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★ AAA Driver's Ed How to Drive Chapter 13 Test Answers

AAA How To Drive: The Effects of Distractions, Drowsiness and Emotions on Driving

Fatigue can be a problem for drivers:
Fatigue is a problem for drivers:
A.) only at night
B.) all the time
C.) only on long trips
D.) when they eat too much

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all the time

True/False: Strong emotions can affect your ability to make safe driving decisions
Strong emotions affect our ability to make safe driving decisions.
Strong emotions can affect your ability to make safe decisions while driving

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Strong emotions can affect your:
Emotional responses can affect your:
A.) physical coordination before your mental judgment
B.) mental judgment before your physical coordination
C.) ability to think, reason, and make decisions
D.) physical skills before your mental skills

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ability to think, reason, and make decisions

Emotional responses are:
A.) Learned and can be changed.
B.) Learned and cannot be changed.
C.) Inherited and can be changed.
D.) Inherited and cannot be changed.

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Learned and can be changed

To help you keep your emotions from affecting your driving you should:
What should you do to help keep your emotions from effecting your driving ability
A.) direct your emotions at a person's actions rather than the individual
B.) delay driving when you are upset
C.) expect other drivers to make mistakes
D.) use calming drugs before driving

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delay driving when you are upset

To help you keep your emotions from affecting your driving you should NOT:
A.) Direct your emotions at a person's actions rather than the individual
B.) Delay driving while you are upset
C.) Expect other drivers to make mistakes
D.) Use calming drugs before driving

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Use calming drugs before driving

One of the best ways to prevent fatigue while driving on a long trip is to:
One way to prevent fatigue while driving is to
A.) take food along so you can avoid drive-through restaurants
B.) turn up/play the radio at a high volume
C.) leave early (3 A.M. to 5 A.M.), eat regular meals and drive at the speed limit
D.) stop, get out of the vehicle and walk around for at least ten minutes every two hours

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stop, get out of the vehicle and walk around for at least ten minutes every two hours

When you are driving and become fatigued you should:
If you are driving and become fatigued, you should:
A.) Stop driving and get rest.
B.) Play the radio at high volume.
C.) Open the windows.
D.) All of the above

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Stop driving and get rest

If you are upset or distracted when you are driving you may
If you are upset or distracted, you may
A.) miss seeing important information needed to drive safely
B.) become fatigued between 1 and 5 P.M.
C.) reduce your social inhibitions
D.) all of the above are correct

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all of the above are correct

Circadian rhythm will:
A.) allow you to go extended periods of time without sleep
B.) wake you up if you fall asleep while driving
C.) cause you to be less alert, even drowsy, between approximately 2 and 4 P.M.
D.) stop when your vehicle stops

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cause you to be less alert, even drowsy, between approximately 2 and 4 P.M.

Your Circadian rhythm will:
A.) Allow you to go extended periods of time without sleep.
B.) Wake you up if you fall asleep while driving.
C.) Cause you to be less alert, even drowsy in the afternoon.
D.) Stop when your vehicle stops.

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Cause you to be less alert, even drowsy in the afternoon

Most people experience dips in energy between approximately midnight and 6 a.m., and again between approximately ____________, during which they are more likely to fall asleep while driving.
A.) 9 to 11 a.m.
B.) Noon to 2 p.m.
C.) 2 to 4 p.m.
D.) 5 to 7 p.m.

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2 to 4 p.m.

_____________ drivers who crashed after falling asleep did not detect any signs of drowsiness before the crash.
How many drivers who crashed after falling asleep did not detect any signs of drowsiness before the crash
A.) One quarter of
B.) One half of
C.) Three quarters of
D.) All

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One half of

___________ percent of drivers who crashed after falling asleep did not detect any signs of drowsiness before the crash.

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Drivers are at an increased risk at becoming drowsy is they:
Drivers are at increased risk at becoming fatigued if they:
A.) are shift workers
B.) take long trips
C.) are young drivers
D.) All of the above are correct.

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All of the above are correct.

EXPLANATION: Five groups of drivers who are at increased risk of being drowsy behind the wheel
1. Drivers on long trips
2. Drivers lacking sleep
3. Drivers with undiagnosed or untreated sleep disorders
4. Drivers on the road after extended wakefulness
5. Young drivers

An estimate ______ percent of collisions involve some form of the driver inattention
What estimated percentage of collisions involves some form of driver inattention?
An estimated _____ percent of crashes involve some form of driver inattention.
A.) 20
B.) 50
C.) 70
D.) 80

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Overall risk of a collision while using a cell phone increases by _________ percent.
Overall risk of a collision while using a cell phone when driving increases by what percent?
A.) 30
B.) 50
C.) 200
D.) 400

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_____occurs when a driver uses the vehicle or some other weapon to threaten or cause harm to another roadway user in response to a traffic incident.
__________occurs when a driver uses the vehicle or some other weapon to threaten or cause harm to another roadway user in response to a traffic accident.
A.) Aggressive driving.
B.) Circadian rhythm.
C.) Road Rage.
D.) Micro-sleep.

