from the curb

When your vehicle turns a corner, the tracks made by the rear tires are always:
A.) on top of those made by your front tires
B.) tighter than those made by your front tires
C.) outside of those made by your front tires
D.) none of the above

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tighter than those made by your front tires

When your vehicle turns a corner, the tracks made by the rear tires are always:
A.) outside of those made by your front tires,
B.) inside of those made by your front tires,
C.) on top of those made by your front tires,
D.) none of the above is correct.

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inside of those made by your front tires,

To reverse direction on a two-way street, you will best manage your risk by:
To turn around on a two-way street you will best manage your risk by:
A.) making a two-point turn by backing into a driveway on your right then driving forward into the street
B.) making a u-turn
C.) making a three-point turnabout
D.) making a two-point turn by driving into a driveway on your left then backing into the street

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making a two-point turn by backing into a driveway on your right then driving forward into the street

When you perpendicular-park you should, when possible, select a space that lets you drive into the facing space so that when you leave you will:
A.) not have to back out
B.) be able to back out of your space and the one behind you giving you more practice
C.) already have your wheels straight
D.) none of the above

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not have to back out

A three-point turnabout:
A.) is the method of reversing your direction that best manages your risk
B.) is best when you are turning around in heavy traffic
C.) is the only method of turning around when you are facing a hill or curve
D.) should only be used when there is not much traffic

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should only be used when there is not much traffic

You have the option of making a two-point turn, U-turn, or going counter-clockwise around the block to reverse your direction. You will likely best minimize your risk by:
A.) making a U-turn
B.) going around the block
C.) making a two-point turn
D.) the risk is likely to be the same for all three options given

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going around the block

You are driving at 30 mph and you realize you are quickly approaching a street you want to turn right onto, you should:
A.) flash your brake lights several times before braking hard to slow enough to make your turn
B.) not worry about slowing down and make your turn anyway
C.) brake hard and turn your steering wheel sharply so the rear of your vehicle starts to skid, helping you to turn in the direction you need to go
D.) continue straight ahead and consider if you need to turn around or if you can turn right at the next street and return to your intended route

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continue straight ahead and consider if you need to turn around or if you can turn right at the next street and return to your intended route

You should turn your turn signal on:
A.) as soon as possible without creating confusion
B.) when you realize you are going to turn
C.) immediately after a turn to prepare for your next turn
D.) a minimum of 50 before you turn

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as soon as possible without creating confusion

You are traveling on a multi-lane street and the lane you are in is blocked ahead. You should:
A.) yield to traffic in the clear lane before changing lanes
B.) expect the traffic in the adjacent lane to yield to you
C.) not change lanes and go off road to the medium or shoulder to get around the blockage
D.) none of the above is correct

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yield to traffic in the clear lane before changing lanes.

Before making a turn in an urban area, most states' laws require a driver to signal at least _____ feet before the turn.
Most states' laws require a driver to signal at least ___ feet ahead before turning in an urban area.
States' law requires a driver to signal at least ____ feet before turning.
A.) 50
B.) 100
C.) 250
D.) 500

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When preparing to turn, you should:
When approaching a turn, you should:
A.) Brake as you begin turning the steering wheel
B.) Instead of braking, coast down to the appropriate cornering speed
C.) Shift to Neutral to help balance your vehicle
D.) Complete your braking before turning the steering wheel

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Complete your braking before turning the steering wheel

When reversing direction, you should consider:
A.) Traffic density and speed
B.) Street layout and design
C.) Visibility and line of sight
D.) All of the above

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All of the above

When reversing direction, you should consider:
A.) traffic density
B.) your speed
C.) visibility
D.) all of the above

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All of the above

Your _____ can be used to help you know how far forward to pull into a parking space.
A.) Side mirrors
B.) Rear view mirrors
C.) Sun visor
D.) Front tires

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Side mirrors

The vehicle in front of you brakes suddenly. You have enough time and space to stop before hitting it. What additional information is most critical to you when deciding whether to just brake or brake and steer?
A.) The type of vehicle ahead
B.) What is behind you
C.) Why the vehicle braked so suddenly
D.) None of the above

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What is behind you

Parking in a traffic lane is called _____ and is illegal in most states.
A.) Double-blocking
B.) Double-parking
C.) Double-stopping
D.) Block-parking

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Outline the general procedures for changing lanes
1. Search ahead to the sides and to the rear for a safe gap in traffic.
2. Signal your intention to move left or right. Turn on your signal.
3. Use your mirrors. Search around you.
4. Re-check your blindspot areas by looking over your shoulder, to the rear in the direction of your intended lane change.
5. When conditions are safe, gently steer into the new lane adjusting your speed to the flow of traffiC.) If it is safe, change lanes.
6. Once you reach the new lane, turn off your signal and re check your vehicles speed and position.

