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Driving Ed Online offers DMV approved Drivers Education, Graduated Driver Licensing and Driver Training courses which meet all the state DMV requirements for teens who want to get their learners permit & Driver's License through Virtual Driving Online. Topic Covers Safe driving behavior, Creating safe drivers on Road. How to drive defensively, traffic signals, rules and regulations, types of parking, traffic infraction points and fines. Vehicle speed limits, car repair, car Insurance Coverage, Car Maintenance, performance.

★ Drivers Ed Course Test Questions and Answers 23

Before you take any medicine, _____ to see if it could affect your ability to drive.
A.) test a small dose
B.) read the warning label
C.) search on the internet
D.) see if it contains alcohol

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read the warning label

When you encounter an impaired road user, you should stay _____.
A.) to their side
B.) behind them
C.) ahead of them
D.) in their blind spot

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behind them

If you've had any alcohol, you should wait at least _____ for every drink you've had before you drive.
A.) fifteen minutes
B.) one half hour
C.) one hour
D.) one hour and a half

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one hour

Which of the following is not a behavioral problem associated with alcoholism?
A.) an overly judgmental attitude
B.) decreased communication skills
C.) disregard for appointments
D.) poor hygiene

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Overly judgmental attitude

After a person has been drinking for a long time, his or her liver will become:
A.) Able to break down alcohol very efficiently
B.) Enlarged by the amount of alcohol it has stored
C.) Scarred and unable to filter alcohol as well
D.) Unable to function without the presence of alcohol

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Scarred and unable to filter alcohol as well

One problem drunk drivers typically face is difficulty:
A.) Avoiding passivity in the face of a threat
B.) Concentrating on multiple situations
C.) Keeping their attention focused straight ahead
D.) Remembering the correct direction to turn the wheel

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Concentrating on multiple situations

True or False: Even if they are not directly involved in a crash with a drunk driver, sober drivers are still at risk from drunk drivers.

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If you've been drinking, one way you can make sure you get home safely is to call __________ .
A.) 911
B.) a cab
C.) an alcohol abuse support line
D.) someone you've been drinking with

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A cab

When a person develops tolerance for alcohol, he or she will:
A.) Act intoxicated even when he or she hasn't been drinking
B.) Be less harmed physically by the same doses
C.) Need larger doses to feel the same level of intoxication
D.) Take longer to reach a BAC of 0.08%

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Need larger doses to feel the same level of intoxication

What is not true about alcohol? drivers ed
A.) Alcohol reduces your attention span.
B.) Alcohol is a depressant.
C.) Alcohol gives you energy.

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Alcohol gives you energy.

It’s actually a depressant, slowing down your thinking abilities, speaking abilities, etc.

The illegal Blood Alcohol Concentration for drivers younger than 21 is ____%.
A.) 0.002
B.) 0.01
C.) 0.02.

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You need ____________ to get the alcohol out of your system naturally.
What is the only factor that removes alcohol from the body?
A.) Exercise
B.) Time
C.) A cold shower

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Your blood alcohol concentration depends on ________________.
A.) Body weight.
B.) Type of drinks.
C.) The food.

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body weight.

The effects of experimental drinking, recreational drinking and alcohol abuse are all _____________.
A.) elementary
B.) predicable
C.) unpredictable
D.) psychological

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One reason the brain is especially sensitive to alcohol is: A.) All of alcohol's effects are psychological
B.) There is a high concentration of neurons in the brain
C.) There is already too little oxygen in the brain

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There is a high concentration of neurons in the brain

When you consume a lot of alcohol, your sleep will be __________ .
A.) filled with dreams
B.) heavy
C.) restless

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A person who develops tolerance for alcohol is more likely to:
A.) Act responsibly and decide not to get behind the wheel
B.) Avoid alcoholic beverages they're not used to
C.) Be able to drive without causing a collision
D.) Fail to recognize their level of intoxication

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Fail to recognize their level of intoxication

A drunk driver who is travelling at 60 mph is likely to:
A.) Be keeping up with the flow of traffic
B.) Check his or her speedometer regularly
C.) Think he or she is going more slowly

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Think he or she is going more slowly

Blurred and double vision is caused because alcohol impairs:
A.) The muscles in your eyes
B.) The signals in your brain
C.) Your ability to reason
D.) Your concentration skills

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The muscles in your eyes

Which of the following is not typically experienced as a psychological effect of alcohol?
A.) Exaggerated anger
B.) Excess caution
C.) Poor concentration

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Excess caution

Due to alcohol's effect on your sense of balance, you may:
A.) Be unaware when you're driving on a hill
B.) Feel like you're falling
C.) Make unnecessarily wide gestures

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Feel like you're falling

Drinking and driving is legal at what age?
A.) 18
B.) 21
C.) 35
D.) None of the above

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None of the above

Factor(s) affecting blood alcohol concentration are:
A.) body weight,
B.) gender,
C.) the drink's alcohol content and size,
D.) time spent drinking
E) All of the above

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All of the above

If a drink is 80 proof, it is ______% alcohol
A.) 40
B.) 60
C.) 80

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A.) 40

Alcohol can affect a person's __________ when drinking.
A.) reaction time
B.) vision
C.) judgment
D.) hearing
E.) coordination
F.) concentration
G.) All of these can be affected by drinking

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All of these can be affected by drinking

Decreased ability to store and retain information has been found to occur with BAC's as low as
A.) .03%
B.) .05%
C.) .08%

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A.) .03%

A glass of table wine contains:
A.) 5% alcohol
B.) 7% alcohol
C.) 12% alcohol
D.) 17% alcohol

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12% alcohol

The amount of food in your stomach does very little to reduce the effect alcohol has on the brain and liver. The only thing food does is:
ANSWER: Slows absorption into the blood stream

If an individual's BAC of .20 is going down, what process is occurring?
ANSWER: Sobering Up

The 2nd most often found drug in motorists involved in crashes is:
ANSWER: Marijuana

Tolerance to alcohol:
ANSWER: Involves the person's ability to mask/hide the effect of alcohol

What % of the alcohol you drink is detoxified (burned up) by your liver?

Match the following blood alcohol concentration level with the affects. .01-.05
ANSWER: Impairs Judgement

Match the following blood alcohol concentration level with the affects. .05-.10
ANSWER: Slows Reaction Time

Match the following blood alcohol concentration level with the affects. .10-.20
ANSWER: Blurred Vision and Speech

Match the following blood alcohol concentration level with the affects. .20-.35
ANSWER: Mental Confusion

Match the following blood alcohol concentration level with the affects. .35 or higher
ANSWER: Little or no Reflexes

Match the following types of alcohol with their % of alcohol. Wine
ANSWER: 8-25% alcohol

Match the following types of alcohol with their % of alcohol. Beer
ANSWER: 3-11% alcohol

Match the following types of alcohol with their % of alcohol. Pure Grain Alcohol
ANSWER: 95-99% alcohol

Match the following types of alcohol with their % of alcohol. Liquor
ANSWER: 26-75.5% alcohol

★ Drivers Ed Course Test Questions and Answers 22

Which of the following is NOT an effect of alcohol?
A.) Resistance to physical injury
B.) Decreased muscle coordination
C.) Short-term memory loss
D.) Poor judgment

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Resistance to physical injury

Which of the following is NOT an effect of alcohol?
A.) Slowed reaction time
B.) Improved coordination
C.) Altered vision and tracking
D.) Inhibited comprehension

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Improved coordination

Who usually has the lowest alcohol elimination rate?
A.) Inexperienced drinkers
B.) Moderate drinkers
C.) Heavy drinkers

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Inexperienced drinkers

When drinking alcohol, which part of the body first begins to absorb the drug into the bloodstream?
A.) Tongue and gums
B.) Stomach
C.) Intestines

