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★ Drivers Ed Course Test Questions and Answers 24

Alcohol affects each of the following attributes of the eyes, except:
A.) The ability of the eyes to move in their sockets
B.) The ability of the pupils to expand and contract
C.) The ability of the tear ducts to lubricate the eyes

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The ability of the tear ducts to lubricate the eyes

Alcohol's effects on the cornea and lens of the eye make it more difficult to __________.
A.) let in an appropriate amount of light
B.) scan your field of vision
C.) bring objects into clear focus

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bring objects into clear focus

EXPLANATION: Effects of alcohol - significantly impair your mental and physical faculties. It causes irritability, confusion, drowsiness, dizziness, and poor hand-eye coordination. It can slow the brain and nervous system and negatively affect judgment, coordination, and perception. By relaxing the muscles in the eye, it can even make it more difficult to see clearly.

Due the effects of alcohol on your __________, you may experience tunnel vision.
A.) peripheral vision
B.) central vision
C.) common sense

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peripheral vision

EXPLANATION: What happens to vision when drinking
# Your peripheral vision will be decreased, giving you tunnel vision and making it harder for you to notice what's going on around you.
# Your depth perception will be impaired, making it impossible for you to judge distances and maintain a safe space around your car.

As you consume more alcohol, your bodily functions will tend to __________ .
A.) become permanently altered
B.) slow down
C.) speed up
D.) work more smoothly

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slow down

One potential side effect of vomiting while drunk is __________ .
A.) Dehydration
B.) Impatience
C.) Food in the stomach

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EXPLANATION: Other Physical Effects of Alcohol
# Alcohol irritates the lining of the stomach, increasing acidity and potentially causing vomiting.
# Alcohol impairs the livers ability to filter waste and other toxins while it is processing alcohol, making you more susceptible to illness and disease.
# Alcohol can cause intense headaches and hangovers that leave you feeling achy, nauseous, and worn out for a day or more.

A person who drinks to cope with stress is more likely to:
A.) Place blame on and harass other drivers
B.) Ignore the problems that others face
C.) Maintain a more consistent mood

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Place blame on and harass other drivers

A person who drinks to cope with stress is more likely to:
A.) experience increased feelings of anxiety
B.) ignore the problems that others face
C.) maintain a more consistent mood

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experience increased feelings of anxiety

Which of the following is not a factor likely to increase the effects of alcohol on a person?
A.) Fatigue
B.) Illness
C.) Maturity
D.) Medication

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Alcohol damages the brain by causing __________ .
A.) brain cell death
B.) clots in the brain
C.) neuron damage

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neuron damage

A person who has consistently kept a significant amount of alcohol in his or her bloodstream for a number of years may die if:
A person who has kept a significant amount of alcohol in his or her bloodstream at all times for a number of years may die if he or she stops drinking alcohol for too long.
A.) He or she attempts to take a prescription medication
B.) He or she stops drinking alcohol completely for too long
C.) The quantity of alcohol in his or her body passes a maximum threshold

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He or she stops drinking alcohol completely for too long

The system responsible for getting oxygen into your blood is known as the __________ .
A.) circulatory system
B.) digestive system
C.) nervous system
D.) pulmonary system

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pulmonary system

EXPLANATION: Alcohol's Effects on Your Pulmonary System
# Alcohol slows down your respiration, reducing the amount of oxygen that enters your bloodstream.
# When your organs don't receive enough oxygen, they begin to shut down. The brain, already impaired by alcohol, will be further damaged by the lack of oxygen. Moreover, the kidneys and liver will become less efficient at removing alcohol from your blood, meaning that the effects of alcohol will become even more pronounced.Eventually, your pulmonary system can become so disrupted that you may find it difficult to breathe. If you stop breathing, you will die.

One effect that alcohol has on your circulatory system is to:
A.) Increase the rate at which your heart beats
B.) Increase your blood pressure
C.) Increase your heart's absorption of fats

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Increase your heart's absorption of fats

EXPLANATION: Alcohol's Effects on Your Circulatory System
# Alcohol slows your heart rate, preventing your organs and tissues from getting the blood that they need.
# Alcohol decreases your blood pressure, making it more difficult for your circulatory system to move blood around your body.
# Alcohol damages your heart, reducing its ability to contract and increasing its absorption of fats.