Outline the procedures for entering and exiting/leaving a perpendicular parking space.
* As you drive the parking lot lane, monitor the vehicles to the left and right to be sure no one is backing out of a nearby parking space
* Signal your intentions using your brake lights and turn signal to communicate your intention. Search for obstructions, any objects and yield for pedestrians.
* Position your vehicle at least 8 to 9 feet from the rear of parked vehicles on the side to which you will turn.
* When you can look down the near side of the vehicle parked in the space next to the one you intended to occupy, start turning the steering wheel rapidly to enter the parking space.
* Sharply turn the steering wheel in the direction of your space.
* As you move slowly forward, allow your wheels to straighten, centering the vehicle in the space. Monitor the front and rear of your vehicle to make sure you don't hit/strike vehicles parked to either side.
* As you straighten the wheels, move your vehicle slowly forward, stopping just before the curb or the front of the parking space.

* Check for pedestrians or vehicles, signal left or right, shift to reverse,
* Reverse while looking back, use side view mirrors, check traffic and look over shoulder in the direction you're turning.
* Slowly back straight out until the vehicle is in line with other vehicles rear continue backing turn wheels when front clear the rear bumper turn wheels all the way to the left or right.
* Straighten wheels and shift to drive. Slowly turn toward path of travel

Explain how to use a reference point to help you determine how far to pull forward when entering a perpendicular parking space
* To help you determine how far forward to pull into a perpendicular parking space, use a reference point. You project a sight line just under the driver or passenger side view mirror ahead to the ground the front of your vehicle will be at that point.
* Pull forward until you see the perpendicular parking stripe just under your left or right side view mirror.

List three common errors made by new drivers when changing lanes.
List three commonly committed errors that new drivers tend to make when changing lanes
1. Might neglect to use or turn on indicator to signal intention when changing lanes.
2. Might decrease vehicle speed before or after steering into a new lane.
3. Might move into the lane position too close to other vehicles ahead of them.

★ AAA Driver's Ed How to Drive Chapter 8 Test Answers

AAA How To Drive: Managing Time and Space

An adequate space margin is one that provides a driver with:
A.) time
B.) space
C.) visibility
D.) all of the above

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all of the above

For safe travel you should identify a stopping zone ahead along your path of travel of at least
For safe travel you should identify a stopping zone ahead along your path at least
A.) 4 to 5 seconds
B.) 12 to 25 seconds
C.) 16 to 19 seconds
D.) 20 to 23 seconds

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4 to 5 seconds

A Driver should maintain a minimum following distance of:
A.) One car length for every 10 mph
B.) 2 seconds
C.) 3 seconds
D.) 4 seconds

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3 seconds

When you are driving, it is more difficult to control the space to your
When you are driving, it's most difficult to control the space to your:
A.) rear
B.) front
C.) right side
D.) left side

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When selecting a path of travel, you should give attention to:
A.) visibility, space, traffic flow, traction and laws
B.) visibility, space, traffic flow and laws
C.) visibility, laws, and space
D.) space, traffic flow and laws

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visibility, space, traffic flow, traction and laws

After passing a vehicle, it it safe to return to your lane when:
A.) The other driver flashes their headlights
B.) You can see the entire from of the vehicle you passed in the inside rear-view mirror
C.) You can see the front bumper in the rear-view mirror
D.) You reach the end of your marked passing zone

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You can see the entire from of the vehicle you passed in the inside rear-view mirror

Situation in which another driver is following your car too closely
A.) Point of no return
B.) Tailgating
C.) Covering the brake
D.) Blind spot

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The area to the right-rear zone or the left-rear zone of your vehicle that cannot be seen in the mirrors.
A.) Hidden spot
B.) Unknown spot
C.) Blind spot
D.) Unnecessary spot

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Blind spot

Taking your foot of the accelerator and holding it over the brake pedal.
A.) Dragging the brake
B.) Covering the brake
C.) Anticipating the brake
D.) Squeezing the brake

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Covering the brake

In traffic, the best way for you to provide an emergency escape path is to maintain adequate space to the:
In traffic the best way for you to provide an emergency escape path is for you to maintain an adequate space to the:
A.) front and at least one side of your vehicle
B.) rear of your vehicle
C.) sides of your vehicle
D.) front of your vehicle

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front and at least one side of your vehicle

When a driver is following you too closely (tailgating), you should maintain additional space to:
When a driver is following you too closely (tailgating), you should give additional space to :
When a driver is following you too closely, you should give additional space to
A.) your right
B.) your left
C.) both sides of your vehicle
D.) your front and at least one side

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your front and at least one side

Maintaining a proper following interval and visual control zone with identified alternate paths of travel allows you:
A.) more time to make decisions
B.) to travel at a higher rate of speed
C.) to read all signs including the highway billboards
D.) to be distracted yet still drive safely

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more time to make decisions

Your visual control zone is
A.) the distance you can see ahead of your vehicle.
B.) where you identify objects that may require a response.
C.) where you respond to what you perceive.
D.) how much space you allow between vehicles in front of and behind you.

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the distance you can see ahead of your vehicle.

