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A.) Name the law that applies to a driver while driving in the rightmost lane in the pictures?
ANSWER: This would be known as the “Move over Law”. Move-over law applies to the driver in the picture. So how does the Move over Law work: Drivers must leave the lane that is next to emergency vehicles that are stopped by police under this law. When driving in the furthest right lane, drivers must move over a lane from that when getting onto the highway. In the United States, drivers must give one lane gap to emergency vehicles that are stopped. In the United States, drivers must give one lane gap to stopped emergency vehicles.
B.) Explain the options to legally drive by the emergency vehicles stopped in the right shoulder lane.
ANSWER: The options to legally drive by emergency vehicles in the right shoulder lane are to drive slower. The options for legally driving include Situations of emergency require a slower speed, slower than the limit, and you need to safely get over to the other lane.
A.) Describe at least two risky driving behaviors you observe in this picture.
ANSWER: The two risky driving behaviors observed in the picture are: 1. The grey car is merging lanes and going In front of the truck. This is not safe because it can cause a collision. The grey car should switch lanes when it is a little further from the truck. If the grey car is going too slow, they can crash especially because the truck has a lot of weight in the back which takes the truck longer time to stop completely.
2. All the cars are tailgating in the front right lane are awfully close to each other. This is very unsafe because they are driving very close to each other. If out of nowhere one of those cars in the line has to stop all the cars behind will crash into the one that stopped due to them tailgating. Driving this close to another car gives you no time to react at all.
B.) Choose one vehicle and explain what you would do differently.
ANSWER: 1. If I was the grey car, I would switch lanes when I was a little further from the truck.
2. If I was the black car all the way in the back in the right lane, I would have a 4 second space cushion between me and the driver In front of me just in case.
A photo taken from a high view of crowded traffic on a 3-lane limited-access highway. A dozen vehicles traveling in 3 parallel traffic lanes. 4 vehicles are travelling single file in the left lane 1 second behind each other. In the center lane are two vehicles travelling within 1 second of each other. In the right lane are two vehicles 4 seconds apart and a third vehicle 1 second behind the second which is changing lanes to the left without signaling.

A.) Describe at least two risky driving behaviors you observe in this picture.
ANSWER: The two risky driving behavior observed from the picture are:
1. Jeep driving on two lanes: The Jeep at the back of the other cars in the picture is driving on two lanes which is risky as it is in danger of being hit by another car coming on one of those lanes.
2. Red and Black car on the Passing lane are too close: The Red and Black cars on the passing lane are too close together. The red car should slow down to give more space between itself and the black car and the Jeep should stick to a single lane.
B.) Choose one vehicle and explain what you would do differently.
If I was in the Jeep that is on two lanes, I should drive on a single lane maintaining a 4 second following safe disance, driving in the posted speed limits, as well as avoid weaving in and out of traffic or engaging in other risky behaviors that could increase the likelihood of a collision.
Additionally, I would recommend that the driver stay alert and focused on the road, avoiding any distractions that could impair their driving ability.
Tailgating: This refers to driving too closely to the vehicle in front. It's a common behavior that can lead to rear-end collisions, especially if the leading car suddenly brakes or stops. If I observe tailgating in a picture, I would advise the driver to maintain a safe distance from the car in front to avoid the risk of collision.
Distracted driving: This can involve a variety of behaviors, including using a mobile phone, eating, drinking, applying makeup, or engaging in other activities that take the driver's attention away from the road. If I observe distracted driving in a picture, I would advise the driver to focus on the road and avoid any activities that could impair their ability to drive safely.
A.) What are the safety steps to follow when changing lanes?
ANSWER: The safety steps to follow when changing lanes are that you should check all around you. You need to look through the rear-view mirror to see if anyone is behind you, you also need to make sure to check you blind spots because there can be a car. You should also put your turn signal to inform other cars around you what you are about to do.
B.) What are the safety steps to follow when passing?
ANSWER: The safety steps to follow when passing are very similar to when changing lanes. You should check for any hazards and you should check you blind spots before you pass the car. You should move a little bit over to check if there are any cars coming and if there aren’t any then you should switch lanes and increase your speed by about 10 to 15 mph to be able to go In front of the car.
A.) Imagine the white car in the left lane is moving more slowly than the surrounding traffic. How is this a violation of state uniform traffic law?
ANSWER: This is a violation of state uniform traffic law because the left lane isthe fastest moving lane. . If the white car in the left lane is moving slower than the surrounding traffic that is a violation of state uniform traffic law because the left lane is the fastest moving lane, therefore if the white car wants to go slower than the surrounding traffic, it should move to the right lane because that’s the slowest lane.
