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★ AAA Driver's Ed How to Drive Chapter 12 Test Answers

AAA How To Drive: The Effect of Alcohol and Other Drugs on Driving

The effect of alcohol on the central nervous system is the same as any other:
A.) stimulant
B.) depressant
C.) narcotic
D.) hallucinogen

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When you drink alcohol:
A.) mental judgment is affected before your physical coordination
B.) physical coordination is affected before your mental judgment
C.) both physical coordination and your mental judgment are affected at the same time
D.) neither mental judgment nor physical coordination is affected

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mental judgment is affected before your physical coordination

Approximately how many fatal traffic crashes involve alcohol?
A.) over 70%
B.) under 10%
C.) one out of every 200 crashes
D.) nearly half

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nearly half

Prescription medicines and over-the-counter drugs can hinder your ability to drive by
Prescription medicines and over-the-counter drugs can reduce your ability to drive safely by
A.) reducing your ability to perform complex tasks
B.) reducing your level of alertness
C.) causing drowsiness
D.) all of the above

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all of the above

Which of the following will help you sober up from the effects of alcohol?
Which of the following will help someone sober up from the effects of alcohol?
Which of the following will help a drinker sober up?
A.) Coffee or milk
B.) Food in the stomach
C.) Time
D.) Fresh air or a cold shower

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Oxidation, the process by which 90% of alcohol is eliminated from the body, takes place in the:
Oxidation, the burning of alcohol, takes place in your:
Oxidation takes place in the:
Oxidation, the burning of alcohol, takes place in the:
A.) Stomach
B.) Liver
C.) Lower Intestine
D.) Brain

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EXPLANATION: Oxidation - the majority of alcohol is removed by the liver as it burns up the alcohol through the process of oxidation (90%)

Once you are of legal age, if you drink alcohol you should:
A.) Space your drinks out over a long period of time.
B.) Keep pace with others around you.
C.) Set your limit after your third drink.
D.) Drink as much as possible as quickly as possible.

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Space your drinks out over a long period of time

Alcohol affects:
A.) judgement first, so you have difficulty deciding how much or if you should continue to drink
B.) your physical abilities first so you will test your ability to drive
C.) your automatic responses first so you will continue to breathe after you pass out
D.) all parts of your brain and body at the same time

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judgement first, so you have difficulty deciding how much or if you should continue to drink

Young drivers between the ages of 16-19 with a B.A.C. of .085 percent (approximately three to four drinks) are _________ times more likely to be killed in a crash than a sober driver
Drivers between the ages of 16-19 with a BAC of 0.085 are most likely to be killed at what percent?
A.) 40
B.) 60
C.) 80
D.) 90

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Young drivers between the ages of 16 and 19 with a BAC of .02 to .05 percent (one to two drinks) are at least ____________ times more likely to be killed in a crash than a sober driver.
A.) 2
B.) 7
C.) 12
D.) 15

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At .085 percent (three to four drinks), young drivers are _____________ percent more likely to be killed than a sober driver and ____________ percent more likely to be killed than a 55-year-old driver with the same BAC.
A.) 15; 5
B.) 35; 10
C.) 40; 20
D.) 60; 15

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40; 20

In a group of friends, the designated driver is:
A.) The most experienced driver in the group.
B.) The driver who has a provisional driver's license.
C.) The driver who has agreed not to use alcohol and will drive friends home.
D.) The relief driver on a long trip.

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The driver who has agreed not to use alcohol and will drive friends home

Inexperienced drivers are likely:
A.) To have little experience with alcohol
B.) To have a lot of experience with alcohol
C.) To know when alcohol affects their ability to drive safely
D.) Use alcohol but only in moderation

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To have little experience with alcohol

When a person is affected by marijuana he/she will:
A.) Still be capable of driving safely
B.) Be at a higher risk because of reduced concentration
C.) Be more relaxed and drive better
D.) See better at night

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Be at a higher risk because of reduced concentration

When a person is affected by marijuana they will:
People who are driving while affected by marijuana will:
A.) Still be capable of driving safely.
B.) Tend to concentrate on one thing at a time while driving.
C.) Be more relaxed and driver better.
D.) See better at night.