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Tongue and gums

According to the DEA and the FDA, schedule I drugs have __________.
A.) a low potential for abuse
B.) a medical use that is safe under medical supervision
C.) no currently accepted medical use in the United States

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no currently accepted medical use in the United States

The amount of nicotine contained in a single pack of cigarettes is enough to __________ an adult when consumed quickly enough.
A.) kill
B.) blind
C.) None of the above

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Because of its effects on your speech, coordination, and memory, drinking will make it difficult to:
A.) Be yourself
B.) Deal with strangers
C.) Get others to notice you

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Be yourself

One reason that loss of employment can be especially problematic for addicts is:
A.) They lose access to vital health insurance
B.) Buying alcohol or drugs is expensive
C.) Their job is usually where they bu alcohol or drugs
D.) It represents the only socia; interaction in their lives

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Buying alcohol or drugs is expensive

Too many __________ can cause tissue damage, while too few can lead to tissue infection.
A.) cytokines
B.) "natural killer" cells
C.) T-cells
D.) white blood cells

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The mandatory minimum prison sentence for possession of 28 grams of crack cocaine or 500 grams of powder cocaine is __________.
A.) six months
B.) one year
C.) two years
D.) five years

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five years

Alcohol can damage the pancreas by causing:
A.) It to release digestive enzymes internally
B.) It to work extra hard to filter blood
C.) One or both sides of it to enlarge
D.) The mucous protecting it to erode

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It to release digestive enzymes internally

Which organ is responsible for breaking down nutritious and poisonous substances in the body?
A.) The kidneys
B.) The liver
C.) The pancreas

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The liver

Alcohol can give you _________.
A.) super strength
B.) double vision
C.) vivid dreams
D.) a bloody nose

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double vision

What's a good idea to do beforehand, if you plan on drinking with your friends?
A.) Assign a designated driver.
B.) Bring extra keys in case you lose yours.
C.) Bring extra cups and shot glasses.
D.) Figure out who holds their alcohol well and make them the driver.

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Assign a designated driver.

One of alcohol's effects is to _____.
A.) cause temporary blindness
B.) cause temporary deafness
C.) slow down your reaction time
D.) speed up your reaction time

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slow down your reaction time

Which of the following is NOT caused by alcohol?
A.) Reduced concentration
B.) Inhibited comprehension
C.) Decreased coordination
D.) Increased heart rate

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Inhibited comprehension

Select ALL answers that apply. Which of these is a sign a person might be drunk?
A.) Exaggerated emotions
B.) Blurred vision
C.) Slurred speech
D.) Diminished reflexes
E.) Impaired judgment
F.) All of the Above.

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All of the Above.

Impaired pedestrians are often seen on roads ______.
A.) in the afternoon
B.) at night
C.) in the morning
D.) around brunch

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at night

Which of the following is NOT a sign of an impaired road user?
A.) Inconsistent speed when driving on the road
B.) Driving much faster or slower than the speed limit
C.) Drifting out of lanes and driving aggressively
D.) Using signal lights when they are supposed to

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Using signal lights when they are supposed to

Which of these is NOT a sign that someone might be drunk?
A.) Slurred speech
B.) Difficulty focusing
C.) Impaired vision
D.) Increased coordination

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Increased coordination

Which of the following is NOT a symptom of strong emotions?
A.) Impulsiveness
B.) Hostility
C.) Blindness
D.) Distraction

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Inhalants generally behave much like __________.
A.) hallucinogens
B.) narcotics.
C.) stimulant

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A person's driving ability increases as the amount of alcohol in a person's body increases.
A.) True
B.) False

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1 022 deaths were caused by ___ in texas in 2013
1,022 deaths were caused by ___ in texas in 2013
ANSWER: Drunk driving/Impaired driving/DUI
EXPLANATION: In 2013, in the state of Texas alone, there were 25,158 alcohol-related crashes resulting in 1,022 deaths.

★ Drivers Ed Course Test Questions and Answers 21

The first thing you do in vehicle check is to __
A.) see if anything is out of the ordinary
C.) kick your tires to check if they will explode
D.) check the mirrors to see if they reflect
B.) look at the surroundings to see if any other vehicles are nearby

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look at the surroundings to see if any other vehicles are nearby

When you conduct a vehicle check, what are you asking yourself?
A.) How much is this vehicle's resale value?
B.) Is the mileage on this vehicle a safe number?
C.) Is this the vehicle I want to be driving when things don't go as planned?
D.) Is this vehicle currently in shape to safely get me to where I need to be?

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Is this vehicle currently in shape to safely get me to where I need to be?

A vehicle check is also a great time to ________.
A.) make last-minute phone calls
B.) mentally prepare for driving
C.) notice build-up of dirt or grime on the windows
D.) renew your license plate registration

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notice build-up of dirt or grime on the windows

What is NOT a priority during a vehicle check?
A.) Abnormalities
B.) Mirror and window cleanliness
C.) Headlight, signal light, and taillight function
D.) License plate cleanliness

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License plate cleanliness

During the pre-drive check, you'll want to observe the car from the _______.
A.) driver's seat
B.) sidewalk
C.) front and behind
D.) top and sides

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front and behind

Pre-drive checks are when you___
A.) get a mechanic's opinion before you buy a car from a dealership
B.) make sure your car is adjusted correctly and ready for a drive
C.) check your car after a lengthy drive to make sure nothing was broken
D.) call your insurance provider to verify coverage before you drive

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make sure your car is adjusted correctly and ready for a drive

The mirror check may involve ______________.
During pre-start, the mirror check may involve ______________.
A.) checking that you can see your tires in the mirror
B.) realigning the mirrors once you get seated
C.) reinstalling the mirrors every few months
D.) applying a new layer of anti-glare spray

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realigning the mirrors once you get seated

Many vehicles have indicator lights telling you when your ________.
A.) tires are underinflated
B.) mirrors need cleaning
C.) mileage is suffering
D.) music is too loud

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tires are underinflated

How can you prevent carbon monoxide poisoning?
A.) Allow your vehicle to idle for at least 10 minutes to warm up before driving on cold days.
B.) Replace your cabin air filter frequently.
C.) Never leave your vehicle running in an enclosed space, like a garage.
D.) Keep your windows rolled up at all times.) Can someone help me please please

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Never leave your vehicle running in an enclosed space, like a garage.
EXPLANATION: Never leave your car running in an enclosed space, like a garage. Doing so can create a fatal buildup of carbon monoxide, even if your vehicle is properly maintained.

Which of these may be an abnormality during your pre-drive check?
A.) There is another vehicle nearby.
B.) Your mirrors are aligned.
C.) The steering wheel responds.
D.) There’s an unidentified puddle.

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There’s an unidentified puddle.

Which of these may be an abnormality during your pre-drive check?
A.) There is another vehicle nearby.
B.) Your mirrors are aligned.
C.) The steering wheel responds.
D.) There’s a flat tire.

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There’s a flat tire.

Part of the basic procedures is the vehicle check. What does that mean?
A.) Bringing it to a mechanic for a tune-up
B.) Checking to make sure it is in working order
C.) Making sure you are entering your vehicle
D.) Giving the tires a good kick to check traction

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Checking to make sure it is in working order

If a dash light you are NOT used to seeing is lit, you should _____.
A.) not ignore it, especially if it is unfamiliar
B.) ignore it if there's no beeping sounds
C.) tap on it so that it fixes itself over time
D.) turn knobs and dials until it turns itself off

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not ignore it, especially if it is unfamiliar

Another name for dash lights is _______.
A.) vehicle problem indicators
B.) vehicle warning indicators
C.) vehicle status indicators
D.) vehicle caution indicators

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vehicle warning indicators
EXPLANATION: Also known as vehicle warning indicators, the dash lights are various icons on your dashboard that can light up to convey information about your vehicle.