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Road rage

____ occurs when a driver uses a vehicle or some other object to threaten or cause harm to another road user as a result of a traffic incident.
A.) Aggressive driving
B.) Tailgating
C.) Road rage
D.) Running a red light

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Road rage

The three categories of distractions include visual, manual, and _____________.
A.) Complex
B.) Compound
C.) Multiple
D.) Mental

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The three categories of distractions include
Visual: taking your eyes off the road,
Manual: taking your hands off the wheel and,
Cognitive: taking your mind off driving.

________drivers who crashed after falling asleep did not detect any signs of drowsiness before the crash.
A.) One quarter of.
B.) One half of.
C.) Three quarters of.
D.) All.

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One half of

According to research, approximately how many drivers who crashed after falling asleep did not detect any signs of drowsiness before crashing
A.) 1/4 (One-fourth)
B.) 1/2 (One-half)
C.) 3/4 (Three-fourths)
D.) All drivers who crashed

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1/2 (One-half)

Most people experience dips in energy between approximately midnight and 6 AM, and again between approximately_____, during which they are more likely to fall sleep while driving
Most people experience dips in energy between midnight and 6am, and again between approximately what hours during which they are more likely to fall asleep while driving?
Most people experience energy dips between approximately midnight and 6 a.m., and again from approximately ___, during which they are more likely to fall asleep while driving.
A.) 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.
B.) Noon to 2 p.m.
C.) 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.
D.) 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.

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2 p.m. to 4 p.m.

What should you do to prevent distractions by eating, personal grooming, and setting audio preferences?
A.) Take care of it before you start driving
B.) Only perform these tasks while at stop light
C.) Only perform these tasks while in low speed residential areas
D.) Have your passenger hold the wheel for you

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Take care of it before you start driving

People ages 12 to 18 need between ___ of sleep each day.
A.) 7 and 8
B.) 8 and 8 ½
C.) 8 ½ and 9
D.) 9 and 9 ½ hours

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9 and 9 ½ hours

___________ is an effective way to remain awake when drowsy behind the wheel.
A.) Playing the radio on a high volume
B.) Chewing gum
C.) Opening the windows
D.) None of the above

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None of the above

How can being distracted affect the core skills needed to drive safely?
A.) Slowed perception
B.) Delayed decision-making
C.) Improper action
D.) All of the above

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All of the above

Texting drivers are up to ________ times more likely to be involved in a crash overall.
A.) Five
B.) Eight
C.) Twelve
D.) Twenty

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If you encounter a suspected distracted driver, your first step should be to:
A.) Put more space between you and that driver.
B.) Safely come to a stop.
C.) Obtain information about the vehicle: type, make, model, color and license plate number.
D.) Call 9-1-1.

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Put more space between you and that driver.

After using voice commands on vehicles and phones to make a call, send a text or change the music, mental distractions can last up to _________ seconds.
A.) 2
B.) 12
C.) 18
D.) 27

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The most effective way to prevent becoming distracted by a cell phone while driving is:
A.) Put your cell phone on silent.
B.) Do not engage in emotional conversations while driving.
C.) Turn on your phone's Do Not Disturb mode.
D.) Keep your conversations short.

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Turn on your phone's Do Not Disturb mode.

Your cell phone should be put on ________ before you start driving.
A.) Vibrate
B.) Low volume
C.) Do Not Disturb or Driving mode
D.) The dashboard

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Do Not Disturb or Driving mode

If you text and drive, you are ________ times more likely to veer off the road and crash.
A.) Three
B.) Ten
C.) Fifteen
D.) Twenty

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When you take your mind off the driving, you are:
A.) Increasing your risk.
B.) Reducing your risk.
C.) Not changing your level of risk.
D.) Driving safely.

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Increasing your risk.

A driving distraction is best described as:
A.) Any activity that takes your focus away from the driving task.
B.) The presence of members of your family in your vehicle.
C.) Windshield wipers going back and forth on your windshield.
D.) Adjusting of your radio or CD player.

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Any activity that takes your focus away from the driving task.

Drivers are at increased risk of becoming drowsy if they:
Drivers are at increased risk of becoming fatigued if they:
A.) Are shirt workers
B.) Take long trips
C.) Are young drivers
D.) All of the above are correct

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All of the above are correct

How long are a driver's eyes off the road when sending or receiving a single text message?
A.) 4.6 seconds
B.) 3.6 seconds
C.) 2.6 seconds
D.) 1.6 seconds

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4.6 seconds

Degree that the risk of a crash / near crash increases when texting while driving?
What is the degree that the risk of a crash or near crash increases when texting while driving?
A.) 23 times- in terms of percent increase, that's a rise of 2,300%!
B.) 46 times- in terms of percent increase, that's a rise of 4,600%!
C.) 13 times- in terms of percent increase, that's a rise of 1,300%!
D.) 3 times- in terms of percent increase, that's a rise of 300%!

