Find answers to DMV Practice Permit test questions for your Driver's License, Learner's Permit, Motorcycle License, or Commercial License tests.

Driving Ed Online offers DMV approved Drivers Education, Graduated Driver Licensing and Driver Training courses which meet all the state DMV requirements for teens who want to get their learners permit & Driver's License through Virtual Driving Online. Topic Covers Safe driving behavior, Creating safe drivers on Road. How to drive defensively, traffic signals, rules and regulations, types of parking, traffic infraction points and fines. Vehicle speed limits, car repair, car Insurance Coverage, Car Maintenance, performance.

★ Drivers Ed Course Test Questions and Answers 16

Which of the following is NOT an indication of being drowsy?
A.) Heavy eyelids
B.) Excessive blinking
C.) Irritability
D.) Joint pain

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Joint pain

Which of the following is a sign you may be drowsy behind the wheel?
A.) Jitteriness
B.) Happiness
C.) Unhappiness
D.) Irritabilit

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Which of the following is NOT one of the ways that drowsiness affects you as a driver?
A.) You have a slower reaction time.
B.) You have erratic speed or lane positioning.
C.) You have wandering thoughts or daydreaming.
D.) You have improved night vision.

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You have improved night vision.

Fatigue is also caused by temporary ___________, disease, or boredom.
A.) Distraction
B.) Loss of power
C.) Illness
D.) Interruption

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Loss of power

Fatigue is temporary loss of strength and energy resulting from hard physical, ______ or nervous exertion (stress).
A.) Incidental
B.) Mental
C.) Intestinal
D.) Psychological

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One microsleep warning sign occurs when you catch yourself leaning ___________ in the driver's seat.
One microsleep warning sign occurs when you catch yourself leaning blank in the drivers seat
A.) Left
B.) Forward
C.) Right
D.) Backward

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Microsleeps last between __________ seconds.
A.) seven to eight
B.) four to five
C.) six to seven
D.) nine to ten

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four to five

The rhythm that regulates the body's natural wake/sleep cycle is called __________.
A.) the natural rhythm
B.) the circadian rhythm
C.) the timed rhythm
D.) a 4/4 rhythm

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the circadian rhythm

The circadian rhythm is built into the human body to provide _______ for itself.
A.) Movement
B.) Heart rate
C.) Rest
D.) Circulation

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Excitement and happiness can also interfere with your ability to _______ driving.
A.) Learn about
B.) Depend on
C.) Loathe
D.) Focus on

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Focus on

On a long trip, follow your _______, and stop when you are tired.
A.) destiny
B.) instinct
C.) heart
D.) plan

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If you have to drive on a long trip, get plenty of rest before you leave and plan on stopping every __________ hours.
A.) Two
B.) five
C.) Fifteen
D.) Ten

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Never drive when your body tells you __________.
A.) it is tired
B.) it is thirsty
C.) it is hungry
D.) it is rested

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it is tired

Prevent fatigue, or drowsy driving, by being _______.
A.) tired
B.) hungry
C.) alert
D.) rested

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Fatigue is dangerous when you are driving because your reaction time is slow, your __________ process is impaired and your vision is restricted.
A.) Skeletal
B.) Circulatory
C.) Respiratory
D.) Thought

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Signs of fatigue while driving include __________.
A.) sore eyes and muscles
B.) lapses in short-term memory
C.) sore eyes, sore muscles, and lapses in short-term memory

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sore eyes, sore muscles, and lapses in short-term memory

Cold medicines can have serious side effects including fatigue and _______ vision when driving.
A.) Impaired
B.) Improved
C.) Peripheral
D.) Acute

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Collisions caused by fatigue are particularly likely to involve __________ .
A.) drivers in the city
B.) drivers maneuvering abruptly
C.) drivers who are alone
D.) more than one driver

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drivers who are alone

If you are involved in a collision, _____.
A.) leave and call the police
B.) stop and remain calm
C.) only call 911 if one of your passengers is injured
D.) call 911 no matter what

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call 911 no matter what

What should be your response when you are involved in a collision?
A.) Stop your vehicle and render aid to the injured.
B.) Notify your insurance agent when you get a chance.
C.) Stop only if the damage from collision looks like over $500.

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Stop your vehicle and render aid to the injured.