Which of the following is NOT the name of a dash gauge?
A.) Speedometer
B.) Gear meter.
C.) Odometer
D.) Temperature gauge.

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Gear meter.

What does the odometer tell you
The odometer tells you _________
A.) how far your vehicle has traveled in its lifetime
B.) the amount of exhaust your vehicle is emitting
C.) if your vehicle's filters need to be replaced
D.) if your air conditioning needs to be fixed

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how far your vehicle has traveled in its lifetime

The odometer tells you how fast your vehicle is traveling true or false

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Some cars have an FCW, which stands for _______.
A.) fear of collision warning system
B.) flight collision warning system
C.) front collision wear system
D.) forward collision warning system

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forward collision warning system

The correct way to use a seat belt is ______.
A.) across your hips, and across your body over the collar bone
B.) cross your thighs, over the body, and over the collar bone
C.) across your waist, over the body, and around the collar bone
D.) across your hips, and across your body, around your neck

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across your hips, and across your body over the collar bone

When your car won't start, it's most likely _____.
A.) a battery or alternator problem
B.) because you used the wrong key
C.) that the brakes are still engaged
D.) that the license plates have expired

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a battery or alternator problem

Car batteries have two terminals, which are _____.
A.) positive and negative
B.) high and low
C.) dead and donor
D.) park and neutral

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A positive and negative

Tires should be properly _____ and _____.
A.) deflated, aligned
B.) inflated, aligned
C.) painted, maintained
D.) painted, rimmed

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inflated, aligned

The area covered by a person's palms was described as the area covered by a tire's:
A.) Inflation area
B.) Footprint
C.) Sidewall

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The area covered by a person's palms was described as the area covered by a tire's footprint.

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★ Drivers Ed Course Test Questions and Answers 20

Before driving, carefully plan your route to:
A.) Avoid driving through intersections.
B.) Ensure that you reach your destination.
C.) Reduce the number of trips you need to make.
D.) Avoid oncoming traffic.

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Reduce the number of trips you need to take
Route planning - before driving, carefully plan your route to include all of your destinations. This can help reduce the total number of trips you need to make it during the week

Pedestrians include ______.
A.) skateboarders and rollerbladers
B.) bicyclists and emergency transport vehicles
C.) people parking their vehicles
D.) people sitting at an outdoor cafe

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skateboarders and rollerbladers
EXPLANATION: A person on foot, a skateboard, or roller skates is considered to be Pedestrians.

Pedestrians have ___
A.) no right to use the Highway Transportation System
B.) to get out of your way when you're driving
C.) a right to use the Highway Transport System
D.) to be on the sidewalk or crosswalk at all times

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a right to use the Highway Transport System

As a pedestrian, what does a flashing orange hand, or flashing DON'T WALK, mean?
A.) You must yield to vehicles.
B.) You may cross, but you must yield to vehicles.
C.) You may not begin to cross the street.
D.) You must stop walking.

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You may not begin to cross the street.

Pedestrians, bicyclists, and skateboarders _____ the rules of right-of-way when they use the road.
A.) must follow
B.) may ignore
C.) may choose to follow
D.) must not follow

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must follow

A person walking with a white cane or guide dog is likely to be:
A.) A deaf person.
B.) A person involved with a traffic study.
C.) A blind person.
D.) None of the above.

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A blind person.

If you see a police car behind you with its lights on, you should _____.
A.) tap your brakes to let them know you see them
B.) put on your hazard lights and pull over
C.) pull over as soon as you can do so safely
D.) look for your driver license before you pull over

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pull over as soon as you can do so safely

What will your phone do in Do Not Disturb mode?
A.) Alert you of incoming calls
B.) Alert you of incoming messages
C.) Mute itself from all vibrations and alerts
D.) Turn off until you restart it

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Mute itself from all vibrations and alerts

If someone runs a red light in front of you, and you choose NOT to slow down or steer away, you will _____.
A.) not be at fault if there is a collision
B.) be partially at fault if there is a collision
C.) have to appear in court if there is a collision
D.) probably not be involved in a collision

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be partially at fault if there is a collision

Headlights, signal lights, and taillights exist so you can ___.
A.) customize your vehicles appearance
B.) avoid getting a ticket
C.) communicate with other drivers
D.) buffer your car in case of a collision

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communicate with other drivers

If you are using your high beams at night, you should remember to do what?
A.) Flicker them constantly
B.) Tailgate cars
C.) Switch to low beams for oncoming traffic
D.) Also turn on the fog lights

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Switch to low beams for oncoming traffic

In the case of driving in bad weather, at night, or behind trucks or motorcycles, you should _____.
A.) maintain a two-second following distance
B.) maintain a four-second following distance
C.) increase your following distance to at least four seconds
D.) increase your following distance to at least five seconds

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increase your following distance to at least five seconds

During bad weather, you should travel _____ the posted speed limit.
A.) above
B.) below
C.) at exactly
D.) around

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Which of the following is NOT a safe skill you can use regarding motorcycles?
A.) Recognizing that motorcyclists may need to weave around a hazard
B.) Giving motorcycles extra space for their shorter stopping distance
C.) Keeping an eye out for them in summer months and warm weather
D.) Adjusting your driving so that they are always in your blind spots

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Adjusting your driving so that they are always in your blind spots

Without _____, motorcycle riders are at risk of severe injury in a crash.
A.) proper protection
B.) quick thinking
C.) sharp skills
D.) a lot of horsepower

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proper protection

Wear a helmet and protective clothing, and insist that your passengers do too. Without proper protection, motorcycle riders are at risk of severe injury in a crash.

It’s a good idea to eat ________ you get into the car.
A.) before
B.) during
C.) after
D.) whenever

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If you're required to wear glasses or contact lenses, it's a good idea to _____.
A.) keep an extra pair in your trunk
B.) keep an extra pair in your glove box
C.) avoid driving at night
D.) avoid driving when it's raining

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keep an extra pair in your glove box

Always look out for animals, especially at
A.) intersections
B.) railroad crossings
C.) night, dusk, and dawn
D.) 2:00 p.m.

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night, dusk, and dawn

Deep water can _____.
A.) cause your vehicle to catch on fire
B.) be the safest path across an intersection
C.) protect your vehicle from a collision
D.) stall your vehicle

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stall your vehicle

Vehicles run most efficiently at:
Vehicles run most efficiently at what speed
A.) Maximum Speed
B.) Varying Speed
C.) Constant Speed
D.) none of the above

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Constant Speed

Accelerating gently while you drive will minimize the use of fuel. True or False

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When attempting to stop on a slippery road, the best action to take is to
A.) Apply the brakes quickly and firmly.
B.) Apply the brakes in slow, steady strokes.
C.) Shift to a lower gear, do not use the brakes.
D.) Shift into neutral, do not use the brakes

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Apply the brakes in slow, steady strokes.