Police officers can determine that your motor skills are too impaired for you to drive safely if:
A.) You can't read an eye chart
B.) You can't repeat the alphabet backwards
C.) You can't walk in a straight line

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You can't walk in a straight line

When you drink, you're more likely to overestimate __________ .
A.) your own driving skills
B.) concentration
C.) sense of humor

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your own driving skills

EXPLANATION: What you are more likely to do when you drink
# Underestimate the degree of risk in your actions and disregard the physical laws that govern driving
# Overestimate your own abilities and the capabilities of your own vehicle while refusing to accept responsibility for your own bad decisions
# React to your emotions rather than consider the consequences of your decisions
# Become distracted by passengers, devices in your car, or a situation on the road

One reason that so many drunk driving collisions tend to occur at night is:
A.) high speed
B.) running red light
C.) alcohol impairs the ability to distinguish contrast

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alcohol impairs the ability to distinguish contrast

EXPLANATION: Alcohol's Effect on Vision - Alcohol use diminishes the ability to distinguish individual objects if they are dimly lit, even when you only drink a little. This will make driving at night, or in rainy or foggy weather conditions, much more dangerous. The effects of alcohol on the driver's ability to distinguish contrast are powerful

A drunk driver approaching a red light might think it's a good idea to:
A.) Stay away from his vehicle
B.) Stay close to his vehicle
C.) Stay behind his vehicle

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Stay away from his vehicle

When you consume alcoholic beverages, impairment of your ability to safely operate a motor vehicle begins at the ______ sip of the alcoholic beverages.
A.) third
B.) second
C.) first

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How much alcohol can you drink and still expect to be able to drive safely?
A.) None
B.) One drink
C.) Two drinks

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During withdrawal from a depressant like alcohol, the user is likely to experience __________ .
A.) contentment
B.) lethargy
C.) overexcitement
D.) paranoia

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Many __________ cause poor pupil function more quickly than alcohol does.
A.) Pain relievers
B.) Antihistamines
C.) Tranquilizers
D.) Benzodiazepines

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Pain relievers

To avoid __________, a person who is dependent on a drug might use the drug in the morning, at work, in the car, or while supervising children.
A.) addiction
B.) relapse
C.) withdrawal
D.) being caught

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Alcohol is classified as a depressant drug because it slows down the central ________ system, causing a decrease in motor coordination, reaction time and judgment.
A.) Digestive
B.) Skeletal
C.) Circulatory
D.) Nervous

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Alcohol will make it easy for you to feel as if you're ______ when you're not.
A.) crashing.
B.) falling.
C.) standing still.
D.) impaired.

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Effects of chronic __________ use include lung cancer, memory impairment, decreased blood flow to the brain, and reduced oxygen availability in all regions of the body.
A.) heroin
B.) cocaine
C.) marijuana
D.) alcohol

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SEARCHING :- the prime sense humans use in driving is vision. Even low levels of alcohol (.03) have been found to reduce this ability. Alcohol affects vision in a number of ways. This is particularly important since about ninety percent of what a driver "identifies" is by use of his or her eyes. The prime reason for visual problems after use of alcohol is lessened muscular control. Alcohol relaxes the fine muscles of the eye that focus and control eye movement.

DISTANCE JUDGMENT :- a driver must be able to determine how far objects are from his or her path of travel. This is complicated by movement of other objects. Alcohol reduces the ability to judge distance accurately.

EYE FOCUS :- the human eye has the ability to change focus rapidly from objects close to the viewer to objects far away. Alcohol delays this process; thus, a driver may experience difficulty, especially at higher speeds.

DOUBLE VISION :- although humans have two eyes, each eye must work in conjunction with the other. Alcohol impairs this coordination and may produce a double image. Some drivers close one eye to cope with this, but this greatly affects the next two areas—distance judgment and side vision.

SIDE VISION (PERIPHERAL VISION) :- sometimes called peripheral vision, this ability is critical to the driving task. A person's central vision is very narrow and a driver must be able to take in a number of things to each side of his/her path of travel. Speed also reduces side vision.

Visual acuity :- If drinking and driving, sharpness of vision is impaired and objects may appear to be blurry for the driver. Alcohol may make images blur for the driver and thus impair the ability to identify properly what is in the traffic scene.

COLOR DISTINCTION :- a driver gets much information from different colors in the traffic scene. Red is used on three types of signs: stop, yield, or some prohibition of action. If alcohol is impeding a driver's ability to determine accurately the color of a sign or traffic light, problems in information processing will occur.

NIGHT VISION :- humans have limited night sight at best, and alcohol reduces this ability further. In addition, alcohol reduces the control of light entering the eye. This is important, since drivers must adapt from the situation of no oncoming light to that of headlights shining in their eyes.

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