B.) If a driver is driving more slowly than the surrounding traffic, how does that impact the behavior of the other drivers on the roadway?
ANSWER: If a driver is driving more slowly than the surrounding traffic, this impacts the behavior of the other drivers on the roadway because it will probably cause a lot of hazards such as traffic jam, tailgating because the other cars want to go faster which is not correct to do. It can also cause a lot of collisions because the cars in the back might want to pass the slow car.
A. Explain right-of-way rules for navigating a roundabout.
ANSWER: The right-of-way rules for navigating a roundabout are that you have to yield to anyone that is already in the roundabout. Once there is a safe gap you can join the rest of the cars in the roundabout.
B.) As the driver of the red SUV, what are your options for navigating this roundabout?
ANSWER: As the driver of the red SUV my options for navigating this roundabout are that I can join the roundabout because there is a safe space between me and the other cars or I can wait until the car passes if that is what it’s going to do because the other car can also choose to get out of the roundabout to then get into the roundabout.
A.) Identify three common risks for young drivers pictured above?
ANSWER: Three common risks for young drivers pictured are
1.) Looking at a phone
There are many distractions going on in this photo that could easily cause a car accident.
Distractions while driving. In the picture, the co-driver is trying to show the driver something on the phone and this makes him lose focus and even track of the road and it is evident in the photo, this could cause a car crash due to the driver being distracted and not focused on the road.
2.) Having only one hand on the steering wheel and holding a soft drink in other hand, not paying attention to the road.
Inexperience, although this driver may have their license, they are still new to the road.
Eating OR Drinking while driving. The driver is holding a drink in one hand while driving. It may be a soft drink or alcohol but either way, it reduces concentration, coordination and slows reaction time. Safe driving requires the ability to concentrate, make good judgments and quickly react to situations. However, drinking affects these skills, putting the driver and others in danger.
3.) Passengers not sitting right and being distractions
Lastly, there are other teenage passengers who are distracting the driver.
All the passengers are teens. The teenage passenger is trying to tap the driver and this is actively encouraging the driver to take the risk of concentrating on her instead of the wheel and the road.
ANSWER: Safe skills that can be used to reduce these skills include
1.) Having both hands on the steering wheel with your eyes on the road
The driver needs to think safely first, be aware of your surroundings, pay attention on the road, cut out distractions, and do not depend on other drivers. Most collisions result from Use of cell phones while driving. It decreases the efficacy of your peripheral vision.
2.) Passengers sitting in their seats with their seatbelts on correctly
I believe that limiting distractions as much as possible would help, making sure your seatbelt is fastened, and utilizing defensive driving will help reduce these risks. Passengers sitting in the rear or back seat should avoid eating or drinking, also allow the driver to always focus on the road.
A.) What is the procedure to safely navigate this intersection with a broken traffic signal?
The procedure to safely navigate this intersection with a broken traffic signal is to pretend as if traffic signal was a stop sign. So, every car would have to stop and check if it’s safe to go on.
B.) How would you respond if there was an officer directing traffic?
ANSWER: I would respond by paying close attention to what the officer is directing me to do and wait for him/her to signal me to go if there was an officer directing traffic.
A.) Explain what this traffic light means.
ANSWER: This traffic light means that you have to start to slow down and come to a stop if you can safely because the light is going to turn red.
B.) Imagine you are the driver approaching this traffic light. Describe your driving thoughts and actions in the few seconds before reaching this point.
Imagine you are the driver approaching this traffic light. Describe two possible actions and your driving thoughts in the few seconds before reaching this point
ANSWER: If I was a driver approaching this traffic light I would start pressing the brake a few seconds before reaching this point in order to be able to be at a complete stop by the time the light turns red. I will most defiantly NOT try to speed to pass the yellow light before it changes because that is very unsafe.
A.) Describe the appropriate response a driver should take when they see this vehicle with active sirens and lights approaching from behind.
A.) Describe the proper response a driver should take when they see this vehicle with active sirens and lights approaching from behind.
ANSWER: Once you hear a siren or see flashing red and blue lights in the United States, you should slow down and pull over to the right as far as possible to allow emergency response vehicles to pass. After the responders have passed, you may reenter the traffic flow.
B.) What other emergency vehicle types require the same response?
ANSWER: The other emergency vehicles that require the same response would be police cars or motorcycles, ambulances that are in the picture above, and a fire truck.
C.) What law applies to the driver approaching the situation on the right shoulder lane?