If you see an interesting building or car you admire, you should:
A.) Honk as you pass to show appreciation
B.) Slow down while you look at it
C.) Stop before giving it your attention

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Stop before giving it your attention

Drivers must use turn signals when:
A.) Changing lanes and making turns
B.) Entering and exiting freeways
C.) Driving toward or away from a curb or roadside
D.) All of the above

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All of the above

When it is foggy, you should slow down and turn on your:
It is very foggy. You should slow down and turn on your:
A.) Low-beam lights
B.) High-beam lights
C.) Emergency flashers

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Low-beam lights

When driving at night using high-beams, dim your lights when you are within _______ ft of a vehicle travelling in your direction.
A.) 300
B.) 400
C.) 200

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Safety belts work against _____ to keep you from being thrown forward.
A.) inertia
B.) centrifugal force
C.) potential energy
D.) kinetic energy

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In vehicles equipped with a steering wheel-mounted air bag, sitting such that the driver’s chest is closer than ____ inches from the steering wheel increases the chance of arm, neck or facial injury in the event of a crash.
A.) 10 inches
B.) 5 inches
C.) 2 inches

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10 inches

_____ have larger blind spots and longer stopping distances compared to other vehicles.
A.) Sports cars
B.) Bicycles
C.) Motorcycles
D.) Vans and trucks

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Vans and trucks

_____ buses returning to the road from designated pull-out areas.
A.) Yield to
B.) Honk at
C.) Pay no special attention to
D.) Speed up to drive past

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Yield to

A _______ sign indicates that a driver may need to stop and wait until the roadway is clear of traffic before proceeding.
A.) Stop
B.) Yield
C.) Service
D.) Regulatory

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When may you legally drive around or under a railroad crossing gate?
A.) Under no circumstances
B.) When you can clearly see in both directions
C.) When the gate does not seem to be working correctly

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Under no circumstances

★ Drivers Ed Course Test Questions and Answers 19

Rules of the ______ are established by the state government to regulate vehicles and govern traffic. Choose one
A.) Road
B.) Country
C.) Highway

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The driver of any vehicle about to enter a freeway or highway must yield the __________ to all traffic. Choose one
A.) Right-of-way
B.) Back
C.) Stop

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Wisconsin State Statute 346.18 is also commonly known as: Choose one
A.) Wisconsin Act 105
B.) Wisconsin Act 173
C.) Taxpayer Relief Act

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Wisconsin Act 173
Failure to yield violation, As of August 1,2012, any person who receives a citation and is convicted for failure to yield under Wisconsin statute 346.18 will be required to attend a failure to yield right-of-way course.

When you need to slow down or make a stop you should?
A.) Look though the car ahead and the one beyond it
B.) Focus on the vehicle ahead of you
C.) Brake only if there is a vehicle ahead of you
D.) Put maximum pressure on the brake

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Look though the car ahead and the one beyond it

When going in reverse, your head and body position should be ______.
A.) Both hands on the steering wheel and looking forward into the rearview mirror
B.) Your left hand at the top of the steering wheel, looking forward into the rearview mirror and side mirrors
C.) Your left hand at the top of the steering wheel and your head and neck turned to the right so you can see out the back window
D.) All of the above

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Your left hand at the top of the steering wheel and your head and neck turned to the right so you can see out the back window

What is the best way to drive over a pothole if you can't swerve around it?
A.) Brake only when you are directly over the pothole
B.) Pump the brakes softly before and directly over the pothole
C.) Press the brakes and slow down before reaching the pothole but then let go as you go over the pothole
D.) Press the brakes only after you pass the pothole

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Press the brakes and slow down before reaching the pothole but then let go as you go over the pothole

When you can do it safely, _____ instead of relying heavily on your brakes.
A.) Use your emergency brake
B.) Roll through STOP signs
C.) Coast to a stop
D.) Weave side to side

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Coast to a stop

EXPLANATION: When you can do it safely, coast to a stop instead of relying heavily on your brakes. If you can see a red light ahead, there's no point in maintaining your speed all the way up to the point where you hit your brakes. You'll still have to sit behind the light until it changes. Instead, try taking your foot off the accelerator and coast a bit before you brake.

Scanning the road can be thought of as a _____.
A.) way to improve your mileage
B.) way to reduce your mileage
C.) comprehensive drive test
D.) systematic search process

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systematic search process

In which of the following situations should you use your vehicle's hazard lights?
A.) You're stopped on the side of the road with an engine that won't start.
B.) You're driving toward the shoulder because you hear a strange noise.
C.) You're driving in the rain and your headlights aren't functioning.
D.) You're driving slowly because you just spilled coffee on your lap.

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You're stopped on the side of the road with an engine that won't start.

Stay at least _____ behind the vehicle ahead of you at all times.
Stay at least blank behind the vehicle ahead of you at all times
A.) 3 seconds
B.) 4 seconds
C.) 3 car lengths
D.) 4 car lengths

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3 seconds

When driving you should stay at least _______________.
A.) 20 feet behind the vehicle in front of you
B.) 1 car length for each 10 mph of speed behind the vehicle in front of you
C.) 3 seconds behind the vehicle in front of you
D.) 3 yards behind the vehicle in front of you

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3 seconds behind the vehicle in front of you

When driving you should stay at least 3 seconds behind the vehicle in front of you

If you find yourself boxed in by a vehicle on your left or right, _____ to clear the space beside you.
If you find yourself boxed in by a vehicle on your left or right _____________ clear the space beside you.
A.) speed up or slow down briefly
B.) cut your speed in half
C.) gently steer left and right
D.) honk as loud as possible

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speed up or slow down briefly

Give the most space to _____.
A.) the largest vehicle
B.) the fastest road user
C.) a potential drunk driver
D.) the biggest hazard

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a potential drunk driver

When scanning the road, glance away from the road ahead for _____.
A.) at least one second
B.) no more than one second
C.) at least two seconds
D.) no more than two seconds

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no more than two seconds

Which of the following doesn’t challenge your skills of scanning?
A.) An unseen traffic cone
B.) A distracted pedestrian
C.) Downhill slope
D.) A billboard

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Downhill slope

Before you change lanes, _____ what's coming up in your lane and in your target lane, as well as what's directly behind you.
A.) Think only about
B.) Think ahead about
C.) Dont think about
D.) Try to guess

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Think ahead about

When driving at night you should, answer option
A.) adjust your rearview mirror for night use
B.) always turn your heigh beam on
C.) put away your prescription glasses
D.) use your phone for illumination

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adjust your rearview mirror for night use

If you or your friends decide to drink you should answer option
A.) plan ahead for a ride
B.) be the one driving
C.) ask your friends to drive
D.) only drive a moped

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plan ahead for a ride

For younger drivers which of the following is not considered a risk factor answer option
A.) inexperience
B.) teen passengers
C.) distractions
D.) too many adults in the car

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too many adults in the car

For younger drivers, which of the following is NOT considered a risk factor?
A.) Inexperience
B.) Impaired driving
C.) Driving at night
D.) Driving during the day

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Driving during the day

For younger drivers, which of the following is NOT considered a risk factor?
A.) Inexperience
B.) Teen passengers
C.) Distractions
D.) Driving alone

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Driving alone

New drivers tend to underestimate _____________ while overestimating their own abilities.
A.) Traffic laws
B.) Other drivers
C.) Driving dangers
D.) Car condition

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Driving dangers

In the U.S. highway numbering system, north-south routes have numbers that end in _____.
A.) "0"
B.) "1"
C.) a letter
D.) an even number

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"1" (odd number)

EXPLANATION: Odd and even numbers are used to indicate north-south routes (end with an odd number) ,and east-west routes (end with an even number.) The U.S. highway system uses a numbering system to identifyeach highway. The driver can use this numbering system to be aware of where they are at all times, andin conjunction with mile markers, give accurate position information to others in case of being stranded.A good thing to remember is that major north-south routes have numbers that end with an odd number,and east-west routes have numbers that end with an even number, so you can easily tell if you're goingthe right direction.

Routes that run generally east-west have odd numbers and those running north-south have even numbers.