Why is it important to make sure a police report is properly filed after a collision?
A.) It's the official account of what happened.
B.) If you have the police file a report, you can't be fined.
C.) If you have the police file a report, your insurance won't go up.
D.) If there's no report, an auto repair shop won't fix your vehicle.

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It's the official account of what happened.

A fatigued driver's perception and judgment are __________.
A fatigued drivers perception and judgment are
A.) not altered
B.) weakened
C.) not as important because he or she will drive slowly
D.) heightened due to an adrenaline rush

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The category of road workers includes what kinds of road users?
A.) People who sell food on the side of the road
B.) People who use their car or a company car to do their job
C.) Road maintenance crews, utility crews, school crossing guards, and traffic officers
D.) New and used car salespeople

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Road maintenance crews, utility crews, school crossing guards, and traffic officers

Which of the following is not a physical symptom associated with fatigue?
ANSWER: Respiratory problems

A category of road users that tends to be especially prone to fatigue due to their driving habits is ________.
ANSWER: Truck driver

What was not recommended to prevent driver fatigue?
ANSWER: Taking long relaxing drives on city streets

Like an impaired driver, a fatigued driver will be unable to focus and will __________.
ANSWER: be especially sensitive to bright light.

★ California Drivers Ed DMV Permit Test Answers 4

Alcohol, Drugs and Substance Abuse
In which of the following situations will you be required to take a test of your blood, breath, or urine for the presence of alcohol or drugs?
A.) Only when there is a strong evidence that you have been drinking
B.) Only when you are involved in a collision
C.) After being arrested of suspicion of DUI

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After being arrested of suspicion of DUI

EXPLANATION: Test Consent: When you apply for a drivers license in California, you are, by law, consenting to a test of your blood, breath, or urine for the presence of alcohol or drugs.

Drivers caught with illegally high alcohol levels in their blood, breath, or urine _______________.
A.) will have to retake the license exam
B.) will lose their license permanently
C.) may be fined by the court

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may be fined by the court

EXPLANATION: Drivers caught with illegally high alcohol levels in their blood or breath are dealt with in two ways: (1) prosecuted in court for the criminal offense of DUI (criminal penalties include imprisonment, fines, treatment, probation, and license suspension); (2) subject to licensing action by the DMV for the civil offenses of driving in excess of the fixed "per se" alcohol limit. If your BAC measures at 0.01% on an alcohol screening test, the officer will take away your license and will order your drivers license suspended for one year.

Which of the following will sober up (or lower the BAC of) an intoxicated person?
A.) A cold shower
B.) Black coffee
C.) Time

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EXPLANATION: Myth: a cold shower or a cup of coffee will make you sober. Fact: the only thing that sobers you up is time. Your body needs time to get the alcohol out of your system naturally. Caffeine only makes you an alert drunk.

The Zero tolerance law applies to drivers _________.
A.) under the age of 21
B.) of all ages
C.) over 21

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under the age of 21

The Zero tolerance law applies to drivers under the age of 21.

________ is the second most common drug found in the bodies of collision victims (alcohol being the first).
A.) Marijuana
B.) Cocaine
C.) Heroin

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Marijuana is the second most common drug found in the bodies of collision victims (alcohol being the first).

In California, it's illegal for anyone 21 years of age or older to drive a motor vehicle with a BAC of ____% or more.
It is illegal for a person 21 years of age or older to drive with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) that is ___% or higher.
A.) 0.01
B.) 0.05
C.) 0.08

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Drivers under 21 may not carry unopened containers of liquor, beer, or wine in a vehicle unless _______________.
A.) they are placed in the trunk
B.) someone over 21 is also present
C.) they are in the glove compartment

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someone over 21 is also present

EXPLANATION: Never keep an open bottle or container with alcohol in it in your car. Adults over 21 may carry containers of liquor, beer, or wine in a vehicle if full, sealed, and unopened. Otherwise, containers must be put in the trunk or a place where passengers do not sit. Drivers under 21 may not drive with bottles or containers in the vehicle unless someone over 21 is also present.

It's illegal to drive a motor vehicle with a BAC of ____% or more if under the age of 21.
A.) 0.008
B.) 0.005
C.) 0.01

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The legal limit of BAC for drivers younger than 21 years of age is 0.01%.

TRUE or FALSE: Before you submit to and complete an alcohol test, you have the right to consult with a lawyer.