ANSWER: A Move Over law applies to the driver approaching the situation on the right shoulder lane. A Move Over law typically requires motorists to change lanes and/or slow down to give safe clearance to when approaching an authorized emergency vehicle that is parked or otherwise stopped on a roadway.
A.) The law requires certain driving practices when operating a vehicle in this weather condition. Which has the black truck forgotten?
ANSWER: To turn on their low-beam headlights (fog lights & headlamp on). The black truck is not following the law because he forgot to turn his headlights on.
B.) Describe two other safe driving skills a driver should use when driving in this road condition.
What two safe driving skills a driver should use when driving in a raining road condition
ANSWER: Two other safety features this driver should use when driving in these road conditions you want to slow down and remain at a safe distance between the cars in front and behind you.
1) Driving within the speed limit, or even slower
2) Use your low-beam headlights in bad weather condition, such as fog, snow or rain. You should never use high beam lights when it is raining, foggy or snowing.
A.) Name at least two indicators that a driver must not turn right at this intersection.
ANSWER: Two indicators that a driver must not turn right at this intersection are:
1. The do not turn right sign
2. The do not enter sign with the one-way sign.
If I was to mistakenly make the right turn, I would move slowly because there can be a car coming the opposite way of me and then I would make a u turn if I could in a safe way.
A.) What hazards might this motorcyclist encounter?
A. What hazards might a motorcyclist encounter?
ANSWER: A hazard refers to a situation that raises the possibility of danger or risk.The hazards that a motorcycle might encounter are getting hit by another driver because the motorcyclist may be less visible to other drivers. The driver of a car might suddenly brake in this case, posing a hazard to the motorcyclist. Also, motorcyclists may encounter debri on the road or gravel which may result in the motorcyclist losing control. He risks the danger of a crash.
B.) What precautions should be taken by a driver when traveling near a motorcycle?
ANSWER: A precaution is a measure taken to prevent an accident or incident from occurring. When traveling near a motorcycle, drivers should constantly check their mirrors to make sure they are not driving into the blind spots of the motorcycle.
A.) With both vehicles approaching a stop sign, which vehicle has the right of way at this intersection?
ANSWER: With both vehicles approaching a stop sign the car to the left has the right of way because it was their first before the black car.
B.) Why?
ANSWER: With both vehicles approaching a stop sign the car to the left has the right of way because it was their first before the black car
A. If you approach this intersection while driving, do you or the pedestrian have the right of way?
ANSWER: If I approach that intersection while driving, the pedestrian has the right of way.
B.) Explain why.
ANSWER: Pedestrian has the right of way because the law says that when I am at an intersection, I should yield to any pedestrians walking in the crosswalk.
There is a flashing yellow light at the intersection you are approaching. What does the flashing yellow light indicate, and what should you do to safely navigate this intersection?
ANSWER: The flashing yellow light indicates to slow down, proceed with caution and yield to others. To safely navigate I would slow down and prepare to stop completely before entering at this intersection. When crossing the intersection, look around to stay safe of anything that may cross from your sides and may hit you.
Assignment 9.5
A.) What are the potential concerns involving the stopped vehicle the officer may consider when approaching the vehicle?
ANSWER: The potential concerns involving the stopped vehicle the officer may consider when approaching the vehicle are The officer should know how many people are in the vehicle, if the driver is armed, does the vehicle lit well and finally if the driver or passengers are hostile.
B.) What should the driver do to help ensure the stop goes smoothly?
ANSWER: During an enforcement Stop or if you are stopped by a law enforcement officer (police officer), to ensure the stop goes smoothly the driver should slow down to a reasonable speed, gently press on the brake for a smooth stop. Pull over to the shoulder or other safe stopping point on the right side of the road.
1. Stay calm and not reach for anything until the officer says so, turn off your engine/ignition, lower your driver side window, wait for the officer to approach your car.
2. Keep your hands on steering wheel in plain view at all times. Stay in your vehicle with your seat belt fastened. Inform the officer, if you reach for your license, registration, and insurance. Follow all of the officers instructions immediately.
Name at least three eco-driving techniques you can use to increase your gas mileage and extend the life of your vehicle.
ANSWER: Three eco-driving techniques to increase gas mileage is to go easy on the gas pedal; avoid unnecessary idling, which means if you're not moving anywhere for more than a minute, turn off your engine; don't speed, and drive at or below the speed limit at all times:
Not only is speeding unsafe and illegal, but it wastes gas and costs money: Wind resistance increases dramatically as speed increases, so the faster you go, the more rapidly you consume fuel
Furthermore, such ways to extend the life of your vehicle is to keep up with regular maintenance, including oil changes; change your engine air filter when it gets dirty, since a clogged air filter makes your engine work harder to get the air it needs; and check your tire pressure regularly, and make sure it matches the manufacturer's recommendation: Underinflated tires stretch and flex more than they're supposed to, resulting in less power transmitted to the road.