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In order to safely support traffic flow, you should
In order to safely aid traffic flow, you should:
A.) keep up with traffic even if it is faster than the speed limit
B.) travel faster than the other cars on the road
C.) stay to the left if you are traveling slower than the rest of the traffic
D.) stay to the right if you are traveling slower than the rest of the traffic

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stay to the right if you are traveling slower than the rest of the traffic

EXPLANATION: Safe driving tips
* always use your signal when changing directions
* Maximize the space between you and other cars early for turns, stops, or change of lanes
* When visibility is poor, always give yourself extra space between other vehicles
* When visibility, road conditions, and weather is poor, always give yourself extra space between other vehicles
* use multiple seconds for the appropriate distance between you and the vehicle ahead
* managing the space around your vehicle reduces and avoids distractions
* driving at slower speeds than traffic flow may impede other vehicles on the road that are traveling at normal and safe speeds
* you should stay to the right if you are traveling slower than the rest of the traffic
* the tailgating vehicle is a hazard to you because braking suddenly may result in the tailgater hitting you from the rear
* use defensive driving skills to defend yourself against possible collisions due to other drivers

At a red traffic light, you must stop _____.
A.) unless you're in a hurry
B.) in the crosswalk
C.) before the vehicle next to you stops
D.) behind the stop line if there is one, and at least one car length behind the vehicle in front of you if there is one

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behind the stop line if there is one, and at least one car length behind the vehicle in front of you if there is one

At a red traffic light, you must stop:
A.) behind the stop line if there is one
B.) by braking rapidly and swiftly
C.) before the vehicle next to you stops
D.) unless you're in a hurry

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behind the stop line if there is one

An arrow signal with a left-pointing arrow _____.
A.) only applies to cars in the far-left lane
B.) only applies to left-turning traffic
C.) will only be found in urban areas
D.) will only be found in rural areas

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only applies to left-turning traffic

When turning left or right, remember to
A.) drive no less than 10 mph below the speed limit
B.) activate your turn signal 200 ft in advance
C.) yield to vehicles and pedestrians in your path
D.) take the widest turn possible

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yield to vehicles and pedestrians in your path

Which of the following is required in order to make a protected left turn?
A.) a left green arrow
B.) no oncoming traffic
C.) a left-turn-only lane
D.) a large enough gap

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a left green arrow

Two vehicles arrive at an uncontrolled intersection from different streets at the same time
A.) The driver on the right must yield to the vehicle on the left
B.) The driver on the left must yield to the vehicle on the right
C.) Both vehicles must stop
D.) Neither vehicle must stop

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The driver on the left must yield to the vehicle on the right

A traffic light that is not working should be treated the same as a
A traffic light that is not working should be treated the same as ____________
A.) Do not enter sign
B.) Stop sign
C.) Yield sign
D.) Yellow warning signal

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Stop sign

The safest place to pull over in an emergency is:
A.) Beyond the edge of a guardrail
B.) The right lane
C.) The left lane
D.) The median

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The right lane

★ Drivers Ed Course Test Questions and Answers 18

At an all-way stop, when it comes to right-of-way, "first in, first out" means _____.
When it comes to right-of-way, "first in, first out" means _____.
A.) the first road user at an intersection does not have to check for cross traffic
B.) the first road user at an intersection must leave as quickly as possible
C.) yield to any road users who arrived before you
D.) yield to the first road user who arrives after you

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yield to any road users who arrived before you

A _____ yellow line means traffic on either side may cross the center line to pass another vehicle.
A.) single solid
B.) double solid
C.) single broken
D.) double broken

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single broken

EXPLANATION: A single broken yellow line means traffic on either side may cross the center line to pass another vehicle.

A _____ yellow line means traffic on both sides may NOT cross the center line to pass.
A.) single solid
B.) double solid
C.) single broken
D.) double broken

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double solid

EXPLANATION: A double solid yellow line means traffic on both sides may not cross the center line to pass.

The road sign pictured is used to prevent:

A.) Entrance to road construction areas
B.) Entrance to full parking lots
C.) Entrance to dead-end streets
D.) Wrong-way entrance on one-way streets and expressway ramps

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Wrong-way entrance on one-way streets and expressway ramps

Multilane roads use _____ to divide lanes of traffic moving in the same direction.
Multi lane roads use __ to divide lanes of traffic moving in the same direction.
A.) White lines
B.) Yellow lines
C.) Diagonal stripes
D.) Orange stripes

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White lines

EXPLANATION: Multilane roads use White lines separate traffic moving in the same direction whereas Yellow lines separate traffic moving in opposite directions. Only the far-left lane will have a yellow line on its left edge. On these roads, there'll be white lines on both sides of you, unless you're driving in the lane closest to the center.

Even when you have the right-of-way, you're responsible for _____ before you drive forward.
Even when you have the right of way you are responsible for blank before you drive forward.
A.) waving to other road users
B.) honking to alert other road users
C.) making sure the path is clear
D.) flashing your headlights

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making sure the path is clear

When you reach a YIELD sign, yield to cross traffic and _____ before you enter the intersection.
A.) flash your headlights
B.) wait for a signal
C.) wait five seconds
D.) wait for a safe gap

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wait for a safe gap

EXPLANATION: At YIELD signs, slow down and get ready to stop. Yield to cross traffic and wait for a safe gap before you enter the intersection.

Who must yield at T-intersections?
A.) Traffic on the through road
B.) Traffic on the joining road
C.) Traffic on the right side of either road
D.) Traffic driving below the speed limit

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Traffic on the joining road

What does HOV stand for?
A.) Hover Over Vehicle
B.) High Octane Vehicle
C.) High Occupancy Vehicle
D.) Hold Out Vehicle

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High Occupancy Vehicle

If you arrive at the same time as another user straight across from you yield if ___.
A.) They flash your headlights at you
B.) You can’t see their turn signals
C.) You’re going Street and they’re running
D.) You’re turning they’re going Straight

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You’re turning they’re going Straight

Which of the following describes a protected turn?
A.) A barrier separates turning traffic from oncoming traffic.
B.) A police officer is on duty to prevent crashes.
C.) Cross traffic is stopped with a red light.
D.) Cross traffic and oncoming traffic are stopped with a red light.

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Cross traffic and oncoming traffic are stopped with a red light.

At an open or uncontrolled intersection, yield if ____.
A.) The cross road has more Lanes than yours
B.) The cross Road has fewer land than yours
C.) you’re on a state highway and the cross road is a secondary road
D.) Do you have three or more passengers in your vehicle

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The cross road has more Lanes than yours

At an open or uncontrolled intersection, yield if _____.
A.) Your road is paved and the crossroad is not
B.) The cross road is paved and yours is not
C.) You have two or more passengers in your vehicle
D.) You did not yield in the last intersection

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The cross road is paved and yours is not

At an intersection, if you arrive at the same time as another user straight across from you, yield if _____.
A.) they flash their headlights at you
B.) you don't think your car can get across the intersection faster than the other car
C.) you're going straight and they're turning
D.) you're turning and they're going straight

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you're turning and they're going straight

A steady green traffic light means _____.
A.) you may proceed to go forward
B.) you may proceed forward or turn left
C.) you may proceed, but only if the path is clear
D.) no cross traffic will be in the intersection

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you may proceed, but only if the path is clear

What must you do when you reach a steady yellow traffic light?
A.) slow down by slamming on the brakes.
B.) stop before you enter if you can do so safely.
C.) yield to cross traffic if you can yield safely.
D.) look left, then right, then left again.

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stop before you enter if you can do so safely.

EXPLANATION: A steady yellow signal light warns you that the red signal is about to appear. When you see the yellow light, you should stop before you enter if you can do so safely. Stop if it can be done so safely. If you can't stop, enter the intersection carefully and continue across. Watch out for vehicles that may enter the intersection when the light changes.