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Tend to concentrate on one thing at a time while driving

Alcohol affects men and women the same.
A.) True
B.) False

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EXPLANATION: Alcohol affects men and women Differently
Gender - alcohol does not affect men and women equally. Research indicates that alcohols effects on females tend to be stronger and last longer

Alcohol affects your behavior as soon as it:
A.) Is swallowed
B.) Reaches your brain
C.) Is oxidized
D.) Enters the bloodstream

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Reaches your brain

The effects of alcohol will start with the:
A.) 1st drink
B.) 2nd drink
C.) 3rd drink
D.) 4th drink

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1st drink

When drugs are combined, it is likely that there will be a synergistic effect on your body, meaning:
A.) The combined drugs will have a greater effect than if taken separately
B.) The drugs cancel out each other's effects
C.) The first drug taken will be the only drug that has any effect on you
D.) The last drug you take will be the only drug that has any effect on you

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The combined drugs will have a greater effect than if taken separately

The use of alcohol will:
A.) Sharpen your ability to focus
B.) Have little effect on your ability to see
C.) Relax your eye muscles making it difficult to focus
D.) All you to see better in a low-light environment

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Relax your eye muscles making it difficult to focus

Barbiturates and tranquilizers are:
A.) Stimulants
B.) Depressants
C.) Narcotics
D.) Hallucinogens

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depressant drugs that have a sedative effect

The amount of alcohol in a drink is determined in part by:
A.) The cost of the drink
B.) The drinker's body weight
C.) If it is served in a glass or a mug
D.) The strength of the beverage

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The strength of the beverage

In one hour a male that weighs 150 pounds will oxidize (get rid of) how much alcohol?
In one hour a male that weighs 150 pounds will oxidize (get rid of) approximately how much alcohol?
A.) .015 percent B.A.C.
B.) .105 percent B.A.C.
C.) Two standard drinks
D.) one standard drink

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.015 percent B.A.C.

BAC stands for _________________________
A.) Breath alcohol content
B.) Blood alcohol content
C.) Breath alcohol concentration
D.) Blood alcohol concentration

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Blood alcohol concentration

Alcohol is a _________________ drug.
A.) Stimulant
B.) Narcotic
C.) Barbiturate
D.) Depressant

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The first ability to be impaired by alcohol or other drugs is ______.
A.) Alertness
B.) Knowledge
C.) Balance
D.) Judgment / decision-making

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Judgement / decision-making

It takes the body, on average, approximately _____ to eliminate the alcohol contained in one drink.
A.) ½ - 1 hour
B.) 2 hours
C.) 4 hours
D.) 1 ¼ - 1 ½ hours

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1 ¼ - 1 ½ hours

It takes the body, on average, approximately how long to eliminate the alcohol contained in one drink?
A.) ½ hour
B.) 1 hour
C.) 1 ½ hours
D.) 2 hours

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1 ½ hours

The safest alternative to drinking or taking drugs and driving is?
A.) Do not drive.
B.) Abstain from them.
C.) Do not go to social gatherings.
D.) Stay away from friends who drink and take drugs.

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Abstain from them

Factors that affect how high a drinker's BAC reaches includes(s)__
A.) Amount of beverage consumed
B.) The drinker's height
C.) Strength of the beverage
D.) A and C

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A and C

What factor(s) affect your BAC levels?
A.) Gender
B.) Weight
C.) Size of drink
D.) All the above

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All the above

Who is ultimately responsible for preventing you from driving after using drugs or alcohol that can affect your driving abilities?
Who is ultimately responsible for preventing you from driving after consuming drugs that can affect your driving abilities?
A.) Your doctor
B.) You, the driver
C.) Your pharmacist
D.) The police

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You, the driver

More than _____ Americans regularly take prescription meds.
A.) One-quarter
B.) One-half
C.) Three-quarters
D.) 80%

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A one ounce shot of 80 proof whiskey contains _____ alcohol than/as a 12 ounce can of beer.
A 1 oz. shot of 80 proof whiskey contains ____ alcohol than/as a 12 oz. can of beer
A.) More
B.) Less
C.) The same amount of

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EXPLANATION: One drink means either a shot of 80 proof alcohol or one beer. The amount of alcohol in a 1.5 oz. shot of 80 proof whiskey, a 5 oz. glass of wine and a 12 oz. beer are all the same.