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★ California Drivers Ed DMV Permit Test Answers 3

Traffic Laws and Rules of the Road
Which of the following is not true about seat belts?
A.) The seat belt must be worn by you and all passengers.
B.) If a passenger is 16 years or over, both of you will be given a ticket.
C.) Wearing a seat belt prevents collisions.

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Wearing a seat belt prevents collisions.
EXPLANATION: The law requires you to use your seat belt. Seat belts can reduce injuries and deaths. The seat belt must be in good working order, and worn by you and all passengers while the car is moving. If not, you may be cited. If your passenger is younger than 16 years of age and not wearing a seat belt, the ticket will be issued to you; if a passenger is 16 years of age or over, both of you will be given a ticket.

Unless otherwise posted, the speed limit in business and residential areas is ____ mph.
Unless otherwise posted, the speed limit in a business and residential areas is ____ mph.
A.) 25
B.) 30
C.) 35

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What should you do when you see a school bus stopped ahead with its red lights flashing on your side of the road?
A.) Slow down and pass the bus carefully
B.) Stop, check for crossing students, then proceed
C.) Stop and remain stopped as long as the red lights flash

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Stop and remain stopped as long as the red lights flash
EXPLANATION: The driver of any vehicle, upon meeting or approaching, from either direction, any school bus stopped for the purpose of loading or unloading school children and displaying a flashing red light signal and stop signal arm, shall bring the vehicle to a stop immediately before passing the school bus and remain stopped as long as the red lights are flashing.

If a driver doesn't stop when requested by police, and a person is seriously injured in the chase, the driver will be punished by _________________.
A.) imprisonment in a state prison for three, five, or seven years
B.) a 60 day of Public service work
C.) a fine of not more than $1,000

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imprisonment in a state prison for three, five, or seven years
EXPLANATION: A driver convicted of causing serious bodily injury to anyone during attempt to elude a pursuing peace officer will be punished by imprisonment in a state prison for three, five, or seven years, imprisonment in a county jail for not more than one year, a fine of not less than $2,000 nor more than $10,000, or both a fine and imprisonment.

What should you do when an emergency vehicle with a siren and flashing lights approaches while you are crossing an intersection?
A.) Stop immediately and let it pass.
B.) Finish crossing the intersection, then pull to the right and stop.
C.) Pull to the right and stop.

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Finish crossing the intersection, then pull to the right and stop.
EXPLANATION: If you encounter an emergency vehicle with its lights flashing and/or sirens on, clear a path for it by pulling immediately over to the right, away from its path of travel and wait until it has passed. Always finish crossing an intersection when an emergency vehicle is nearby.

The California Basic Speed Law states you must never drive faster than _______________.
California has a basic speed law which states you must never
A.) is safe for present conditions
B.) posted speed limit
C.) the car to your right

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is safe for present conditions

California's "Basic Speed Law" says you must never drive faster than _______________.
A.) is safe for current conditions
B.) posted speed limit
C.) the car to your right

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is safe for current conditions

Driving slower than other cars ______________.
A.) helps prevent collisions
B.) has no effect on the chances of having a collision
C.) increases the chance of having a collision

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increases the chance of having a collision
EXPLANATION: Driving slower than other cars as well as speeding increases the chance of having a collision. You should never drive so slowly that it becomes unsafe for traffic on the road. If your driving blocks, hinders, or interferes with other vehicles moving at normal speeds, you are breaking the law and could be fined.

In this graphic, if both cars arrive at the same time _____________________.

If two vehicles reach the intersection of a four-way stop at the same time then which car yeilds?
A.) Car A should yield to Car B
B.) Car B should yield to Car A
C.) Car B doesn't need to stop

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Car B should yield to Car A
EXPLANATION: If two vehicles reach the intersection of a four-way stop at the same time, the vehicle on the left must yield the right-of-way to the vehicle on the right. So, in the given graphic, B should yield to A.

In this graphic, if both cars arrive at the same time Car B should yield to Car A.
A.) True
B.) False

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In this graphic, Car B should yield to Car A.
A.) True
B.) False

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It is illegal to leave an unattended child age six or younger in a car if ____________.
A.) on a rainy day with windows closed
B.) the child is accompanied by a person 12 years or older
C.) the keys are in the ignition

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the keys are in the ignition

It is illegal to leave an unattended child age six or younger in a car if ____________.
A.) it's a rainy day and the windows are closed
B.) the child is accompanied by a person 12 years old or older
C.) the keys are in the ignition

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the keys are in the ignition
EXPLANATION: Never leave a child age six or younger in a car when: there are conditions that present a significant risk to the child's health or safety (i.e., extreme heat or cold); the vehicle's engine is running or the vehicle's keys are in the ignition, or both. The only exception of this rule is when the child is being supervised by a person who is 12 years of age or older.