You _______ see STOP signs on limited access highways.
Do you see stop signs on limited access highways
A.) can expect to
B.) will never
C.) will always
D.) may sometimes

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will never

Horseback riders, bicyclists, and skateboarders ___the rules of right-of-way when they use the road,
A.) must follow
B.) may ignore
C.) may choose to follow
D.) must not follow

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must follow

If you feel you should have the right-of-way, you should
If you feel you have the right-of-way , you should
A.) always take it
B.) allow other cars go first
C.) give it up to another driver to avoid a collision

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always take it

Which of the following is something you need to keep an eye out for near packed intersections?
A.) Farm equipment
B.) Animals crossing
C.) Increased police presence
D.) Pedestrians ignoring DON'T WALK signs

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Pedestrians ignoring DON'T WALK signs

At an open or uncontrolled intersection, yield if _____.
A.) the cross road has more lanes than yours
B.) the cross road has fewer lanes than yours
C.) you're on a state highway and the cross road is a secondary road
D.) you have three or more passengers in your vehicle

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the cross road has more lanes than yours

If you cannot see clearly around your car 100 ft in all directions as you approach an intersection, you should:
A.) Make sure you're driving in the center lane
B.) Reduce your speed to 15 mph
C.) Wait to turn until the next intersection

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Reduce your speed to 15 mph

Driving above the posted speed limit is _____.
A.) legal when traffic is flowing above the limit
B.) legal when you are passing another vehicle
C.) legal when there are no other road users in sight
D.) illegal no matter the conditions

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illegal no matter the conditions

EXPLANATION: Speed limit signs are white rectangles. Most speed limit signs indicate the maximum legal speed. Driving above the posted speed limit is always illegal, even if traffic is flowing above the limit, and even if you are passing another vehicle.

______ signs warn drivers of work zones and provide clues as to the conditions ahead.
A.) White
B.) Yellow
C.) Blue
D.) Orange

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A pentagonal traffic sign is a _____ sign.
A pentagonal traffic sign is a blank sign
A pentagonal (five-sided) traffic sign is a _____ sign.
A.) school crossing
B.) parking

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school crossing

__________ signs communicate laws.
A.) Warning
B.) Regulatory
C.) Guide
D.) Cautionary

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Most regulatory signs are _____.
A.) octagonal and red or white
B.) circular and blue or green
C.) rectangular and red or white
D.) rectangular and yellow

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rectangular and red or white

Which of these signs is a regulatory sign?
A.) the brown sign
B.) the yellow sign
C.) the white sign

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the white sign

_____ signs tell you how to drive safely in work zones.
A.) Regulatory
B.) Warning
C.) Guide
D.) Construction

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Drivers may not cross _____ unless turning left when it is safe to do so.
A.) Double solid yellow lines
B.) Red lines
C.) Broken yellow lines
D.) Double solid white lines

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Double solid yellow lines

You have the right of way at an intersection ____________
A.) any time you have a two-second gap.
B.) when the signal light is flashing
C.) only when other drivers give it to you.
D.) if there is no police officer present

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only when other drivers give it to you.

True or false. You do not have to yield the right of way at an intersection that is controlled by a stop sign, yield sign or traffic signal.
A.) True
B.) False

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EXPLANATION: When trees, buildings, hedges, parked cars, and other barriers restrict your view, you need to slow down to 15 mph unless the intersection is controlled by a stop sign, yield right-of-way sign, or traffic signals.

★ Drivers Ed Course Test Questions and Answers 17

To begin measuring your following distance, watch as the rear end of the vehicle ahead passes _____.
A.) the rear end of a vehicle on the right
B.) the front end of an oncoming vehicle
C.) a fixed point on the road
D.) a distant landmark

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a fixed point on the road

Maintain a distance of at least _____ between your vehicle and the vehicle behind you.
A.) 2 seconds
B.) 3 seconds
C.) 4 seconds
D.) 5 seconds

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3 seconds

A good way to interact with passengers is to keep the discussion to _____ things.
A.) philosophical
B.) emotional
C.) intense
D.) simple

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If you feel tired but you think you're awake, you _____.
A.) are still fit to drive
B.) are not fit to drive
C.) should rest when you get to your destination
D.) need coffee before you drive

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are not fit to drive
Resting when you get to your destination will make you more awake after you reach your destination, but you need to be awake and alert as you are driving. Resting up before the drive is a good idea.

As a good rule of thumb, you should take a 15-minute break every _____ while driving.
A.) 1 hour
B.) 2 hours
C.) 3 hours
D.) 4 hours

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2 hours

As a good rule of thumb, you should take a 15-minute break every two hours or so. Stretch your legs, breathe some fresh air, take a drink of water, and get some food. If you're in a hurry, you can swap driving duty with a passenger while you take your break

Your skills of ________ will be challenged in an urban area.
A.) Turning , braking , and passing
B.) Accelerating and braking
C.) Scanning and hazard identification
D.) Scanning and acceleration

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Scanning and hazard identification

What is an urban area?
A.) Cities and towns
B.) Farms and crops
C.) Countryside
D.) Mountain peaks

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Cities and towns

Which of the following is a likely problem for a driver in an urban area?
A.) Line of sight restrictions
B.) Farm animals on the roads
C.) Extra tire wear and tear
D.) Not finding a gas station

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Line of sight restrictions

The first step to changing lanes is __________
A.) honking so everyone knows
B.) matching your speed
C.) signaling your intent
D.) telling your passengers

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signaling your intent

EXPLANATION: Matching your speed is the third step in changing lanes. 4 steps to changing lanes:Signal your intent. 1. Signal your intent.
2. Look in your mirrors, check your blind spot by looking over your shoulder, and find an adequate space infront and behind your vehicle to move into.
3. Adjust your speed to the speed of traffic in the lane you're moving into.
4. Move into the next lane.

It's important to ______ routine short trips.
It's important to blank routine short trips.
A.) prepare for
B.) memorize
C.) save time on
D.) find a shortcut for

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prepare for

Space cushion includes ____ of your vehicle.
Space cushion includes blank of your vehicle.
A.) passenger's seat
B.) driver's seat
C.) inside
D.) sides

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It's a good idea to take a nap or call a rideshare service _____.
A.) instead of driving while drowsy
B.) between 1 a.m.) and 2 a.m.
C.) if you are energetic
D.) if you feel emotional

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instead of driving while drowsy

Slippery road conditions vastly ____ your stopping distance.
A.) vastly increase
B.) vastly decrease
C.) greatly improve
D.) slightly affect

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vastly increase

If you want to pass a slow-moving vehicle, you should do it _____.
If you want to pass a slow-moving vehicle you should do it
A.) as soon as you see the opportunity
B.) only if your path is secured by traffic cones
C.) when the vehicle is traveling below 10 mph
D.) only if you can do so without speeding

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only if you can do so without speeding

Which of the following is NOT a type of vehicle on the Highway Transportation System_____.
which of the following is not a type of vehicle on the highway transportation system?
A.) Motorcycles
B.) trucks
C.) buses
D.) airplanes

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A.) You must not drive faster than 45 mph
B.) The trailer must not swerve from side to side at any speed
C.) Towards the side of the road

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The trailer must not swerve from side to side at any speed

If you are being followed too closely while driving, you should
A.) Speed up to increase the distance between you and the following vehicle.
B.) Slow down and keep to the right, allowing the following vehicle to pass.
C.) Maintain your speed and stay in the middle of your lane.

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Slow down and keep to the right, allowing the following vehicle to pass.

Which of the following is NOT a roadway risk?
A.) Type of road
B.) Weather
C.) Poor lighting
D.) Bicyclists

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When you take a break from driving, what is NOT a good thing to do?
A.) Stretch your legs
B.) Breathe fresh air
C.) Drink and eat
D.) Drink some alcohol

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Drink some alcohol

When you take a break from driving, what is NOT a good thing to do?
A.) efficiency
B.) speed
C.) handling
D.) safety

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It's important to be aware of other cars on the road, but _____.
A.) it's dangerous to make eye contact with another driver
B.) once you see that they're safe, you can ignore them
C.) you can't control them
D.) it's impossible to predict their actions

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it's impossible to predict their actions

Predict is when you estimate
A.) how much you need to press on the accelerator
B.) how much you need to press on the brakes
C.) if there will be a vehicle at the next intersection
D.) if an identified hazard will affect the driver

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if an identified hazard will affect the driver

The majority of collisions in urban driving occur at intersections, and most of those collisions occur?
A.) when a driver is turning left.
B.) when a driver is turning right.
C.) when a driver is proceeding straight.
D) as close as practicable to the right-hand curb or edge of the roadway

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when a driver is turning left.