In one hour a male that weighs 150 pounds will oxidize (get rid of) how much alcohol?
A.) One standard drink
B.) .015 percent
C.) Two standard drinks
D.) .105 percent

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.015 percent

By .12 percent (four to six drinks) young drivers are ________ times more likely to crash fatally than a sober driver.
A.) 60
B.) 70
C.) 80
D.) 90

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How many drinks are required to impair a driver's ability?
ANSWER: Any amount of alcohol will impair a driver's ability to drive safely.

Tests on driving simulators suggest that marijuana's greatest impact is on a driver's ability to
A.) Relax and enjoy the ride
B.) Allow others to be passengers in the vehicle
C.) Recognize and respond to dangerous situations
D.) See at night

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Recognize and respond to dangerous situations

A driver can legally drive after using marijuana:
A driver can legally drive after consuming marijuana:
A.) In states where recreational marijuana is legal.
B.) If the driver has an authorized medical marijuana card.
C.) If the marijuana is consumed by eating edibles instead of smoked.
D.) None of the above

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None of the above

Explain how marijuana can affect driving ability.
Explain how marijuana can affect a person's driving ability.
* Marijuana users make more driving errors and are arrested more often for traffic violations than non users. Driver tends to focus on one thing at a time and are less aware of their surroundings. Marijuana's greatest impact is on a driver's ability to recognize and respond to dangerous situations.
* Not to make good choices, light headed, dizzy, etc. Users become drowsy and have difficulty judging time and space and speed of movement. Some users reported they concentrate on one object at a time ignoring all other objects. Marijuana is stored in fat cells and is a limited very slowly.

Combining one or more drugs can cause a synergistic effect on your body. Meaning:
A.) The combined effect is greater than the sum of the two effects separately.
B.) The drugs cancel out each other's effects.
C.) The first drug taken will be the only drug that has any effect on you.
D.) The last drug taken will be the only drug that has any effect on you.

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The combined effect is greater than the sum of the two effects separately.

Define "synergism" and explain its impact on behavior.
A total effect that is greater than the sum of the two effects separately; often used in reference to combining alcohol and other drugs. A beer and another depressant may produce a synergistic effect. Anytime another drug is combined with alcohol, effects may be different from the expected if either drug is taken alone. Synergism occurs when the combined effects of multiple drugs are greater than the sum of their separate effects - increases risk of harmful & unexpected effects.

List and Explain four factors that can affect a drinker's BAC.
Factors that can affect a person's BAC: Any amount will impair- any amount will impair a driving ability
1. Gender - alcohol does not affect men and women equally. Women reach a peak of BAC about 20% higher then men. Research indicates that alcohols effects on females tend to be stronger and last longer.
2. Body weight - your weight affects the percentage of alcohol in your blood. A heavier person has more body fluids with which the alcohol will mix, and thus have a lower BAC
3. Strength of the drink- Stronger the beverage consumed, the higher BAC will rise.
4. Size of Drink - A larger drink will contain more alcohol and result in a higher BAC than a smaller drink of the same alcohol strength
5. Food - Food in stomach does not absorb alcohol, but it can slow the rate at which alcohol is absorbed; but all the alcohol consumed eventually gets into your blood
6. Time spent drinking - Faster the drink is consumed, the more quickly BAC will reach its peak.

List and explain the three ways alcohol is eliminated by the body.
1. Breathing - approximately 8% of alcohol is eliminated by breathing. This is why you might be able to detect the odor of an alcoholic beverage on a drinker's breath
2. Sweat/Perspiring - about 2% of alcohol is eliminated by sweating. It maybe possible to detect the odor of an alcoholic beverage on a drinker's body
3. Oxidation - the majority of alcohol is removed by the liver as it burns up the alcohol through the process of oxidation (90%)

Define "BAC" and explain it's relationship to driving ability.
* BAC stands for Blood Alcohol Concentration, is the percentage of alcohol in the bloodstream. Alcohol impairs the central nervous system.
* The greater the BAC, the greater the risk of being involved in a fatal crash.
* Certain levels of BAC are unlawful to drive under Like .01-.02
* Young drivers between the ages of 16 and 19 with a BAC of .02 to .05% are at least seven times more likely to be killed in a crash in a sober driver of any age.

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