When you come within 100 ft of the uncontrolled railroad crossing and you cannot see the tracks for 400 ft in both directions, the speed limit is ____ mph. You may go faster if the crossing is controlled by gates, a warning signal, or a flagman.
A.) 15
B.) 20
C.) 25

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EXPLANATION: When you come within 100 ft of the uncontrolled railroad crossing and you cannot see the tracks for 400 ft in both directions, the speed limit is 15 mph. You may go faster if gates, a warning signal, or a flagman control the crossing.

A child must be secured in a child restraint system in the rear seat if he or she is _______________.
A.) six years old and 4'10" tall
B.) nine years old and 4'4" tall
C.) seven years old and 4'7" tall

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seven years old and 4'7" tall
EXPLANATION: A child must be secured in a child restraint system in the rear seat unless he or she is eight years or older, or at least 4'9" tall.

A child under the age of 8 years __________, when all the rear seats are already occupied by children under the age of 7 years.
A.) Should stay at home
B.) May ride in the front seat of the vehicle
C.) May be kept in the lap of an elder child, with a seat belt fastened to both
D.) May ride in the front seat without a seatbelt

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May ride in the front seat of the vehicle

You can be jailed up to six months and fined up to $1,000 if you _________________.
A.) are convicted of being a habitual truant from school
B.) abandon or dump an animal on the road
C.) drive faster than the posted speed limit

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abandon or dump an animal on the road
EXPLANATION: Abandoning animals on the road is not only cruel, it's also a criminal offense. Be aware that if you abandon or dump an animal on the road, you are creating a safety hazard and will be punished by a fine of up to $1,000 or confinement in a county jail of up to six months, or both.

You are waiting to turn left into a small parking lot. A car approaching from the opposite direction has a turn signal on. You should _______________.
A.) wait until the other car starts its turn before making your turn
B.) make your turn if the driver is signaling for a left turn
C.) make your turn if the driver is signaling for a right turn

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wait until the other car starts its turn before making your turn

★ California Drivers Ed DMV Permit Test Answers 2

Signs, Signals and Highway Markings
If traffic signal lights stop working, you must __________________.
A.) stop if needed to yield to the cross traffic
B.) stop at the intersection and then proceed when it is safe
C.) slow down and proceed carefully

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stop at the intersection and then proceed when it is safe

EXPLANATION: If the traffic signal lights stop working, you must come to a complete stop at the intersection and then proceed when all other road users have completely stopped.

Two yellow lines (one solid, another broken) in the center of a two-way road mean that vehicles traveling ___________.
A.) next to the broken line may pass
B.) next to the solid line may pass
C.) in both directions may pass

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next to the broken line may pass

EXPLANATION: Solid yellow line means do not pass. You cannot pass another vehicle when a solid yellow line is on your side. You may pass if the line is broken on your side and the maneuver can be done safely.

You may legally turn right on a steady red light _______________.
A.) after slowing down and making sure it is safe
B.) when permitted by a sign
C.) after you come to a complete stop unless otherwise posted

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after you come to a complete stop unless otherwise posted

EXPLANATION: A right turn can be made against a red light after you come to a complete stop and yield to pedestrians and vehicles in your path. Do not turn if there is a NO TURN ON RED sign.

When making a right turn ______________________.
A.) move to the left edge of the road
B.) don't enter a bicycle lane more than 200 ft before the turn
C.) begin signaling at least 200 ft before making the turn

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don't enter a bicycle lane more than 200 ft before the turn

EXPLANATION: When making a right turn, drive close to the right edge of the road. If there is a bicycle lane, don't drive into the lane more than 200 ft before the turn. Begin signaling at least 100 ft before making the turn.