Position your vehicle in the __________ of your lane before turning right and move toward the center line when you are about to turn left.
A.) center
B.) right side
C.) middle
D.) left side

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right side

Why should you open your door with your right hand when parked on a right-side curb?
A.) They shouldn't. Opening the driver side door with your left hand is the safest.
B.) So that you will be forced to look behind the car for an approaching bicyclist.
C.) To make sure that you engage the parking brake with your left hand.
D.) To stretch your back and spine in case you had poor sitting posture.
E.) You shouldn't. This is incorrect and can get you fined in Florida

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So that you will be forced to look behind the car for an approaching bicyclist.

★ California Drivers Ed DMV Permit Test Answers 7

City, Rural and Freeway Driving
When you see a street with white markings only, what kind of street is it?
A.) Two-way street
B.) One-way street
C.) Depends on the posted sign

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One-way street
EXPLANATION: One-way streets are common in city areas. Look out for signs and white markings on the road.

You are driving in the left lane on a four-lane freeway and have to take the exit on the right, you should ______________.
You are driving in the left lane on a four-lane highway and have to take the exit on the right, you should ___________.
A.) cross all lanes at once
B.) change one lane at a time to be in the exit lane
C.) reduce speed before changing lanes

Get the Correct ANSWER

change one lane at a time to be in the exit lane

If you are driving a vehicle on a two-lane highway where passing is unsafe, and five or more vehicles are following you, _________________.
A.) pull to the side of the road wherever you can and let them pass
B.) maintain your speed and lane position
C.) speed up and leave them behind

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pull to the side of the road wherever you can and let them pass

EXPLANATION: If you are driving a vehicle on a two-lane highway where passing is unsafe, and five or more vehicles are following you, pull to the side of the road wherever you can—let the vehicles pass.

Why do drivers have difficulty seeing side traffic at T-intersections in rural areas?
Why drivers have difficulty seeing side traffic at T-intersections in rural areas?
A.) These side streets are hidden because of crops, bushes, or tree overhangs.
B.) Drivers don't expect traffic coming from side streets.
C.) Curved highways hide side streets.

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These side streets are hidden because of crops, bushes, or tree overhangs.

Which technique provides a smooth transition from acceleration to braking?
A.) Cover braking
B.) Squeeze braking
C.) Skid braking

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Cover braking

EXPLANATION: Cover braking provides a smooth transition from acceleration to braking as you can react quicker in case of a hazard.

When merging with freeway traffic, you should try to merge ________________.
A.) at the same speed as freeway traffic
B.) 5 mph slower than freeway traffic
C.) at a speed that matches the posted speed limit

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at the same speed as freeway traffic

EXPLANATION: When merging with the freeway traffic always try to merge at the same speed as the freeway traffic.

Weaving in and out of lanes during heavy traffic _____________________.
A.) improves fuel efficiency
B.) slows down other vehicles
C.) creates more space for lane changes

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slows down other vehicles

EXPLANATION: Avoid weaving as it increases the risk of collisions and irritates other drivers. In heavy traffic conditions, it also creates further congestion by slowing down other drivers.

At freeway entrances, you should check traffic by ____________________.
A.) looking in all the mirrors and over the shoulder
B.) using the mirrors only
C.) looking over the shoulder

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looking in all the mirrors and over the shoulder

EXPLANATION: At freeway entrances, check for traffic by looking in all the mirrors and over the shoulder. Look ahead, behind, and to the freeway.

When traveling on narrow mountain roads _______________.
A.) honk your horn if you cannot see at least 200 ft ahead
B.) expect other drivers to yield to you
C.) drive as far to the left as reasonably possible

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honk your horn if you cannot see at least 200 ft ahead

EXPLANATION: You must drive as far to the right as reasonably possible on narrow mountain roads, and if you cannot see at least 200 ft ahead, honk your horn.

Defensive Driving
When you hit a parked vehicle and cannot find the owner, you should ___________.
A.) leave a note with your insurance information and drivers license number
B.) leave a note with your name and address and report the collision to police
C.) call the police to report the unattended vehicle

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leave a note with your name and address and report the collision to police

EXPLANATION: If you hit a parked vehicle, make reasonable efforts to find the owner of the vehicle damaged in the collision. If you cannot locate anyone, leave a note with your name and address that can be found easily at the scene.

You are required to submit a written report (SR 1) to the DMV within 10 days _______________.
A.) if there is property damage in excess of $750 or if there are any injuries
B.) only when you are at fault
C.) if there is property damage less than $750

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if there is property damage in excess of $750 or if there are any injuries

EXPLANATION: If you are involved in a collision, you must report it to the DMV within 10 days in the following conditions: property damage of any one person in excess of $750; bodily injury; death of any person. You must make this report whether or not you caused the collision.

At a minimum, your vehicle insurance policy must provide coverage of _________ for injury or death of one person.
A.) $15,000
B.) $30,000
C.) $10,000

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EXPLANATION: The minimum amount your insurance must cover per collision is as follows: Single death or injury—$15,000; Death or injury to more than one person—$30,000; Property damage—$5,000;

When involved in a collision exchange the following information with other people involved: drivers license, vehicle registration card, proof of insurance, and _________.
A.) Social Security number
B.) driver record
C.) current address

Get the Correct ANSWER

current address

EXPLANATION: Exchange information with other people involved in the collision as soon as possible. Show your drivers license, registration card, evidence of financial responsibility, and current address to other driver or persons involved or to any peace officer.

When you drive along the right-rear side of another vehicle, you are ______________.
A.) maintaining a space cushion on your left side
B.) in one of the driver's blind spots and in danger of a collision
C.) using a good defensive technique

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in one of the driver's blind spots and in danger of a collision

EXPLANATION: Try to keep plenty of space between your car and others on all sides. Avoid driving alongside in the blind spots of other cars.

To avoid a collision, you need as much time as possible to react. Allow a following distance of at least ____ seconds.
A.) two
B.) three
C.) four

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What is the best way to lose a tailgater?
A.) Speed up and leave the tailgater behind.
B.) Pull off the road when it is safe and let the tailgater pass.
C.) Honk your horn to remind the tailgater about safe following distance.

Get the Correct ANSWER

Pull off the road when it is safe and let the tailgater pass

If someone is following you too closely, what is the best way to lose a tailgater?
A.) Speed up and leave the tailgater behind.
B.) Slow down or pull off the road when it is safe and let the tailgater pass.
C.) Honk your horn to remind the tailgater about safe following distance.
D.) Use your cell phone and report the tailgater to police as a traffic law violator.

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Slow down or pull off the road when it is safe and let the tailgater pass

EXPLANATION: Lose the tailgater as soon as you can by changing lanes. If you cannot change lanes, slow down enough to encourage the tailgater to go around you. If this does not work, pull off the road when it is safe and let the tailgater pass.

To drive defensively, you should _______________
A.) concentrate all your attention on a car in front of you
B.) keep your eyes moving, look over and around the vehicle ahead
C.) expect the other driver to do what you think he or she should do

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keep your eyes moving, look over and around the vehicle ahead

EXPLANATION: When you drive, keep your eyes moving. Look over and around the vehicle ahead. This helps you visualize the space you intend to occupy and allows you to plan ahead. Do not expect the other driver to do what you think he or she should do.

In order to identify hazards early and avoid last minute moves, you should scan the road _________ seconds ahead of your vehicle.
A.) 5 to 10
B.) 10 to 15
C.) 15 to 20

Get the Correct ANSWER

10 to 15

★ California Drivers Ed DMV Permit Test Answers 6

Sharing the Road
Why should you visually check for motorcycles when changing lanes?
A.) They are small and can hide easily into the blind spots.
B.) They need more space for maneuvering.
C.) They have the right-of-way at intersections.