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23 times- in terms of percent increase, that's a rise of 2,300%!

Distractions can be:
A.) Physical - hands not on the wheel
B.) Visual - eyes not on the road
C.) Cognitive - mind not on the driving task
D.) Inside or outside the vehicle
E.) All of them

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All of them

Distractions can be caused by objects, people, and events outside the vehicle One such distraction outside the vehicle is a crash scene. It can be tempting to reduce speed and divert attention to a nearby crash scene. This is sometimes referred to as:
A.) Car chasing
B.) Tailgating
C.) Police following
D.) Rubbernecking

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In the three phases of driving, which of these is the FIRST phase?
A.) None of these
B.) Taking action
C.) Perception
D.) Making decisions

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_________is an effective way to remain awake when drowsy behind the wheel.
A.) Playing the radio at high volume
B.) Chewing gum
C.) Opening the windows to let in fresh air
D.) None of the above

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None of the above

List six guidelines to help you avoid driving aggressively or engaging in road rage.
1. Allow / leave plenty of time to reach your destination
2. Stay / remain calm at all Times.
3. Maintain a good distance /enough space between you and other vehicles ahead.
4. Avoid changing lanes unnecessary
5. Always use turn signals before changing lanes
6. Use the passing lane to pass and do not block passing lane except when passing
7. Avoid using aggressive/offensive hand gestures
8. Use your horn sparingly and safely allow other vehicles to merge
9. Park appropriately and do not park across multiple parking spaces
10. when using high beams, return to low beams once you see a oncoming vehicle.

Explain five strategies for us for Lee responding to a road user who is behaving aggressively towards you
1. Don't respond
2. Avoid eye contact
3. Remain calm and take a deep breath
4. Call 911
5. Be polite and courteous

List five techniques for preventing and managing distractions.
# Techniques to prevent distractions before starting to drive.
1. Familiarize yourself with vehicles features and equipment before driving
2. Preset radio, stations, MP3 devices, and climate control
3. Secure items that may move around when car is in motion
4. Review maps and directions before leaving
5. Check car and mirrors before shifting out of park
6. Put your phone on do not disturb mode

# Techniques to manage distractions as they occur while driving.
1. Avoid smoking, eating, drinking, and reading while driving
2. Do your personal grooming at home but not in the car
3. Ask passenger to help you with things that may be distraction
4. Pull safely off the road and out of traffic to deal with children
5. Recognize driving requires your full attention
6. Calm down and maintain safe space between you and suspected driver

Explain three ways being distracted can increase risk.
Explain three ways that being distracted can increase driving risk.
First way being distracted can increase driving risk
Slowed perception (Lowers alertness) - distracted driving because drivers to be delayed and perceiving or completely failed to perceive an important traffic event. For example a distracted driver may feel to perceive another vehicle pulling out of the parking lot directly into his or hers path of travel.

Second way being distracted can increase driving risk
Delayed decision making (Lowers focus) - distraction can cause a drivers decision-making process to be delayed, or cause a driver to choose an action in appropriate for the situation at hand.

Third way being distracted can increase driving risk
Improper action (Increases chance of death) - once a driver makes a decision, they need to execute to choose an action. Distraction can cause drivers to be delayed in taking the intended action, or to make incorrect inputs to the steering, accelerator or brakes.

Examples of being distracted while driving affects safety by slowed or delayed perception, delayed decision-making and Improper reaction.
1. adjusting radio- involve taking hands off wheel, eyes off road or both
2. using phone- it requires significant concentration that takes attention away
3. navigating- using a map when driving causes a distraction and it has significant reductions in visibility

Explain why the risk of crashing rises as the number of passengers under age 21 increases.
More distractions for the adolescent mind

Explain the difference in crash risk between using a cell phone in handheld mode versus hands-free mode.
Both equally dangerous

# Drowsy driving, sleep, and emotions

Describe three steps to take before driving to help prevent becoming drowsy.
1. Plan your route ahead of time. Prepare your route carefully to identify stopping points and total distance & other logistic considerations.
2. Get a good night's sleep before driving. Adults should sleep atleast 7 to 9 hours and 8 ½ to 9 ½ hours for teens.
3. Avoid drinking before driving. Avoid driving after drug consumption.
4. Avoid medications that cause drowsiness or impair your driving performance.
5. Try to drive with a passenger.

List five groups of drivers who are at increased risk of becoming drowsy behind the wheel.
1. Young drivers
2. Shift workers
3. Drivers on long trips, Sleep-deprived drivers
4. Drivers with undiagnosed or untreated sleep disorders.
5. Drivers on the road during body's natural "LOW" times
6. Drivers on the road after extended wakefullness
7. Drivers with lack of sleep, emotional stress, boredom

Name five ways in which a person's health and overall quality of life can be affected by lack of sleep.
1. Hair loss
2. Skin problems
3. Puffy dark eyes
4. Tiredness
5. Bad judgememt

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