When you cannot stop safely at a yellow traffic light before entering an intersection, ______________.
A.) stop in the intersection as soon as the light turns red
B.) accelerate so you'd cross the intersection before the light turns red
C.) enter the intersection carefully and continue across

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enter the intersection carefully and continue across

EXPLANATION: A steady yellow signal light warns you that the red signal is about to appear. When you see the yellow light, you should stop if it can be done so safely. If you can't stop, enter the intersection carefully and continue across. Watch out for vehicles that may enter the intersection when the light changes.

A flashing yellow light at an intersection means ______________.
A.) stop and yield to all cross traffic before crossing the intersection
B.) slow down and cross the intersection carefully
C.) stop before entering the intersection if you can do so safely

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Slow down and cross the intersection carefully

EXPLANATION: A flashing yellow signal light warns you to use caution. Slow down and be especially alert.

When you are about to make a turn in direction of a lighted green arrow, which of the following is true?
A.) You may turn without checking traffic.
B.) Oncoming vehicles and pedestrians are stopped by a red light.
C.) All traffic in the intersection must yield to you.

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Oncoming vehicles and pedestrians are stopped by a red light.

What does this sign mean?

A.) End of the divided highway
B.) Divided highway ahead
C.) Obstructed roadway ahead

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Divided highway ahead

EXPLANATION: The sign shown here means a divided highway ahead.

Two sets of solid double yellow lines that are two or more feet apart ______________.

A.) indicate a passing lane
B.) may be crossed to make a U-turn
C.) may never be crossed

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may never be crossed

EXPLANATION: Two sets of solid double yellow lines that are two or more feet apart sometimes appear as road markings. These lines stand for a solid wall. Don't drive on or over these lines. You may not make a left turn or U-turn in this space.

You are waiting to turn left into a small parking lot. A car approaching from the opposite direction has a turn signal on. You should _______________.
A.) wait until the other car starts its turn before making your turn
B.) make your turn if the driver is signaling for a left turn
C.) make your turn if the driver is signaling for a right turn

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wait until the other car starts its turn before making your turn

EXPLANATION: The driver of a vehicle intending to turn left or to complete a U-turn upon a highway or to turn left into public or private property shall yield the right-of-way to all vehicles approaching from the opposite direction which are close enough to constitute a hazard. In the given situation you should wait until the other car starts its turn.

A large truck is driving in the middle of a three-lane road. What is the best way to pass the large truck?
A.) Pass on the left quickly and move ahead of it.
B.) Reduce speed first and then make the pass on the left.
C.) Pass on the right quickly and move ahead of it.

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pass on the left quickly and move ahead of it.

Orange road signs warn of a ___________ ahead.

A.) school zone
B.) railroad crossing
C.) road construction

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road construction

If you can choose among three lanes on your side of the road, ________________________
A.) pick the right lane for the smoothest driving
B.) use the left lane to go faster, pass, or turn left
C.) use the middle lane to drive slowly, enter, or turn off the road

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use the middle lane to drive slowly, enter, or turn off the road

You are traveling on a one-way street. When you want to turn left into another one-way street, you __________________.
A.) have to start your turn from the far right lane
B.) may end your turn into any lane that is safely open
C.) may turn only if traffic on the crossing street moves right

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may end your turn into any lane that is safely open

EXPLANATION: To make a left turn from a one-way street into a one-way street, start the turn from the far left lane. Be aware for bicyclists between your vehicle and the curb as they can also legally use the left turn lane for their left turns. You may end your turn into any lane that is safely open, as shown by the arrows.

You may only stop long enough to pick up or drop off passengers or mail. This statement is true for parking at a _______ curb.

A.) red
B.) blue
C.) white

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White: you may only stop long enough to pick up or drop off passengers or mail. (These curbs are usually found at airport passenger terminals.)

When you have a green light, but traffic is blocking the intersection, you should ___________.
A.) enter the intersection and wait until traffic clears
B.) stay out of the intersection until traffic clears
C.) change your lane and go around the traffic

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stay out of the intersection until traffic clears

EXPLANATION: Do not enter an intersection, even when the light is green, unless you have enough room to safely cross the intersection before the light turns red. If you block traffic, you may be cited.

If there is no crosswalk or limit line near an intersection, you should stop __________.
A.) one car length before the corner
B.) 20 ft before the corner
C.) at the corner

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at the corner

EXPLANATION: A limit line is a wide white line painted across the street. It indicates where you should stop. When a crosswalk or limit line is not marked, stop at the corner. Check for traffic before crossing. Wait until it is safe before going forward.