Get the CORRECT Answer

They are small and can hide easily into the blind spots.

Why should you visually check for motorcycles when changing lanes?
A.) They are small and are often hidden in blind spots.
B.) They need more space to maneuver.
C.) They have the right-of-way at intersections.

Get the CORRECT Answer

They are small and are often hidden in blind spots.

EXPLANATION: When changing lanes or entering a major thoroughfare, make a visual check for motorcycles, in addition to using your mirrors. Motorcycles are small and this allows them to tuck easily into the blind spots of other vehicles.

If a truck in front of your car begins to turn left, but its right turn signals are flashing, it is most likely that the truck driver __________________.
A.) is preparing to turn right
B.) is actually turning left
C.) is making a U-turn

Get the CORRECT Answer

is preparing to turn right

Which of these vehicles must stop before crossing railroad tracks?
A.) Commercial vehicles
B.) Pickup trucks towing a trailer
C.) All vehicles must stop

Get the CORRECT Answer

commercial vehicles

When you see a blind person pulling in his or her cane and stepping away from the crosswalk, this usually means _________________.
A.) you may go
B.) wait and let the blind person go first
C.) honk your horn to let the person know of your presence

Get the CORRECT Answer

you may go

EXPLANATION: When you see a blind person pulling in his or her cane and stepping away from the crosswalk, this usually means you may go. Do not wait too long.

Drivers are required to yield the right-of-way to pedestrians ___________.
A.) within any crosswalk, marked or unmarked
B.) only within marked crosswalk
C.) only when traffic is controlled by signals or signs

Get the CORRECT Answer

within any crosswalk, marked or unmarked
EXPLANATION: By law, drivers must yield the right-of-way to a pedestrian crossing the roadway within any marked or unmarked crosswalk at an intersection.

Many animals are most active ______________.
A.) in the afternoon
B.) around dusk or dawn
C.) on sunny winter days

Get the CORRECT Answer

around dusk or dawn

EXPLANATION: Be especially watchful for animals in fair weather periods before storms. Many animals are most active around dusk and dawn when they look for food

You should never cross a railroad track if ______________________.
A.) there isn't room on the other side of the tracks
B.) you have passengers in the vehicle
C.) the tracks have frequent train traffic

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there isn't room on the other side of the tracks

EXPLANATION: You should be prepared for a train to come at any time, day or night. Never start across if there isn't room for your vehicle on the other side of the tracks.

When can you enter a bike lane?
A.) If there are no bicyclists in the bike lane
B.) To make a right turn not more than 200 ft before the intersection
C.) When you want to pass a vehicle ahead of you

Get the CORRECT Answer

To make a right turn not more than 200 ft before the intersection
EXPLANATION: Drivers must check for cyclists before turning right. Do not pass a cyclist just before making a right turn. Merge first, and then turn. Enter into a bike lane to make a right turn no more than 200 ft before the intersection.

When you see road workers at a construction site, you should obey their instructions __________________.
A.) only if you see orange cones on the road
B.) unless the instructions conflict with the existing signals
C.) at all times

Get the CORRECT Answer

at all times

To safely share the road with a light rail vehicle, you _________________.
A.) may turn in front of an approaching LRV at an uncontrolled intersection
B.) should never drive in the lane next to the light rail vehicle
C.) should watch traffic signals closely because they can change for the light rail vehicle

Get the CORRECT Answer

should watch traffic signals closely because they can change for the light rail vehicle

EXPLANATION: Maintain a safe distance from an LRV if it shares a street with vehicular traffic. Never make a turn in front of an oncoming LRV. When you turn across LRV tracks, if a signal is present, turn only when the signal indicates you may proceed. In many cases, LRVs can preempt traffic signals; so do not proceed forward until the signal light indicates you may do so.

Driving Conditions and Emergencies
What should you do if you have a tire blowout?
A.) Hold the steering wheel tightly and take your foot off the accelerator.
B.) Turn your steering wheel in direction of the blown tire and apply the brake.
C.) Use your brake to slow down and stop to fix the tire.

Get the CORRECT Answer

Hold the steering wheel tightly and take your foot off the accelerator.

When driving at night, only use your high-beam headlights ______________.
A.) on unlighted streets
B.) when it is legal and safe
C.) when you cannot see oncoming traffic

Get the CORRECT Answer

when it is legal and safe

EXPLANATION: Use your high-beam headlights on open highways or in rural areas.

Compared to driving during the day, driving at night is:
A.) Less dangerous
B.) No more of less dangerous
C.) More dangerous
D.) Easier on your eyes

Get the CORRECT Answer

More dangerous

When driving at night, it is most important for you to.
When driving at night it is most important for you to
A.) Use your high beams at all times.
B.) Drive within the range of your headlights.
C.) Be ready to brake more quickly.
D.) Watch for cars at intersections.

Get the CORRECT Answer

Drive within the range of your headlights. Explanation: Your headlights cover about 350 feet ahead. It is important that you drive at a speed that allows you to react and stop safely within that distance. This is called "driving within the range" of your headlights.

California law states that you must drive with your headlights ____________________.
A.) no later than 30 minutes after sunset and until at least 30 minutes before sunrise
B.) when you cannot see at least 2 miles in front of your vehicle
C.) one hour before sunset until one hour after sunrise

Get the CORRECT Answer

no later than 30 minutes after sunset and until at least 30 minutes before sunrise
EXPLANATION: By California law, drivers are required to have headlights on no later than 30 minutes after sunset and until at least 30 minutes before sunrise or anytime they do not have enough light to see at least 1,000 ft in front of their vehicle.

When driving in the fog you should use which of the following?
When driving in fog, you should use your
A.) High-beam headlights
B.) Low-beam headlights
C.) Fog lights only

Get the CORRECT Answer

Low-beam headlights

Roadways are most slippery ______________.
A.) during a heavy downpour
B.) after it has been raining for awhile
C.) when it first starts to rain

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when it first starts to rain
EXPLANATION: Slow down at the first sign of rain, drizzle, or snow on the road. This is when many road pavements are most slippery because oil and dust have not been washed away.

What is the correct response when your vehicle starts to skid on ice?
A.) Hit the brakes hard.
B.) Take your foot off the accelerator.
C.) Switch to a low gear.
D.) Speed up

Get the CORRECT Answer

Take your foot off the accelerator.

When vehicles meet on a steep, narrow road, not wide enough for two vehicles, which vehicle must yield the right-of-way?
A.) The vehicle going uphill
B.) The vehicle going downhill
C.) The vehicle going slower

Get the CORRECT Answer

The vehicle going downhill
EXPLANATION: When two vehicles meet on a steep road where neither can pass, the vehicle facing downhill must back up until the vehicle traveling uphill can drive through. (The driver going downhill has the greater amount of control when backing.)

If you are driving a vehicle at night, dim your lights by switching to low-beams before you are ____ ft from a vehicle coming toward you.
A.) 500
B.) 200
C.) 300

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If your accelerator suddenly gets stuck what should you do?
A.) Put gear in reverse.
B.) Shift to neutral.
C.) Shut off your engine.

Get the CORRECT Answer

Shift to neutral.
EXPLANATION: If your accelerator suddenly gets stuck: shift to neutral. Apply the brakes. Keep your eyes on the road. Look for a way out.

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DMV Practice Permit Test Study Guide

You can find everything you need to pass your Learner's Permit or Driver's License test that includes more than driving test 500+ questions. Free and unlimited practice tests questions and answers. This Learners Permit Study Guide helps you to get ready for your Learners Permit (driving permit). Learners permit practice test prep includes traffic signs and signals questions almost identical to the real test. Get ready for your permit test today!

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