A reasonable and proper speed for any set of conditions is a speed that:
A.) will not result in a violation
B.) allows you to avoid spinouts
C.) allows time to adjust your radio while moving
D.) assures a safe travel path

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assures a safe travel path

Which of the following is not one of the three major highway conditions that require you to adjust speed?
A.) time
B.) visibility
C.) traction
D.) space

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You should make a larger reduction in your speed when:
A.) the consequences of a possible collision are greater
B.) a police officer is present
C.) driving during the daylight hours
D.) the pavement is clear and your vehicle has good traction

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the consequences of a possible collision are greater

How fast you drive is determined by:
A.) the posted speed limit
B.) the highway conditions
C.) both A and B
D.) neither A nor B

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both A and B

You should allow space for:
A.) only those dangers that you can see
B.) only those dangers you can't see
C.) not only those dangers you can see, but also those you cannot see
D.) none of the above

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not only those dangers you can see, but also those you cannot see

You are traveling on a narrow two-lane road, and are approaching a child riding his bike on the right side of the road. A line of oncoming vehicles following a slow moving truck is approaching in the oncoming lane. You should flash your lights, tap your horn, and:
A.) slow down and move closer to the truck
B.) slow down and move to your right
C.) maintain speed and lane position
D.) speed up and move to your left

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slow down and move closer to the truck

The key to the Basic Speed Law is to drive at a ________ speed for conditions.
A.) Safe and clear
B.) Traffic-matching
C.) Slow and steady
D.) Reasonable and proper

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Reasonable and proper

A space into which you can safely direct your vehicle with the lowest possible risk is referred to as your:
A space into which you can safely direct your vehicle with the lowest possible risk is referred as your
A.) Intended path of travel
B.) Immediate path of travel
C.) Clear path of travel
D.) Expected path of travel
E.) intermediate path of travel

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Intended path of travel

Adjusting your speed to address one hazard at a time is called ______ multiple risks.
A.) Compromising
B.) Deconflicting
C.) Separating
D.) Clear path of travel

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When faced with both sides of your dangers close to pathway, you should give up:
When faced with dangers close to both sides of your pathway, you should give up:
A.) More space to your right side because it is more difficult to see to that side.
B.) More space to your left side because of the possibility of oncoming traffic.
C.) About the same space on either side of you.
D.) More space to the side with the more serious consequences.

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More space to the side with the more serious consequences.

When faced with dangers close to both sides of your path of travel, you should create:
When faced with dangers close to both sides of your pathway you should give up:
A.) more space to your right side because it is more difficult to see to that side,
B.) more space to your left side because of the possibility of oncoming traffic,
C.) about the same space on either side of you,
D.) more space to the side with the most serious consequences.

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More space to the side with the most serious consequences

The size of your space margin depends on:
A.) your speed,
B.) the width of your vehicle,
C.) the maneuvers you expect to perform,
D.) all of the above

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All of the above

You should always maintain a stopping zone distance of at least __________ seconds.
You should always maintain a stopping distance of _____ second.
A.) 2-3
B.) 9-10,
C.) 12-15
D.) 4-5

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Changes in __________ is a major highway condition that requires you to adjust speed.
A.) Traction
B.) Space
C.) Visibility
D.) All of the above

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All of the above

True/False: When your vision is obstructed by off-road objects, you should use your horn to notify other drivers.

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To make accurate and timely decisions while driving, you must know:
A.) all road blockages
B.) the conditions of nearby drivers
C.) when to change speed
D.) traffic jams

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When to change speed

What is the difference between separation and compromising?
Separation: hazards are made to occur at different times
Compromise: when separation is not possible, reduce speed and give more room to the hazard that produces greater risk.

Explain the risk-reduction concept of separating multiple risks and give an example of its successful use.
Explain the risk-reduction concept of separating and give an example of it's successful use.
1. Effective timing is most important for situations involving multiple risks and allows you to deal with each object separately
2. Dealing with two or more objects at the same time and place such as when you are meeting traffic on a narrow bridge.
3. Provides a chance to meet a moving object at a place with better space margins or visibility

Explain the risk-reduction concept of compromising among multiple risks and give an example of its successful use.
1. Two or more objects threaten your travel path at the same time, narrow two-lane road with bicyclist on your side & cars in oncoming lane.
2. If you are faced with two dangerous situations, compromise and give more room to the one with the greater risk to pass..
3. The goal is to reduce the risk posed by each and allow more distance from the object or situation with most serious consequences or greatest potential for emergency.

List three factors affecting the selection of a path of travel
1. Roadway Conditions
2. Off-road contains
3. Traffic Conductors
4. The unexpected

Explain how to put the three to four second following distance rule into practice
How to put the 3 to 4 second following distance rule in to practice
1. Identify a stationary checkpoint ahead or Pick out a fix check point like a road sign or light post
2. As soon as the rear of the vehicle ahead of you passes the checkpoint, start counting three to four seconds
3. When the front of your vehicle reaches the checkpoint, stop counting.
4. If you reach the checkpoint before you finish counting then you are following too closely.

Define "Reasonable and proper speed." 1. The Basic Speed Law or rule is to drive at a reasonable and proper speed for conditions. Provides a driver with a safe path to travel for conditions, including changes in line of sight, traction and space.
2. A reasonable and proper speed for any set of conditions is one that provides the driver a safe path of travel.
3. The ideal speed provides time and space to brake or steer to a safe alternate path 4 to 5 seconds ahead if any emergency develops.

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