What does this the square, red and white DO NOT ENTER sign mean?

What does a "DO NOT ENTER" sign mean?
A.) You are traveling against traffic.
B.) The road is closed in all directions.
C.) Yield to traffic.

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You are traveling against traffic.

EXPLANATION: The square, red and white DO NOT ENTER sign means that you are traveling against traffic (or about to), and is typically used for freeway off-ramps or one-way streets.

What does this sign mean?

A.) The right lane will end ahead
B.) Slippery when wet
C.) Narrow lanes ahead

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The right lane will end ahead

★ California Drivers Ed DMV Permit Test Answers 1

Driving Is Your Responsibility
For the first 12 months of your provisional license term, you are not allowed to drive ___________________.
A.) with passengers under the age of 20
B.) between the hours of 11:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.
C.) with any passengers after 9:00 p.m.

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with passengers under the age of 20

EXPLANATION: For the first 12 months of your provisional license term, you are not allowed to drive: with passengers under the age of 20 at any time; between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m.

When approaching an intersection controlled by a STOP sign, you should _______________.
A.) slow down and cross the intersection if it is clear
B.) always come to a complete stop behind a crosswalk before proceeding
C.) stop only when you see pedestrians crossing

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always come to a complete stop behind a crosswalk before proceeding

EXLANATION: When you see a STOP sign, you must come to a complete stop behind the limit line, if there is one, crosswalk, or at the corner.

Which of the following violations will add 2 points to your driving record?
A.) Making an unsafe lane change
B.) Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs
C.) Running a red light

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Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs

EXLANATION: If you are stopped and given a ticket while speeding, running a red light, or making an unsafe lane change, a point will be placed on your driving record. For reckless driving, hit-and-run, driving under the influence of alcohol/drugs, or driving while suspended or revoked, you will receive two points on your record.

While holding your instruction permit you may practice driving with any licensed adult ____ years of age or older.
A.) 18
B.) 21
C.) 25

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EXLANATION: You may use your provisional instruction permit to practice driving with your parent, guardian, spouse, or any adult 25 years of age or older who holds a valid California drivers license.

A person with a Class C drivers license may operate ________________.
A.) a 2-axle vehicle with a Gross Vehicle Weight Rating of 26,000 lbs. or less
B.) a 3-axle vehicle weighing 6,000 lbs. or more
C.) any truck

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a 2-axle vehicle with a Gross Vehicle Weight Rating of 26,000 lbs. or less

EXLANATION: A basic class C drivers license allows you to operate any 2-axle vehicle with a Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR) of 26,000 lbs. or less, any 3-axle vehicle weighing 6,000 lbs. or less, or any housecar, 40 ft or less.

The minimum age to receive a drivers license is ___.
A.) 14
B.) 15
C.) 16

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EXLANATION: To be eligible for your provisional license and to be ready to take your driving test you must be 16 years or older.

If you get a traffic ticket, you must follow certain procedures that usually require _______________.
A.) taking behind-the-wheel training
B.) a court appearance and paying fines
C.) the cancelation of your car insurance

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a court appearance and paying fines

EXLANATION: If you get a traffic ticket, you must follow a certain procedure that usually requires court appearance and paying fines.

You must give your new address to the DMV within ___ days if you move.
A.) 10
B.) 15
C.) 20

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EXLANATION: The law states that you must give your new address to the DMV within 10 days if you move.

If you fail your driving test, you __________________.
A.) may retake it the next day
B.) need to take your traffic law and road signs test again
C.) must wait two weeks before taking the test a second time

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must wait two weeks before taking the test a second time

EXLANATION: If you fail the test, you must wait two weeks before taking the test a second time. You have three chances to pass before your permit expires.

Which of the following is a positive and safe way to handle road rage?
Which of the following is one of positive and safe ways to handle road rage?
A.) Establishing eye contact and responding on negative behavior
B.) Staying away from drivers who are speeding or appear anxious
C.) Trying to gain the upper hand and teach someone a "lesson"

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Staying away from drivers who are speeding or appear anxious

EXLANATION: Safe ways to avoid potentially dangerous incidents and road rage: do not respond in any way, verbally or otherwise, except to back off. Stay away from drivers who are speeding or appear anxious. Do not establish eye contact. Do not try to gain the upper hand and never try to teach someone a lesson.