A.) What does it mean that Florida’s Texting While Driving Law is a primary offense?
ANSWER: Florida’s new law that bans texting while driving came into effect on July 1, 2019. Previously, In Florida, Texting while driving had been a secondary offense, meaning officers were only able to cite drivers after they pulled them over for another primary offense, such as a moving violation.
But now Florida’s Texting While Driving Law is a primary offense which means a police officer can pull motorist over and issue a citation solely for Texting While Driving. If officer suspects that the driver was texting (including instant messaging, emailing and other forms of texting on a mobile device) behind the wheel.
B.) Insurance is required in the state of Florida. Insurance costs more for a younger driver than it doesfor an older driver. Explain why insurance companies charge more for a younger driver.
ANSWER: Insurance cost more for younger drivers than older drivers because the young drivers are the ones with a very high percentage of getting into accidents.
A.) Identify at least three major costs of owning a vehicle throughout a year.
Some of expenses are;
* Fuel;
* Insurance cover.
* Maintenance and tires;
* Licensing, registration and taxes.
B.) Choose one and explain why you believe it would be the most expensive.
Insurance is the most costly since the cost of insurance keeps going up on a yearly basis, and if you are ever involved in a vehicle accident that was your fault, or if you are ever stopped over and given a ticket, the cost of your insurance will skyrocket dramatically. Firms in almost every industry, including the insurance industry, have seen their total costs rise. Furthermore, since the "cost of doing business" is taken into account when calculating premiums, consumers should expect rates to continue to rise in general. As compared to others, this one appears to be the most expensive since it is in a progressive and it keeps on rising.
A.) The Florida Driver Handbook describes both legal and illegal uses of hazard lights. Explain at least one legal use of hazard lights and one illegal use of hazard lights.
ANSWER: 1. One Legal Use of Hazard Lights: If the car is in an accident or not moving and you are pulled over near the road, you should use your hazard lights.
2. One Illegal Use of Hazard Lights: When you use your hazard lights while your car is in motion, it is illegal to drive.
B.) There is a police vehicle behind you with the lights on, indicating that you need to pull over for a traffic stop. After pulling over in a safe area, list at least two additional things you should do to make the traffic stop go smoothly.
ANSWER: During an enforcement Stop or if you are stopped by a law enforcement officer (police officer), to ensure the stop goes smoothly the driver should slow down to a reasonable speed, gently press on the brake for a smooth stop. Pull over to the shoulder or other safe stopping point on the right side of the road.
1. Stay calm and not reach for anything until the officer says so, turn off your engine/ignition, lower your driver side window, wait for the officer to approach your car.
2. Keep your hands on steering wheel in plain view at all times. Stay in your vehicle with your seat belt fastened. Inform the officer, if you reach for your license, registration, and insurance. Follow all of the officers instructions immediately.
A.) What are the two types of required insurance coverage to comply with Florida's No-Fault Law?
ANSWER: The two types of required insurance coverage to comply with Florida’s no-Fault law are, Personal injury protection (PIP) and property damage liability (PDL )
B.) Describe both types of coverage as well as the minimum required amount for each.
ANSWER: Personal property protection is a policy that covers medical expenses no matter who is at fault. It covers $10,000 in Florida. Property damage liability is what covers damage you caused to someone else’s property.
A.) Identify at least three major costs of owning a vehicle throughout a year. 1. Insurance 2. Taxes 3. License 4. Depreciation 5. Registration 6. Finance Charges
ANSWER: The three major costs when it comes to owning a car throughout the year is 1. Fuel, 2. Maintenance and tire, and 3. insurance cover.
B.) Choose one and explain why you believe it would be the most expensive.
ANSWER: I believe insurance is the most expensive depending on what kind of driver you are. Insurance is the most costly since the cost of insurance keeps going up on a yearly basis, and if you are ever involved in a vehicle accident that was your fault, or if you are ever stopped over and given a ticket, the cost of your insurance will skyrocket dramatically.
Choose the one question that applies to you: B. If you do have your license: how can you continue your driving improvement?
I will continue to look for more ways to be a safe and proactive driver, keeping not only my life safe but the lives of pedestrians and my fellow motorists.
Also find Driver's Ed Course Assessment and 2.5 Assignment Answers
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