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★ Drivers Ed Course Test Questions and Answers 23

Before you take any medicine, _____ to see if it could affect your ability to drive.
A.) test a small dose
B.) read the warning label
C.) search on the internet
D.) see if it contains alcohol

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read the warning label

When you encounter an impaired road user, you should stay _____.
A.) to their side
B.) behind them
C.) ahead of them
D.) in their blind spot

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behind them

If you've had any alcohol, you should wait at least _____ for every drink you've had before you drive.
A.) fifteen minutes
B.) one half hour
C.) one hour
D.) one hour and a half

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one hour

Which of the following is not a behavioral problem associated with alcoholism?
A.) an overly judgmental attitude
B.) decreased communication skills
C.) disregard for appointments
D.) poor hygiene

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Overly judgmental attitude

After a person has been drinking for a long time, his or her liver will become:
A.) Able to break down alcohol very efficiently
B.) Enlarged by the amount of alcohol it has stored
C.) Scarred and unable to filter alcohol as well
D.) Unable to function without the presence of alcohol

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Scarred and unable to filter alcohol as well

One problem drunk drivers typically face is difficulty:
A.) Avoiding passivity in the face of a threat
B.) Concentrating on multiple situations
C.) Keeping their attention focused straight ahead
D.) Remembering the correct direction to turn the wheel

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Concentrating on multiple situations

True or False: Even if they are not directly involved in a crash with a drunk driver, sober drivers are still at risk from drunk drivers.

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If you've been drinking, one way you can make sure you get home safely is to call __________ .
A.) 911
B.) a cab
C.) an alcohol abuse support line
D.) someone you've been drinking with

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A cab

When a person develops tolerance for alcohol, he or she will:
A.) Act intoxicated even when he or she hasn't been drinking
B.) Be less harmed physically by the same doses
C.) Need larger doses to feel the same level of intoxication
D.) Take longer to reach a BAC of 0.08%

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Need larger doses to feel the same level of intoxication

What is not true about alcohol? drivers ed
A.) Alcohol reduces your attention span.
B.) Alcohol is a depressant.
C.) Alcohol gives you energy.

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Alcohol gives you energy.

It’s actually a depressant, slowing down your thinking abilities, speaking abilities, etc.

The illegal Blood Alcohol Concentration for drivers younger than 21 is ____%.
A.) 0.002
B.) 0.01
C.) 0.02.

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You need ____________ to get the alcohol out of your system naturally.
What is the only factor that removes alcohol from the body?
A.) Exercise
B.) Time
C.) A cold shower

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Your blood alcohol concentration depends on ________________.
A.) Body weight.
B.) Type of drinks.
C.) The food.

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body weight.

The effects of experimental drinking, recreational drinking and alcohol abuse are all _____________.
A.) elementary
B.) predicable
C.) unpredictable
D.) psychological

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One reason the brain is especially sensitive to alcohol is: A.) All of alcohol's effects are psychological
B.) There is a high concentration of neurons in the brain
C.) There is already too little oxygen in the brain

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There is a high concentration of neurons in the brain

When you consume a lot of alcohol, your sleep will be __________ .
A.) filled with dreams
B.) heavy
C.) restless

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A person who develops tolerance for alcohol is more likely to:
A.) Act responsibly and decide not to get behind the wheel
B.) Avoid alcoholic beverages they're not used to
C.) Be able to drive without causing a collision
D.) Fail to recognize their level of intoxication

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Fail to recognize their level of intoxication

A drunk driver who is travelling at 60 mph is likely to:
A.) Be keeping up with the flow of traffic
B.) Check his or her speedometer regularly
C.) Think he or she is going more slowly

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Think he or she is going more slowly

Blurred and double vision is caused because alcohol impairs:
A.) The muscles in your eyes
B.) The signals in your brain
C.) Your ability to reason
D.) Your concentration skills

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The muscles in your eyes

Which of the following is not typically experienced as a psychological effect of alcohol?
A.) Exaggerated anger
B.) Excess caution
C.) Poor concentration

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Excess caution

Due to alcohol's effect on your sense of balance, you may:
A.) Be unaware when you're driving on a hill
B.) Feel like you're falling
C.) Make unnecessarily wide gestures

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Feel like you're falling

Drinking and driving is legal at what age?
A.) 18
B.) 21
C.) 35
D.) None of the above

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None of the above

Factor(s) affecting blood alcohol concentration are:
A.) body weight,
B.) gender,
C.) the drink's alcohol content and size,
D.) time spent drinking
E) All of the above

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All of the above

If a drink is 80 proof, it is ______% alcohol
A.) 40
B.) 60
C.) 80

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A.) 40

Alcohol can affect a person's __________ when drinking.
A.) reaction time
B.) vision
C.) judgment
D.) hearing
E.) coordination
F.) concentration
G.) All of these can be affected by drinking

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All of these can be affected by drinking

Decreased ability to store and retain information has been found to occur with BAC's as low as
A.) .03%
B.) .05%
C.) .08%

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A.) .03%

A glass of table wine contains:
A.) 5% alcohol
B.) 7% alcohol
C.) 12% alcohol
D.) 17% alcohol

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12% alcohol

The amount of food in your stomach does very little to reduce the effect alcohol has on the brain and liver. The only thing food does is:
ANSWER: Slows absorption into the blood stream

If an individual's BAC of .20 is going down, what process is occurring?
ANSWER: Sobering Up

The 2nd most often found drug in motorists involved in crashes is:
ANSWER: Marijuana

Tolerance to alcohol:
ANSWER: Involves the person's ability to mask/hide the effect of alcohol

What % of the alcohol you drink is detoxified (burned up) by your liver?

Match the following blood alcohol concentration level with the affects. .01-.05
ANSWER: Impairs Judgement

Match the following blood alcohol concentration level with the affects. .05-.10
ANSWER: Slows Reaction Time

Match the following blood alcohol concentration level with the affects. .10-.20
ANSWER: Blurred Vision and Speech

Match the following blood alcohol concentration level with the affects. .20-.35
ANSWER: Mental Confusion

Match the following blood alcohol concentration level with the affects. .35 or higher
ANSWER: Little or no Reflexes

Match the following types of alcohol with their % of alcohol. Wine
ANSWER: 8-25% alcohol

Match the following types of alcohol with their % of alcohol. Beer
ANSWER: 3-11% alcohol

Match the following types of alcohol with their % of alcohol. Pure Grain Alcohol
ANSWER: 95-99% alcohol

Match the following types of alcohol with their % of alcohol. Liquor
ANSWER: 26-75.5% alcohol

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