It is illegal to ____________________.
A.) listen to music through headphones while both ears are covered
B.) adjust the rearview mirror while driving
C.) have an unrestrained animal in the vehicle

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listen to music through headphones while both ears are covered

EXLANATION: A person operating a motor vehicle or bicycle may not wear a headset covering, or earplugs in, both ears (CVC 27400). It is illegal.

What should you do if you feel drowsy while driving on a trip?
A.) Get off the road and get some sleep.
B.) Drink coffee to stay awake.
C.) Eat a snack.

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Get off the road and get some sleep.

EXLANATION: If you have to drive and feel drowsy, get off the road and get some sleep.

When can you legally use your cell phone while driving?
When is it illegal to use a cell phone while driving?
A.) Never
B.) When waiting for a train to pass at a closed gate
C.) In case of an emergency

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In case of an emergency

EXLANATION: It is against the law for any driver under 18 to use a cell phone or any other electronic communications device while driving, even if it is equipped with a hands-free device. Drivers 18 and over may use a hand-free device for their cell phone. The law provides an exemption for the use of wireless phones for emergency purposes.

Smoking in a vehicle with a minor present is _______________.
A.) illegal whether the vehicle is in motion or parked
B.) not restricted by law
C.) illegal unless the child is your relative

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illegal whether the vehicle is in motion or parked

EXLANATION: In California, smoking in a vehicle with a minor present is prohibited whether the vehicle is in motion or parked. This is considered an infraction and is punishable by a fine of up to $100.

Which of the following is not only dangerous but also illegal while driving a motor vehicle?
A.) Writing, sending, or reading text messages
B.) Eating and drinking
C.) Talking to passengers

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Writing, sending, or reading text messages

EXLANATION: By law, all California drivers are prohibited from text messaging. It is an infraction to write, send, or read text-based communication on an electronic wireless communications device, such as a cell phone, while driving a motor vehicle.

If you need to send a text message while driving, __________.
A.) make sure to keep two hands on the wheel
B.) make sure to keep one hand on the wheel
C.) hold your phone up so your field of view remains on the road
D.) it is illegal to send text messages while driving

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it is illegal to send text messages while driving

Natural forces affecting the driver
When you're driving uphill,___________________.
A.) it is much easier to stop your car as opposed to driving downhill
B.) it is more difficult to stop your car as opposed to driving downhill
C.) you need to double your speed

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it is much easier to stop your car as opposed to driving downhill

Why is it dangerous to keep loose objects in the cabin of your vehicle?
A.) They will distract you from paying attention to the road.
B.) They could be thrown into motion and injure someone in the event of a sudden stop.
C.) Your passengers could feel uncomfortable having them around.

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They could be thrown into motion and injure someone in the event of a sudden stop.

EXLANATION: Don't keep loose objects in the cabin of your vehicle. They could be thrown into motion and injure someone in the event of a sudden stop. Store them in the trunk when possible.

Anything that requires you to _____ could cause you to crash.
A.) Take your eyes off the road.
B.) Take your hands off the wheel
C.) Take your attention away from the driving task
D.) All of the above.

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All of the above.

To safely negotiate a curve, use your brakes ________________.
A.) after you enter the curve
B.) while driving through the curve
C.) before you enter the curve

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before you enter the curve

EXLANATION: The following are safety rules for driving around a curve given the effects of centrifugal and centripetal forces: use your brake and slow down before you enter the curve; braking on a curve may cause your vehicle to skid.

What type of road surface provides the best friction and requires less room to stop?
A.) Dirt road
B.) Dry concrete road
C.) Icy road

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Dry concrete road

On what type of road surface do drivers have the best traction and need less room to stop?
A.) Dirt
B.) Dry concrete
C.) Ice

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Dry concrete

EXLANATION: Road surfaces influence the amount of friction your tires create with the roadway. A dry, concrete road provides the best friction, while dirt roads may be the worst.

When two vehicles moving at the same speed are involved in a collision, the vehicle that __________________.
A.) weighs more will take the greater impact
B.) weighs less will take the greater impact
C.) has a manual transmission will take the greater impact

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weighs less will take the greater impact
ANSWER: EXLANATION: When two vehicles moving at the same rate of speed are involved in a collision, the vehicle that weighs less will take the greater impact.

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DMV Practice Permit Test Study Guide

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